H – 1885
Haden George, hackdriver, b Sixth bet James and Front
Hadley Mrs, domestic, Front near Twelfth
Halverson Carrie, laundress, Grand Pacific Hotel
Hannabohle Fred, St Charles Hotel, Front
Hannafin Herbert, railroader, h Front near Broadway
Hansen Mrs Annie, domestic, Moorhead House
Hansen Bros, market, Front near Fourth
J P Hansen, Erick Hansen
Hansen Erick, (H Bros), Fifth cor William
Hansen Hans, saloon, Third cor James
Hansen John P, (H Bros), h Ridge cor Barlow
Hansen Mrs, laundry, h Broadway near James
Hansen Peter, boots and shoes, Bergquist block, h Front cor Sixth
Hansen J, carpenter, h Kennedy near Second
Hanson Jennie, domestic, Jay Cooke house
Hanson John, bartender, Jay Cooke house
Hanson Nels, barkeeper, Central hotel
Hanson Sophia, nurse at General Hospital
Hanstiger August, butcher, h James bet Third and Fourth
Harkins Neil, laborer, r William cor Eleventh
Harmond Nels N, hostler, cor Barlow and Fifth
Haroldson John, carpenter, h Ridge near Douglas
Haroldson Ole, laborer, b Ridge near Douglas
Hartery E W, grocer Fifth near Front
Hawkinson P W, pharmacist and druggist, Front near Fourth, b Jay Cooke House
Hedrick H P, head Waiter Grand Pacific Hotel
Heilman Emma, dressmaker, Ninth cor Front
Heilman Gusta, dressmaker, Ninth cor Front
Heilman Harry, telegrapher, b Ninth cor Front
Hetland Bernard, clerk, b Second near Kennedy
Hetland B J carpenter, h Second near Kennedy
Henselwood John P, civil engineer, Garoway bet Tenth and Eleventh
Herrick M, blacksmith, Fourth st, h Fourth cor Kennedy
Higgins Minnie, compositor, b Conie cor Ninth
Higgins W H, carpenter, h Conie cor Ninth
Hodges Geo, farmer, r First near James
Hodges W R, foreman Evening News, h First near James
Hodgkinson James, tinsmith, b Fifth near Front
Hoff Julius, shoemaker, h Front cor fourth
Hoit Walter D, clerk, b Fourth cor William
Holbeck Christian, Farmers Home, Broadway cor James
Holcomb B N, (H & Co), Eighth near William
Holes Andrew, real estate, h James near Sixth
Holm Charles, machinist, h James near Thirteenth
Holmes J F (J F H & Co), b Jay Cooke house
Holmes (J F H & Co), clothing, Kiefer block, Front
Holmes S A, general mdse, b Grand Pacific hotel
Holmgren J, hardware, Front near Fifth, b Jay Cooke house
Holzle Chris, brewer, b Garland cor Fourth
Hoops B M, h Kennedy cor Ninth
Hopkins Mrs, h Howard, Oak Grove
Hovland A, laborer, b Main near Bridge
Howind Mrs Toney, dressmaker, Ridge near Barlow
Hughson Mrs L A, h White, Woodland Park
Hadley Mrs, domestic, Front near Twelfth
Halverson Carrie, laundress, Grand Pacific Hotel
Hannabohle Fred, St Charles Hotel, Front
Hannafin Herbert, railroader, h Front near Broadway
Hansen Mrs Annie, domestic, Moorhead House
Hansen Bros, market, Front near Fourth
J P Hansen, Erick Hansen
Hansen Erick, (H Bros), Fifth cor William
Hansen Hans, saloon, Third cor James
Hansen John P, (H Bros), h Ridge cor Barlow
Hansen Mrs, laundry, h Broadway near James
Hansen Peter, boots and shoes, Bergquist block, h Front cor Sixth
Hansen J, carpenter, h Kennedy near Second
Hanson Jennie, domestic, Jay Cooke house
Hanson John, bartender, Jay Cooke house
Hanson Nels, barkeeper, Central hotel
Hanson Sophia, nurse at General Hospital
Hanstiger August, butcher, h James bet Third and Fourth
Harkins Neil, laborer, r William cor Eleventh
Harmond Nels N, hostler, cor Barlow and Fifth
Haroldson John, carpenter, h Ridge near Douglas
Haroldson Ole, laborer, b Ridge near Douglas
Hartery E W, grocer Fifth near Front
Hawkinson P W, pharmacist and druggist, Front near Fourth, b Jay Cooke House
Hedrick H P, head Waiter Grand Pacific Hotel
Heilman Emma, dressmaker, Ninth cor Front
Heilman Gusta, dressmaker, Ninth cor Front
Heilman Harry, telegrapher, b Ninth cor Front
Hetland Bernard, clerk, b Second near Kennedy
Hetland B J carpenter, h Second near Kennedy
Henselwood John P, civil engineer, Garoway bet Tenth and Eleventh
Herrick M, blacksmith, Fourth st, h Fourth cor Kennedy
Higgins Minnie, compositor, b Conie cor Ninth
Higgins W H, carpenter, h Conie cor Ninth
Hodges Geo, farmer, r First near James
Hodges W R, foreman Evening News, h First near James
Hodgkinson James, tinsmith, b Fifth near Front
Hoff Julius, shoemaker, h Front cor fourth
Hoit Walter D, clerk, b Fourth cor William
Holbeck Christian, Farmers Home, Broadway cor James
Holcomb B N, (H & Co), Eighth near William
Holes Andrew, real estate, h James near Sixth
Holm Charles, machinist, h James near Thirteenth
Holmes J F (J F H & Co), b Jay Cooke house
Holmes (J F H & Co), clothing, Kiefer block, Front
Holmes S A, general mdse, b Grand Pacific hotel
Holmgren J, hardware, Front near Fifth, b Jay Cooke house
Holzle Chris, brewer, b Garland cor Fourth
Hoops B M, h Kennedy cor Ninth
Hopkins Mrs, h Howard, Oak Grove
Hovland A, laborer, b Main near Bridge
Howind Mrs Toney, dressmaker, Ridge near Barlow
Hughson Mrs L A, h White, Woodland Park