S – 1885
Sabin Augustus D, cabinet maker, b Fourth near James
Sabin Fred A, surveyor, b Fourth near James
Sabin Harold, bookkeeper, b Fourth near James
Samuelson Samuel, laborer, h Main cor Twentieth
Sandin Chas E, h Tenth near Conie
Saunders Hannah, domestic, Barlow cor Eighth
Saunders Helen, domestic, Ridge near Barlow
Schagel James, wheat buyer, h Second north of Kennedy
Schreiber Amos, laborer, b Fifth cor James
Schuldtin J P, carpenter, h Third near James
Schultz Louis, hostler, b Barlow cor Eighth
Schwanke Rudolph, saloon near south side bridge, h Barlow near Josephine
Scott Thomas, b Central hotel
Sebelius A N, r Sixth near Barlow
Sengor John, laborer, h Josephine cor William
Sharp James H, (J H S & Co), h Fifth cor Garoway
Sharp James H & Co, dry goods, Front cor Fifth
Sharp John C, farmer, b Jay Cooke house
Sheffield Geo W engineer, b Kennedy near Eighth
Simonson A, carpenter, h Tenth cor Kennedy
Simonson Annie, dressmaker, r Ninth near James
Simonson Bros, Western House, Front near Fifth
S D Simsonson, H Simonson
Simonson Hans, (S Bros), b Western house
Simonson S, (E S & Co), r Main bet Sixth and Seventh
Simonson S D, (S Bros), b Western house
Sinclair Josie, waitress, Grand Pacific hotel
Siverson Andrew, carpenter, h First cor James
Siverson Hannah, dressmaker, b Third near James
Sjoholm S E, b Garland cor Third
Skuldtin E P, carpenter, h Third near James
Slinker Mano, laborer, b Western house
Sloggy C P, h Fourth cor Barlow
Sloggy E M, flour and feed, Fourth bet James and Front
Smith George, carpenter, b Kennedy near Tenth
Smith Peter, laborer, h William near Garoway
Sorenson Ole, blacksmith, b James cor Fourth
Spalding Stella, teacher, b Ninth opp Partridge
Sprague E C, farmer, h Eighth bet South and Howard
Stacy Frank N, miller, h Main near Fourth
Stakke John E, laborer, Main near Twentieth
Starr George, miller, b Central House
St Charles hotel, Front cor Seventh, Fred Hannabohl proprietor
Steele Annie, dressmaker, b Fourth near Barlow
Steele M, dressmaker, b Fourth near Barlow
Stelzer Geo, brewer, foot of Fourth
Steen S E, bartender, Moorhead house
Still John, farmer, h William near Seventh
St John Thomas, laborer, Farmers house
St John W N, ticket agent St P M & M R, h Kennedy near Eighth
St Joseph School, Benedictine sisters, Fourth cor Kennedy
Storaaslin Elsie, clerk, b First cor James
Stoddard Wm, engineer Grand Pacific hotel
St P M & M R Depot at Grand Pacific hotel
Strate Hans P, county treasurer, h Ridge near Barlow
Sullivan Patrick J, chief police, b Canadian house
Swan Rev Geo E, rector St John’s Church, b Jay Cooke house
Swanson Chas, works on steamer Pluck
Swanson John, proprietor Erickson house
Swanson John A, laborer, b Third near James
Swanson Peter, laborer, b Erickson house
Swanson A, laborer, h Third bet James and Kennedy
Swanson S W, yardman, h Sixth near Barlow
Swedberg M, laborer, b Ninth opp Conie
Swedish Lutheran Church, William cor Sixth
Swedman A G, laborer, h Tenth near Conie
Syron M, attorney, Fourth cor James
Sabin Fred A, surveyor, b Fourth near James
Sabin Harold, bookkeeper, b Fourth near James
Samuelson Samuel, laborer, h Main cor Twentieth
Sandin Chas E, h Tenth near Conie
Saunders Hannah, domestic, Barlow cor Eighth
Saunders Helen, domestic, Ridge near Barlow
Schagel James, wheat buyer, h Second north of Kennedy
Schreiber Amos, laborer, b Fifth cor James
Schuldtin J P, carpenter, h Third near James
Schultz Louis, hostler, b Barlow cor Eighth
Schwanke Rudolph, saloon near south side bridge, h Barlow near Josephine
Scott Thomas, b Central hotel
Sebelius A N, r Sixth near Barlow
Sengor John, laborer, h Josephine cor William
Sharp James H, (J H S & Co), h Fifth cor Garoway
Sharp James H & Co, dry goods, Front cor Fifth
Sharp John C, farmer, b Jay Cooke house
Sheffield Geo W engineer, b Kennedy near Eighth
Simonson A, carpenter, h Tenth cor Kennedy
Simonson Annie, dressmaker, r Ninth near James
Simonson Bros, Western House, Front near Fifth
S D Simsonson, H Simonson
Simonson Hans, (S Bros), b Western house
Simonson S, (E S & Co), r Main bet Sixth and Seventh
Simonson S D, (S Bros), b Western house
Sinclair Josie, waitress, Grand Pacific hotel
Siverson Andrew, carpenter, h First cor James
Siverson Hannah, dressmaker, b Third near James
Sjoholm S E, b Garland cor Third
Skuldtin E P, carpenter, h Third near James
Slinker Mano, laborer, b Western house
Sloggy C P, h Fourth cor Barlow
Sloggy E M, flour and feed, Fourth bet James and Front
Smith George, carpenter, b Kennedy near Tenth
Smith Peter, laborer, h William near Garoway
Sorenson Ole, blacksmith, b James cor Fourth
Spalding Stella, teacher, b Ninth opp Partridge
Sprague E C, farmer, h Eighth bet South and Howard
Stacy Frank N, miller, h Main near Fourth
Stakke John E, laborer, Main near Twentieth
Starr George, miller, b Central House
St Charles hotel, Front cor Seventh, Fred Hannabohl proprietor
Steele Annie, dressmaker, b Fourth near Barlow
Steele M, dressmaker, b Fourth near Barlow
Stelzer Geo, brewer, foot of Fourth
Steen S E, bartender, Moorhead house
Still John, farmer, h William near Seventh
St John Thomas, laborer, Farmers house
St John W N, ticket agent St P M & M R, h Kennedy near Eighth
St Joseph School, Benedictine sisters, Fourth cor Kennedy
Storaaslin Elsie, clerk, b First cor James
Stoddard Wm, engineer Grand Pacific hotel
St P M & M R Depot at Grand Pacific hotel
Strate Hans P, county treasurer, h Ridge near Barlow
Sullivan Patrick J, chief police, b Canadian house
Swan Rev Geo E, rector St John’s Church, b Jay Cooke house
Swanson Chas, works on steamer Pluck
Swanson John, proprietor Erickson house
Swanson John A, laborer, b Third near James
Swanson Peter, laborer, b Erickson house
Swanson A, laborer, h Third bet James and Kennedy
Swanson S W, yardman, h Sixth near Barlow
Swedberg M, laborer, b Ninth opp Conie
Swedish Lutheran Church, William cor Sixth
Swedman A G, laborer, h Tenth near Conie
Syron M, attorney, Fourth cor James