C – 1885
Caldwell J A, farmer, h Thirteenth near Barlow
Calkins H, farmer, h Fourteenth near Kennedy
Campbell James, clerk r Third near Kennedy
Campbell Mattie, teacher, James cor Second
Campbell Sarah, saloon, Eighth near N P R
Canadian House, Jacob Thomas, James near Fourth
Cardin Frank, cash N P E Co, h Third cor Kennedy
Carlander A E, bricklayer, h Ninth near Conie av
Carlander C O bricklayer, h Tenth near Garoway
Carlson Lottie, dressmaker, b Fourth near Main
Carter Albert, painter, h Main cor Eighth
Casserly Thomas, h Fourth near James
Catholic Church, (St Joseph), Kennedy cor Fourth
Cavallin Rev J O, pastor Swede Lutheran Church, h Sixth cor William
Central Hotel, Wm Fletcher, Fourth cor James
Christianson A, laborer, r Western av
Christianson O, clerk, b Fourth cor Garland
Christianson Swan, laborer, h Twentieth near Main
Clark Benjamin, gardener, h Garoway near Nineteenth
Clark George, b at Elliott’s, Fourth near Front
Clark N P, lumber, Main cor Sixth
Clapp Geo H, livery stable, Sixth bet James and Front
Coe Benjamin, conductor, h Bernard near Broadway
Colberg J, carpenter, h Sixth cor William
Colberg Minnie, dressmaker, b Sixth cor William
Coleman John, (Turnbull & Co), h Ninth cor William
Coley Andrew, mechanic, b Conie av cor Tenth st
Comstock S G, pres Northwest Land Co, h Eighth cor South
Cooper G, h James near Fifth
Copeland A, engineer, b Key City Hotel
Copeland D M, engineer, b Key City Hotel
Copeland, J C, engineer, b Key City Hotel
Costello Daniel, at N P freight depot, h Main cor Eighth
Costello Miss Mary, milliner, r Main cor Eighth
Costello Thomas, engineer, b Main cor Eighth
Costello Timothy, teacher of writing, h Main cor Eighth
Coulter John, clerk, b Fifth cor James
Crockett S F, v pres Fargo Lumber Co, b Ridge cor Garoway
Curman Philip, laborer, h Ninth near Douglas
Curran Agnes, waitress, Grand Pacific Hotel
Czizek Peter, h Fourth cor Garland
Calkins H, farmer, h Fourteenth near Kennedy
Campbell James, clerk r Third near Kennedy
Campbell Mattie, teacher, James cor Second
Campbell Sarah, saloon, Eighth near N P R
Canadian House, Jacob Thomas, James near Fourth
Cardin Frank, cash N P E Co, h Third cor Kennedy
Carlander A E, bricklayer, h Ninth near Conie av
Carlander C O bricklayer, h Tenth near Garoway
Carlson Lottie, dressmaker, b Fourth near Main
Carter Albert, painter, h Main cor Eighth
Casserly Thomas, h Fourth near James
Catholic Church, (St Joseph), Kennedy cor Fourth
Cavallin Rev J O, pastor Swede Lutheran Church, h Sixth cor William
Central Hotel, Wm Fletcher, Fourth cor James
Christianson A, laborer, r Western av
Christianson O, clerk, b Fourth cor Garland
Christianson Swan, laborer, h Twentieth near Main
Clark Benjamin, gardener, h Garoway near Nineteenth
Clark George, b at Elliott’s, Fourth near Front
Clark N P, lumber, Main cor Sixth
Clapp Geo H, livery stable, Sixth bet James and Front
Coe Benjamin, conductor, h Bernard near Broadway
Colberg J, carpenter, h Sixth cor William
Colberg Minnie, dressmaker, b Sixth cor William
Coleman John, (Turnbull & Co), h Ninth cor William
Coley Andrew, mechanic, b Conie av cor Tenth st
Comstock S G, pres Northwest Land Co, h Eighth cor South
Cooper G, h James near Fifth
Copeland A, engineer, b Key City Hotel
Copeland D M, engineer, b Key City Hotel
Copeland, J C, engineer, b Key City Hotel
Costello Daniel, at N P freight depot, h Main cor Eighth
Costello Miss Mary, milliner, r Main cor Eighth
Costello Thomas, engineer, b Main cor Eighth
Costello Timothy, teacher of writing, h Main cor Eighth
Coulter John, clerk, b Fifth cor James
Crockett S F, v pres Fargo Lumber Co, b Ridge cor Garoway
Curman Philip, laborer, h Ninth near Douglas
Curran Agnes, waitress, Grand Pacific Hotel
Czizek Peter, h Fourth cor Garland