A – 1885
Aahl Ole, r First St North of Kennedy
Abbott J F, h Third St cor Kennedy
Allen C A, (Freeman & A), h Front cor Ninth
Allen Chas W, h Ridge near Barlow
Allen H, post office clerk, b Jay Cooke house
Allen Joseph, r ridge near Garoway
Allen W W, flour and feed, Fifth St, h Ridge near Barlow
Alm P O, carpenter, h Howard cor Overbie
Alsop Henry W, planing mill and lumber, h Garoway, Woodland Park
Altenburg Wm, expressman, h cor Garland and fourth
Ambs Frederick, saloon, Front near Fourth, r same
Ambs George, bartender, r Front near Fourth
American Express Co, Grand Pacific Hotel
Anderson A, (A A & Sons), h cor Barlow and Sixth
Anderson Adam, bricklayer, h Douglas cor Overbie
Anderson Andrew, carpenter, h Oak Grove near Mill
Anderson Mrs. A S, h Main bet Ridge and Fourth
Anderson A & sons, wagons, sleds, castings, and machinery, Main near Twentieth
A A, Lars M A, Aug G A, Olof W A
Anderson Aug G, h Bismarck cor Kennedy
Anderson Chas, blacksmith, r Third near James
Anderson Chris, watches and jewelry, Front near Sixth b Jay Cooke house
Anderson Emil, hostler, b Main cor Sixth
Anderson Isaac, Clerk, r Barlow near White
Anderson James, clerk, r Barlow near White
Anderson John, b Front cor Third
Anderson L, h Western av near First st
Anderson Lars M, (A A & Sons), Bismarck cor Kennedy
Anderson Olof W, (A A & Sons), Barlow cor Sixth
Anderson Sophia, laundress, Grand Pacific Hotel
Anderson Swan, bookkeeper, r Fourth near James
Arcade Lunch Room, H Lovely, Eighth st near Front
Armondson Mrs B, h Oak Grove near Mill
Armstrong B F, bartender, b Sixth bet James and Front,
Arnold Matthew, barber, r Tenth near William
Aseltine F G, clerk, b Fourth Cor Front
Aspen Annie E, housekeeper, Fourth cor Main
Aultenburg Wm, express driver, h Garland, cor Fourth
Auxer J B, engineer, b White cor Barlow
Abbott J F, h Third St cor Kennedy
Allen C A, (Freeman & A), h Front cor Ninth
Allen Chas W, h Ridge near Barlow
Allen H, post office clerk, b Jay Cooke house
Allen Joseph, r ridge near Garoway
Allen W W, flour and feed, Fifth St, h Ridge near Barlow
Alm P O, carpenter, h Howard cor Overbie
Alsop Henry W, planing mill and lumber, h Garoway, Woodland Park
Altenburg Wm, expressman, h cor Garland and fourth
Ambs Frederick, saloon, Front near Fourth, r same
Ambs George, bartender, r Front near Fourth
American Express Co, Grand Pacific Hotel
Anderson A, (A A & Sons), h cor Barlow and Sixth
Anderson Adam, bricklayer, h Douglas cor Overbie
Anderson Andrew, carpenter, h Oak Grove near Mill
Anderson Mrs. A S, h Main bet Ridge and Fourth
Anderson A & sons, wagons, sleds, castings, and machinery, Main near Twentieth
A A, Lars M A, Aug G A, Olof W A
Anderson Aug G, h Bismarck cor Kennedy
Anderson Chas, blacksmith, r Third near James
Anderson Chris, watches and jewelry, Front near Sixth b Jay Cooke house
Anderson Emil, hostler, b Main cor Sixth
Anderson Isaac, Clerk, r Barlow near White
Anderson James, clerk, r Barlow near White
Anderson John, b Front cor Third
Anderson L, h Western av near First st
Anderson Lars M, (A A & Sons), Bismarck cor Kennedy
Anderson Olof W, (A A & Sons), Barlow cor Sixth
Anderson Sophia, laundress, Grand Pacific Hotel
Anderson Swan, bookkeeper, r Fourth near James
Arcade Lunch Room, H Lovely, Eighth st near Front
Armondson Mrs B, h Oak Grove near Mill
Armstrong B F, bartender, b Sixth bet James and Front,
Arnold Matthew, barber, r Tenth near William
Aseltine F G, clerk, b Fourth Cor Front
Aspen Annie E, housekeeper, Fourth cor Main
Aultenburg Wm, express driver, h Garland, cor Fourth
Auxer J B, engineer, b White cor Barlow