M – 1885
Mackall Benj F, postmaster, druggist, Mason block, h Second cor Kennedy
Madson H P, blacksmith, Broadway, h Tenth near Conie
Magill H E, bookkeeper, b William cor Fourth
Magill S G, b Grand Pacific hotel
Malfa F, carriage and sign painter, r foot of Eighth
Malloy J, r James bet Fourth and Fifth
Malmstrom C E F, laborer, h Bernard near Tenth
Mack Frederick, dairy, Fourth cor Garland
Martinson Ole, grocer, r Ridge near Howard
Mason John, saloon, Mason block, h Fifth cor Main
May Peter, carpenter, r Ridge cor Douglas
Maynard Edwin, dairy, Garoway cor Broadway
McArthur J H, b Grand Pacific hotel
McCully George, hostler, b Sixth bet James and Front
McDonald John, farmer, Garoway cor Twentieth
McDonald R S, ticket agent N P R, b Jay Cooke house
McFeel Frank, ticket agent St P, M & M R, b Grand Pacific
McIntyre William, compositor, h Ridge near Barlow
McLean Alex, policeman, h Eighth cor James
McLean John, physician, Mason block, h Barlow cor Eighth
McLeod J C, carpenter, r Ninth cor Barlow
McLeod Kenneth, farmer, r Ninth cor Barlow
Megan Peter, lumber, Eighth cor William, b Jay Cooke house
Mehl Geo, carpenter, r Ninth cor Barlow
Mensing Fred, carpenter, Kennedy near First
Merchant’s Bank Front st cor Sixth
Merritt Geo, news agent Grand Pacific, r Eighth near Kennedy
Merritt Joseph D, bookkeeper, Ridge near William
Metherdrall William, engineer, Grand Pacific hotel
Methodist Episcopal Church, Fourth cor William
Miller Frank, Key City hotel
Miller Henry, carpenter, h First cor Kennedy
Miller John C, reporter, h Garoway cor White
Miller R S, b Jay Cooke house
Miller W M, b Grand Pacific hotel
Mills I B, (B M & Tillotson), h Seventh near Barlow
Monson J, laborer, r Fourteenth near Kennedy
Montgomery F A, bookkeeper, b Key City hotel
Moorhead Evening News, Fifth cor James, Geo L Lamphere, proprietor
Moorhead House, Main bet Fifth and Sixth
Moorhead Manufacturing Co., millers, Main cor Ridge
Morrison Geo, machinist, r Twelfth cor Main
Mossness & Douglas, lawyers, over Merchant’s Bank
O Mossness, W B Douglas
Mossness O, (M & Douglas), h Garoway, Woodland Park
Mullaby Thomas, watchman, b Central house
Murray W D, coachman, r Front near Tenth
Madson H P, blacksmith, Broadway, h Tenth near Conie
Magill H E, bookkeeper, b William cor Fourth
Magill S G, b Grand Pacific hotel
Malfa F, carriage and sign painter, r foot of Eighth
Malloy J, r James bet Fourth and Fifth
Malmstrom C E F, laborer, h Bernard near Tenth
Mack Frederick, dairy, Fourth cor Garland
Martinson Ole, grocer, r Ridge near Howard
Mason John, saloon, Mason block, h Fifth cor Main
May Peter, carpenter, r Ridge cor Douglas
Maynard Edwin, dairy, Garoway cor Broadway
McArthur J H, b Grand Pacific hotel
McCully George, hostler, b Sixth bet James and Front
McDonald John, farmer, Garoway cor Twentieth
McDonald R S, ticket agent N P R, b Jay Cooke house
McFeel Frank, ticket agent St P, M & M R, b Grand Pacific
McIntyre William, compositor, h Ridge near Barlow
McLean Alex, policeman, h Eighth cor James
McLean John, physician, Mason block, h Barlow cor Eighth
McLeod J C, carpenter, r Ninth cor Barlow
McLeod Kenneth, farmer, r Ninth cor Barlow
Megan Peter, lumber, Eighth cor William, b Jay Cooke house
Mehl Geo, carpenter, r Ninth cor Barlow
Mensing Fred, carpenter, Kennedy near First
Merchant’s Bank Front st cor Sixth
Merritt Geo, news agent Grand Pacific, r Eighth near Kennedy
Merritt Joseph D, bookkeeper, Ridge near William
Metherdrall William, engineer, Grand Pacific hotel
Methodist Episcopal Church, Fourth cor William
Miller Frank, Key City hotel
Miller Henry, carpenter, h First cor Kennedy
Miller John C, reporter, h Garoway cor White
Miller R S, b Jay Cooke house
Miller W M, b Grand Pacific hotel
Mills I B, (B M & Tillotson), h Seventh near Barlow
Monson J, laborer, r Fourteenth near Kennedy
Montgomery F A, bookkeeper, b Key City hotel
Moorhead Evening News, Fifth cor James, Geo L Lamphere, proprietor
Moorhead House, Main bet Fifth and Sixth
Moorhead Manufacturing Co., millers, Main cor Ridge
Morrison Geo, machinist, r Twelfth cor Main
Mossness & Douglas, lawyers, over Merchant’s Bank
O Mossness, W B Douglas
Mossness O, (M & Douglas), h Garoway, Woodland Park
Mullaby Thomas, watchman, b Central house
Murray W D, coachman, r Front near Tenth