L – 1885
Lafleur Mrs Martha, h Fourth cor Kennedy
Lamb Brothers, sale stables, Sixth cor Main
J Lamb, P H Lamb, M C Lamb
Lamb John, (L Bros), b Tenth cor William
Lamb M C, (L Bros), b Main cor Sixth
Lamb P H, (L Bros), h Main cor Sixth
Lamphere Geo N, editor Evening News, h Tenth cor Sharpe
Lane A F, farmer, h Eighth near Walnut
Lane Frank, b Key City hotel
Larcom Mrs, h Fourth near William
Larrabee F D, lawyer, Bergquist block, h William cor Fourth
Larson A, laborer, b Conie near Broadway
Larson Anne, domestic, Farmer’s home
Larson Annie, domestic, Fourth cor William
Larson August, laborer, b Garland near Third
Larson Mrs Ellen, h bet James and Kennedy
Larson Hans, laborer, r White cor Barlow
Larson L E, farmer, r Ninth near Bernard
Larson Louis, delivery clerk, r First near Kennedy
Larson Mrs, h Third, bet James and Kennedy
Larson Nels, (Johnson & L), h Garland cor Third
Larne Chas M, mechanic, h James near Third
Lawton T J, carpenter, h Douglas cor Ninth
Lee John, farmer, r First bet James and Kennedy
Leo Mrs Wm, h Main bet Ninth and Tenth
Levitre A F, barber, Fourth bet Front and James
Lewis Arthur, bookkeeper, b Jay Cooke house
Lewis Wm J, laundry, r William cor Eighth
Lindboe O K, physician and druggist, Front, r Bridge near Barton
Linder Charles, carpenter, h foot Eighth
Lindahl John, laborer, r foot of Fourth
Longley H J, secretary Northwest Land Co, b Second near river
Lovely Henry, proprietor Arcade, b Front cor James
Loyd Anthony, laborer, r Garoway bet Sixth and Seventh
Loyd Wm, plasterer, r Tenth bet James and Kennedy
Lucken Sigvert, farmer, r Overbie cor Douglas
Luke Rev J W, pastor Baptist Church, h Barlow cor Ninth
Lundin Olaf, carpenter, r Tenth cor South
Lundwall P A, blacksmith, Main cor Ridge, r same
Lurn Mary, dressmaker, Fourth near Main
Lyman J C, Twelfth near James
Lystad Elizabeth, widow, Fifth cor James
Lystad E O, (J L Bjorquist & Co), b Sixth cor Main
Lamb Brothers, sale stables, Sixth cor Main
J Lamb, P H Lamb, M C Lamb
Lamb John, (L Bros), b Tenth cor William
Lamb M C, (L Bros), b Main cor Sixth
Lamb P H, (L Bros), h Main cor Sixth
Lamphere Geo N, editor Evening News, h Tenth cor Sharpe
Lane A F, farmer, h Eighth near Walnut
Lane Frank, b Key City hotel
Larcom Mrs, h Fourth near William
Larrabee F D, lawyer, Bergquist block, h William cor Fourth
Larson A, laborer, b Conie near Broadway
Larson Anne, domestic, Farmer’s home
Larson Annie, domestic, Fourth cor William
Larson August, laborer, b Garland near Third
Larson Mrs Ellen, h bet James and Kennedy
Larson Hans, laborer, r White cor Barlow
Larson L E, farmer, r Ninth near Bernard
Larson Louis, delivery clerk, r First near Kennedy
Larson Mrs, h Third, bet James and Kennedy
Larson Nels, (Johnson & L), h Garland cor Third
Larne Chas M, mechanic, h James near Third
Lawton T J, carpenter, h Douglas cor Ninth
Lee John, farmer, r First bet James and Kennedy
Leo Mrs Wm, h Main bet Ninth and Tenth
Levitre A F, barber, Fourth bet Front and James
Lewis Arthur, bookkeeper, b Jay Cooke house
Lewis Wm J, laundry, r William cor Eighth
Lindboe O K, physician and druggist, Front, r Bridge near Barton
Linder Charles, carpenter, h foot Eighth
Lindahl John, laborer, r foot of Fourth
Longley H J, secretary Northwest Land Co, b Second near river
Lovely Henry, proprietor Arcade, b Front cor James
Loyd Anthony, laborer, r Garoway bet Sixth and Seventh
Loyd Wm, plasterer, r Tenth bet James and Kennedy
Lucken Sigvert, farmer, r Overbie cor Douglas
Luke Rev J W, pastor Baptist Church, h Barlow cor Ninth
Lundin Olaf, carpenter, r Tenth cor South
Lundwall P A, blacksmith, Main cor Ridge, r same
Lurn Mary, dressmaker, Fourth near Main
Lyman J C, Twelfth near James
Lystad Elizabeth, widow, Fifth cor James
Lystad E O, (J L Bjorquist & Co), b Sixth cor Main