1915 City Directory
Nadler Theodore, baker, rms 119 2nd st N
National Furniture Co, H C Stinson pres, W C Graham v pres, M C Graham sec and treas, furniture, 308 1st ave N
National Loan & Improvement Co, P H Lamb pres, B F Mackall v pres, W R Tillotson sec, P J Sullivan treas, 602½ Front
Neal Alexander, watchman Walker Bros, res 225 2nd st S
Neid Rudolph, restaurant 16 8th st N, res same
Neilsen Carl, bricklayer, res 222 4th st S
Neima Mary (wid Abraham), bds 77 4th ave S W
Neima Wm A, res 77 4th ave S W
Neimier Miss Jessie, stenog, rms 201 4th st S
Nelson Alexander, res 3rd ave bet 13th and 14th sts N
Nelson Miss Amelia, clk Herbst Dept store, bds 210 A st N
Nelson Miss Anna, hairdresser, bds 214 2nd ave N
Nelson Anna (wid John), res 704 10th st S
Nelson Anna B (wid Louis), res 511 7th st S
Nelson Mrs Annie, res 315 A st N
Nelson Anton, switchman G N Ry, res 303 A st N
Nelson Anton S, blksmith 305 1st ave S , res 710 3rd st S
Nelson Arvid C, tailor O P Edlund, bds 115 10th st N
Nelson Axel T (Solberg & Nelson), res 4 22nd st N
Nelson Bjarne C, watchmkr, res 819 5th st S
Nelson Carl T, meat ctr, res 815 1st ave S
Nelson Carl W, bartndr, rms 316 2nd ave N
Nelson Charles G (Old Midway Buffet) 7-9 1st ave N, res 515 4th ave S
Nelson Charles N, res 908 9th ave N
Nelson Miss Clarissa A, tchr Concordia College, bds 1109 5th ave S
Nelson Miss Edythe O, student, bds 615 10th st S
Nelson Elford, bds 615 10th st S
Nelson Ernest, clk H Bachenheimer, bds 615 10th st S
Nelson Ernest, bds 307 15th st N
Nelson Miss Delin, emp A Zuehlsdorff, res 303 A st N
Nelson Fritz, street commissioner, res 902 9th ave N
Nelson George, mach J I Case Co, bds 902 9th ave N
Nelson George, cook Rathskeller, rms 109 1st ave N
Nelson Gust, emp R R V Seed house, rms 414 2nd ave S
Nelson H Fred, blksmith A Anderson, res 819 5th st S
Nelson Miss Ida J, clk S Crum, bds 908 9th ave N
Nelson Miss Lena, bds 315 A st N
Nelson Miss Lena, waiter M Anderson, bds 306 1st ave S
Nelson Leslie R, mason, bds 404 11th st N
Nelson Miss Levina, stenog, bds 103 3rd st N
Nelson Menfred, clk First Natl bank, bds 615 10th st S
Nelson Mons P, res 615 10th st S
Nelsou Miss Nannie, emp Chaney-E Co, bds 315 A st N
Nelson Nels, clk J I Case Co, bds 210 A st N
Nelson Nicholas, res 1102 5th ave S
Nelson Ole, res 210 A st N
Nelson Ole Jr, emp W O Olsen Furn Co, bds 210 A st N
Nelson Otto, emp Bristol & S, bds 315 A st N
Nelson Peter, res 103 3rd st N
Nelson Miss Rikka, bds 819 5th st S
Nelson Samuel, res 1124 3rd ave S
Nelson Selma, domestic, 608 8th st S
Nelson Stena (wid Edward), bds 518 3rd st S
Nelson Swen N, bartndr Holbeck & Legler, rms 815 1st ave S
Nelson Miss Violet, stenog Pioneer Life, bds 908 9th ave N
Nelson Walfred, bds 103 3rd st N
Nelson Wm emp N D Culvert Co, res 1015 4th ave N
Nemzek Alexander, gardener, res 1003 5th st S
Nemzek Alexander Jr, student, bds 1003 5th st S
Nemzek John P, carp, res cor 12th ave S and 5th st
Nemzek Joseph P, parcel post carrier, bds 1003 5th st S
Nesheim Wm M, drugs 520 Front, res 605 6th st S
Ness Rev John M O, res 815 6th st S
Ness Miss Olga, nurse, bds 815 6th st S
Ness Oscar A, clk L Chritianson, bds 815 6th st S
Ness Miss Stella, clk, bds 815 6th st S
Neubarth Robert A, cigarmfr 406½ Front, res 225 10th st N
Neubauer George L, emp Star Impt Co, res 105 3rd st N
Neubauer Joseph M, eng L W Schruth, res 915 9th st N
Neubauer Wm J, mach, bds 915 9th st N
New Columbia Hotel, Holbeck & Legler Proprs, 12 8th st S
Newhouse Isaac, porter T J Berrigan, rms 113 4th st S
Newman Frank W, clk L F Moe & Co, res Fargo
Newman Wm, bartndr Higgins Aske Co, rms 220 1st st N
Nicholson Charles, tinner Moorhead Hdwe Co, res Hansen blk
Nicholson Christian, barber A F Emerson, res 311 3rd ave N
Nissen John, emp W D Morrow, res 214 2nd st S
Noon John, res 4th ave N cor 16th st
Nora Miss Tilda, bds 208 A st N
Norbryhn Miss Emma, tchr Concordia College, bds 803 A st S
Norbryhn Lodver, tailor O P Edlund, res 803 A st S
Norby Adolph J, grocer 318 1st ave N, res 524 4th st S
Norby Christ, porter G H Jenkinson, rms 17 4th st S
Nordgreen Axel W, eng Electric Light Pt, res 116 7th ave S
Nordrum Miss Ella, stenog A J Wright, rms 617 5th st S
Nordstrom Gust L, janitor Normal Sch, res 901 8th st S
Norgaard Samuel R, bartndr Matt Mickelson, res 624 1st ave N
Norstrom Emil G, res 224 1st st N
North American & Postal Telegraph Co, J T Williams mngr, Comstock Hotel
Northern Express Co, L T Stodder agt, office N P depot
Northern Hotel, Louis Thornton propr, 212 1st ave N
Northern Pacific Depot, L T Stodder agt, w s 8th 1 S Front
Northern Potato-Growers’ Sales Co, O H Hogstad pres, P C Pederson v pres, A P Probstfield sec, M W Gee treas, Wheeler blk
Northwestern Hospital Assn, A H Hicks Pres, Chas Peterson V Pres, Julius C Johnson Sec, A J Wright Treas, Nels Pehrson Mngr, cor 10th st and 8th ave N
Northwestern Loan Co, John Costain Pres and Treas, W R Costain Sec, Real Estate, Loans and Insurance, 5 6th st N
Norton John H, eng Normal Sch, res 721 11th st S
Norwegian Trinity Luth Church, Rev Martin Anderson pastor, 701 2nd ave S
Nothnagel Theresa, domestic, 315 5th st S
Nowak Albert, clk N P Ry, bds 104 10th st N
Nowak Thomas, emp N P Ry, res 104 10th st N
Nustad Miss Anna, clk European Hotel, rrns same
Nye Carroll A, judge district court, res 618 8th st S
Nye James G, lawyer, bds 618 8th st S
Nygaard Bert, carp, res 222 8th ave S
Nygaard Martin A, emp R R V Seed House, rms 10 3rd st N
Nykreim Miss Laura, clk Christian Paulson, bds 321 8th st S
Nyquist Miss Christine, conf 212 6th ave S, res same
Nyquist Nels M, res 421 10th st S
O’Brien Barney, fireman G N Ry, rms 612 1st ave N
O’Laughlin Andrew J, chief of police, res 317 7th st S
O’Laughlin Bridget M (wid Dennis F), res 215 6th st S
O’Laughlin John F, elec, bds 215 6th st S
O’Laughlin Miss Katherine T, clk Herbst Dept store, bds 215 6th st S
O’Laughlin Miss Lulu F, tchr, bds 215 6th st S
O’Laughlin Miss Mae E, tchr Central Sch, bds 215 6th st S
O’Laughlin Miss Susan A, tchr, bds 215 6th st S
Odenwaller Bernard R, clk, bds 903 7th ave S
Odenwaller Bertha (wid Carl F), res 903 7th ave S
Oleson M V, lawyer 602½ Front
Oliver Axel N, bartndr, res 229 A st N
Oliver Charles A, driver J L McCormick, res 301 2nd st S
Oliver Mary J (wid Waldo), res 418 5th st N
Olsen Mrs Kamille, bds 112 8th st S
Olsen Miss Norma L, tchr Concordia College, bds 523 7th st S
Olsen N J Co (now incorporated as Red River Valley Seed House), 601 Front
Olson Albert H, driver Moorhead Ice Co, res 103 7th ave S
Olson Albertine, domestic, Wheeler Hall
Olson Anna (wid Ole), bds 902 9th ave N
Olson Anna, domestic, Wheeler Hall
Olson Miss Anna, cook J A Karlstrom, res 306 2nd ave S
Olson Axel, lab, rms 11 5th st N
Olson Miss Bessie, student, bds 1301 2nd ave S
Olson Betsy (wid Charles), res 1014 5th ave S
Olson Mrs Betsy, bds 103 3rd st N
Olson Boel (wid Swan), res 1420 1st ave N
Olson Carrie (wid Erick O), bds 814 4th st S
Olson Charles J, painter, res 225 A st N
Olson Charles P (Carlson & Olson), res 8 4th ave S W
Olson Christ, lab, res 1036 1st ave N
Olson Mrs Christine, res 312 13th st N
Olson Edward, cement wrk, res 1301 2nd ave S
Olson Elias M, carp, res 1017 3rd ave N
Olson Emory, clk Stern & Field, res Fargo
Olson Miss Eva, emp Gardner Hotel, bds 316 15th st N
Olson Gullick A, carp, res 618 3rd st S
Olson John, res 518 Front
Olson Joseph G, bds 8 4th ave S W
Olson Miss Josephine, emp Geo Pirie Co, bds 212 8th st N
Olson J August, carp, res 924 4th ave S
Olson Lewis S (Remley & Olson), res 815 10th st S
Olson Martin, mngr Moorhead Ice Co, res 102 8th ave S
Olson Matilda (wid Kenneth), bds 419 4th ave S
Olson Nels, tmstr, Harris Bros, res 421 10th st N
Olson Miss Norma L, tchr Concordia College, rms 523 7th st S
Olson Ole, res 1018 3rd ave N
Olson Ole H, driver M Ice Co, res 825 A st S
Olson Miss Olga, tchr Central Sch, rms 107 6th st S
Olson Peter, lab, res 316 15th st N
Olson P G, emp Hopeman Const Co, bds 101 11th st N
Olson Miss Rachel, clk H Moody, bds 429 4th st S
Olson Sina, domestic, 504 6th st S
Olson Swan, res 421 10th st N
Olson Verner, surveyor, bds 924 4th ave S
Olson Victor M, clk Hennepin Brew Co
Omer John, res 402 2nd ave N
Omstad Carrie, emp New Columbia Hotel
One Price Clothing Co, N Vinje pres, M M Weum v pres, B O Hanson sec & treas, 414 Front
Opland Conrad, carp, bds 303 A st S
Opland John A, res 303 A st S
Osborne Eleanor, tchr Normal Sch, rms 323 5th st S
Ostboe Lena, domestic, Rev J A Aasgaard
Ostergreen Miss Pauline, bds 215 3rd st S
Ostrem Henry, livery, rms 210 2nd ave N
Ostrem Miss Julia, clk Moorhead laundry, bds 123 4th st N
Otterson Miss Ida M, dressmkr, bds 622 10th st S
Otterson Regina (wid Peter), res 622 10th st S
Otterstetter Charles, gardener, res 45 4th ave S W
Otterstetter Jacob G, lab, res 412 A st S
Qverby Miss Clara E, tchr, bds 202 9th ave S
Overby Henry C, clk N P Ry, bds 202 9th ave S
Overby Louise H (wid Herman), res 202 9th ave S
Overby Oscar I, musical director Concordia College, res same
Overby Miss Mary H, bds 811 A st S
Overby Miss Nora E, tchr, bds 202 9th ave
Overby Rudolph W, student, bds 202 9th ave S
Pabst Mrs Anna C, jeweler, res 223 6th st S
Pabst Brewing Co, Jacob Kiefer agt, 406 Front
Palace Clothing Store (Stern & Field), 404 Front
Palen Fred F, undertaker Beck-Morrow Co, res 614 4th ave S
Panchott Miss Anna C, clk O D Rude, bds 224 3rd st N
Pancliott Henry A, conf 512 Front, res 224 3rd st N
Park Burton P, bartndr J A Berg, res 620 Front
Parker John F, lab, res 1036 1st ave N
Parks Miss Clara, bds 321 11th st S
Parks Robert E (Parks & Helmer), res 321 11th st S
Parks Severn L, res 1023 3rd ave S
Parks & Helmer (R E Parks, S T Helmer), second hand, 114 5th st S
Patterson Albert, watchman G N Ry, res 504 14th st N
Patterson Harry, emp Northern Hotel, bds same
Patterson James, res 308 15th st N
Patterson Wm, farmer, res 509 14th st N
Paul Albert W, mngr Lyceum theatre, rms 13 4th st N
Paulson Miss Anna, bds 32 3rd ave S W
Paulson Christian, county treasurer, res 321 8th st S
Paulson Louis, clk New Columbia Hotel
Paulsrud Miss Alice B, student, bds 1105 4th ave S
Paulsrud Arthur M, emp Ford Motor Co, bds 1105 4th ave S
Paulsrud Oluf A, res 1105 4th ave S
Paxton Alva E, carp, res 915 11th st S
Paxton Miss Eva G, student, bds 520 10th st S
Paxton J Oscar, policeman, res 520 10th st S
Paxton Ralph E, clk post office, bds 520 10th st S
Paxton Miss Tessie, bds 520 10th st S
Paxton Victor, clk G E Freeberg, res 425 10th st S
Pearson Nels, bds 224 15th st N
Peck Ross E, tchr Central Sch, res 306 4th st N
Pederson Mercantile Co The, Ralph Pederson Pres, Anton H Erickson Treas, P H Pederson Sec, Wholesale Wines, Liquors and Cigars, 5-7-9 Fourth st S
Pederson Peder N, clk Pederson Merc Co, bds 424 4th st S
Pederson Peter H, Sec Pederson Mercantile Co, res 216 8th st S
Pederson Ralph, Pres Pederson Mercantile Co, res 424 4th st S
Pederson Richard K, asst mngr Hopeman Construction Co, res 418 4th st S
Pederson Miss Seneca M, bds 424 4th st S
Pehrson Emil H, sales Harris Bros, res 1012 3rd ave N
Pehrson Hokan, res 410 15th st N
Pehrson Nels P, Mngr N W Hospital, res 317 4th st N
Pehrson Miss Selma O, bds 410 15th st N
Penn Oil & Supply Co, Christian Granskov mngr, e end Front
Perley George E, Law, Loans and Real Estate 602½ Front, res 411 4th ave S
Perry Henry, res 322 2nd ave N
Perry Jackson G, janitor Fargo Natl Bank, res 107 2nd ave S
Peterson Miss Alma K, clk Herbst Dept store, bds 103 6th ave S
Peterson Andrew E, lather, bds 604 3rd st S
Peterson Andrew P, janitor M Natl bank, res 522 11th st S
Peterson Anna (wid Carl E), res 1012 4th ave N
Peterson Miss Anna, bds 522 11th st S
Peterson August, tmstr, res 1200 1st ave S
Peterson Carl, emp M Biscuit Co, bds 420 1st ave S
Peterson Carl J, tinner, bds 522 11th st S
Peterson Carl O (Schranz & Peterson), res 127 2nd st N
Peterson Miss Caroline, dressmkr, bds 223 8th ave S
Peterson Caroline W (wid Gustaf), bds 415 10th st S
Peterson Charles, farmer, res 710 10th ave N
Peterson Christ A, res 1016 3rd ave N
Peterson Christian, emp Fargo foundry, bds 103 6th ave S
Peterson Christian C, carp, res 223 7th ave S
Peterson Miss Clara, bds 204 A st N
Peterson Colbin, molder Fargo foundry, res 103 6th ave S
Peterson Miss Ellen, bds 522 11th st S
Peterson Ellen (wid Otto), res 1014 5th ave S
Peterson Miss Emma, tchr, bds 222 A st N
Peterson Enoch S, bkpr First Natl bank, res 215 8th ave S
Peterson Miss Esther, bds 503 4th st S
Peterson Frank A, bricklayer, bds 222 A st N
Peterson Frank H, lawyer 602½ Front, res 501 8th st S
Peterson Gust, bartndr Empire saloon, rms 420 1st ave S
Peterson G Emil, molder A G Anderson, res 415 10th st S
Peterson Miss Hannah, bds 222 A st N
Peterson Miss Hilda, student, bds 1200 1st ave S
Peterson Miss H Lena, bds 204 A st N
Peterson Inga (wid Peter), res 204 A st N
Peterson Jacob, carp, res 301 11th st S
Peterson John, bartndr J A Karlstrom, rms 114 7th st S
Peterson J Ewald, bds 415 10th st S
Peterson J Paul, student, bds 501 8th st S
Peterson Miss Lena, dressmkr, bds 604 3rd st S
Peterson Miss Lillian, bds 222 A st N
Peterson Miss Lillian C, bds 103 6th ave S
Peterson Louis, cook E F Smith, rms 112 4th st S
Peterson Louis, lather, res 518 3rd st S
Peterson Miss Mabel, nurse Moorhead Hospital
Peterson Martha (wid Louis), res 222 A st N
Peterson Martin, bds 204 A st N
Peterson Martin, bartndr C B Erdel
Peterson Mary M (wid Magnus), res 203 4th st S
Peterson Melchoir M, carp, res 212 11th st S
Peterson Otto, res 420 8th st S
Peterson Paul J, student, bds 215 8th ave S
Peterson Peter, bds 312 15th st N
Peterson Peter, emp N D Welding Co, res 220 A st N
Peterson P Wm, clk, bds 222 A st N
Peterson Richard B, emp Fargo foundry, res 309 A st S
Peterson Miss Selma, bds F A Rustad
Peterson Sigvart A, painter, res 902 3rd ave N
Peterson Sverre A, clk Solberg & Nelson, res 1013 5th ave N
Peterson Theodore J, bartndr Schranz & Peterson, res 403 1st ave S
Pickering Claude H, bartndr House of Lords, res 107 2nd ave N
Pillage Henry, lab, res 6 3rd st N
Pilot Alvin R, bds 224 6th st S
Pilot Arnold D, clk U L H & P Co, bds 224 6th st S
Pilot Miss Eckly H, tchr, bds 224 6th st S
Pilot Miss Kathryn, tchr, bds 224 6th st S
Pilot Louisa (wid Sydney S), res 224 6th st S
Pinkes Charles P, plumber M Plumbing Co, res 1103 4th ave S
Pinkney Lewis H, res 414 9th st S
Pinkney Loren G, bds 414 9th st S
Pinkney Miss Nellie M, bds 414 9th st S
Piper Miss Abbie, bds 218 9th st N
Piper Wm, trav agt, res 218 9th st N
Pitts Albert, res 304 A st N
Pitts John J, emp Natl Furn Co, res 321 A st N
Plummer Miss Jennie L, stenog Moorhead Hdwe Co, bds 806 2nd ave N
Plummer Walter R, bartndr Matt Mickelson, res 221 9th st S
Plummer Walter R, res 221 9th st S
Politiskj Andrew J, emp N P Ry, bds 214 1st st N
Politiski John, emp N P Ry, res 214 1st st N
Politiski John P, student, bds 214 1st st N
Pomeroy Chester T, trav agt, res 507 7th st S
Pomeroy Otis H, bds 16 6th st N
Pomeroy Sidney C, eng Remington Pkg Co, res 1036 1st ave S
Porteous David V, carp, res 616 9th st S
Porteous Lawrence D, bds 616 9th st S
Porter Miss Kezzie F, prin High Sch, rms 614 8th st S
Post Office, E L Flaten Postmaster, 1st ave S W cor 6th st S
Potter John D, cook, res 16 3rd ave S W
Powers J Harold, music tchr Normal Sch, res 429 9th st S
Prentice John H, driver Duluth Brew Co, bds 12½Front
Presting Gustav A, bkpr W H Diemert & Co, res 1018 3rd ave N
Preston Mrs Ellen J, res 918 4th ave N
Preston Harry D, painter, bds 918 4th ave N
Preston Wallace W, clk D W McDonald, bds 918 4th ave N
Price Martha H (wid Elias), res 222 2nd st N
Price Reginald G, City Clerk and Collector, Moorhead Water and Light Dept, res 425 8th st S
Pruitt Thomas P, tailor 811 Front, res same
Putman Joseph, lab, res 1230 1st ave S
Quale Jacob (Quale & Martinson), res 802 4th st S
Quale & Martinson (Jacob Quale, O C Martinson), Jewelers and Opticians, 407 Front
Raastad Miss Mary, res 202 7th ave S
Rader Miss Charlotte, bds 124 5th st S
Rainey Miss Mary C, tchr Normal Sch, rms 503 7th st S
Rainville Walter T, emp Remley & Olson, res 307 10th st S
Ramsey John G, cigars 101 1st ave N, res 212 2nd st N
Ramstad Miss Ella, stenog, rms 304 4th st S
Ramstad Miss Nora, cash Stern & Field, bds 304 4th st S
Ramstad Oscar, bds 216 7th ave S
Rasmussen George B, res 301 7th ave S
Rasmussen Robert, barber 13 6th st 5, res 215 6th ave S
Rasmusson Halvor, res rear 705 4th ave S
Rathskeller, Junkin & Hill proprs, 114 1st st N
Reames Mary (wid Henry), res 413 1st ave N
Redman Martin, bartndr Higgins Aske Co, res 722 5th st S
Red River Farm Loan Co, C S Marden pres, F M Brophy v pres, Orris Oliver sec & treas, 602½ Front
Red River Valley Seed House, N J Olsen Pres, N R Olsen V Pres, F O Olsen Sec & Treas, Fuel Grain Seed and Potatoes, 601 Front
Reed Mrs Ada, nurse, res 712 9th st S
Reed Charles, bds 712 9th st S
Reed George W, eng N P Ry, res 114 3rd st N
Reeves K Wm, auctioneer, res 1023 8th ave S
Rehder Miss Pauline, student, bds 401 9th st S
Rehn Hjalmer, tmstr John Lamb, rms 18 5th st S
Reid Andrew, janitor 2nd Ward Sch, res 1020 4th ave S
Reid Miss Martha, bds 1020 4th ave S
Reif George A, bds 34 4th ave S W
Reif John F, dry cleaner 30 4th ave S W, res 34 4th ave S W
Reinhardt Bertha (wid Charles), res 214 9th st S
Reinhardt Clarence W, tmstr, bds 214 9th st S
Rell John P, farmer, bds 423 A st S
Remington Packing Co, R E Remington pres, W R Briggs v pres., W V Remington sec, P H Lamb treas, canners, corner 11th st and Front
Remington Wood V, sec Remington Pkg Co, bds 911 4th ave S
Remley Miss Anna, bds 604 5th ave S
Remley Carl E (Remley & Olson), res 210 3rd st N
Remley Carl J, emp U L H & P Co, bds 604, 5th ave S
Remley Edmund B, student, bds 210 3rd st N
Remley Miss Elizabeth M, clk H Moody, bds 604 5th ave S
Remley Mary (wid Frank X), res 604 5th ave S
Remley Nicholas B, emp Park G & M, res 118 7th st S
Remley Raymond J, bds 210 3rd st N
Remley & Olson (C E Remley, L S Olson), hardware 608 Front
Ress Frederick, mngr Houglum Furniture Co, res 120 5th st S
Rex Hotel, S G Dowrey propr, 204 1st ave N
Reynolds Clinton, driver C H Knapp, res 1036 1st ave N
Reyno1ds Ella N (wid Jacob W), res 420 10th st S
Rhinehart Peter, driver Empire Bottling Wks, res 122 2nd ave S
Rice Eliza (wid George C), bds 1106 1st ave S
Rice Stephen N, bartndr J Tudahl, res 219 6th ave S
Richards Miss Margaret, res 203 5th st S
Richards Robert A, farmer, res 203 5th st S
Richards Robert W, Pres Moorhead News Co, res 503 4th ave S
Richardson Wm T, agt G N Express Co, res 807 2nd ave S
Richmond Charles, driver J Kiefer, rms 19 6th st N
Ries Fidalius L, bartndr W H Diemert & Co, res 503 4th st S
Riggleman Hollis, emp Standard Oil Co, res 3rd ave N bet 13th and 14th sts
Riley Miss Mollie, bds 315 6th st S
Risan Miss Lena, bdds 507 1st ave S
Ritzschke Miss Anna, bds 525 10th st N
Roberts Herman E, Cash Moorhead Natl Bank, res 615 3rd ave S
Roberts Peter J, Turkish baths 13 4th st S, res same
Robertson Miss L Jean, tchr, bds 609 9th st S
Robertson Wm A, harnessmkr 618 Front, res 609 9th st S
Robideau Joseph, flagman N P Ry, bds 911 4th ave S
Roby Clyde H, blksmith Jones & Halvorson, bds 1104 4th ave S
Roche Burt J, res 215 3rd st S
Rodenkirch Albert J, bds 304 A st N
Rodenkirch Arthur P, cook, bds 304 A st N
Rodenkirch John, bds 304 A st N
Rodenkirch Mrs Louise, res 304 A st N
Roerick Patrick, plumber Chris Schill, bds 303 1st ave N
Rogers Henry C, City Agt Duluth Brewing & M Co, res 1101 1st ave S
Rognlie Wilhelm P, treas Concordia College, res 809 6th st S
Rohrenback Mexander, res 424 11th st N
Rosel Miss Emma L, bds 907 3rd ave S
Rosel F Wilbert, student, bds 907 3rd ave S
Rosel George K, eng, res 907 3rd ave S
Rosel Miss Mabel C, stenog, bds 907 3rd ave S
Rosel Wallace G, bds 907 3rd ave S
Rosenquist Herbert A, bds 15 5th st N
Rosenquist John, res 15 5th st N
Rosenthal Miss Esther A, stenog Courier News, bds 615 10th st S
Ross Clinton D, clk Bristol & S, res 113 3rd st N
Royther Arne T, bartndr Peter Meehan, res 121 8th ave S
Rubel Abraham, clothing 502 Front, res Fargo
Rudd Edward M, foreman Moorhead News, res 314 7th ave S
Rudolph Philip, bkpr Chris Schill, bds 304 1st st S
Rudolph Sebastian J, res 304 1st st S
Rudolph Stephen J, bds 304 1st st S
Rufer Cyrus E, emp Ford Motor Co, bds 410 4th st S
Rufer Miss Edna M, stenog, bds 410 4th st S
Rufer Wm H, emp N P Ry, res 410 4th st S
Rundgren Charles H, carp, bds 1422 5th ave N
Rundgren Miss Emma, waiter, bds 1422 5th ave N
Rundgren Ernest W, res 4th ave N bet 13th and 14th sts
Rundgren Frank A, car repr N P Ry, bds 1422 5th ave N
Rundgren Helena (wid Israel P), res 1422 5th ave N
Rusness Andrew C, emp Mnpls Brew Co, bds 55 4th ave S W /
Rusness Bernard B, bkpr R R V Seed House, res 124 9th st S
Rusness Miss Caroline, bds 55 4th ave S W
Rusness Edward J, emp Ford Motor Co, bds 55 4th ave S W
Rusness Miss Emma M, dressmkr, bds 55 4th ave S W
Rusness John K, res 55 4th ave S W
Rusness Miss Laura, bds 55 4th ave S W
Rusness L Wallace, elec, bds 55 4th ave S W
Rusness Oscar B, bkpr Moorhead Natl Bank, bds 55 4th ave S W
Russell Wm, Lawyer 602½ Front, res 608 8th st S
Rustad Fred A, res Kassenborg blk
Rustad Garfield H, lawyer 402 Front, res 1022 7th ave S
Rustad Mrs Hannah, hairdresser Kassenborg blk, res same
Rustad Oscar W, cash John Lamb, res 315 6th st S
Ruther John, emp Dixon Laundry, res 111 3rd st N
Ryan Archibald C, bds 823 1st ave S
Ryan James T, opr W U T Co, bds 823 1st ave S
Ryan Lena (wid James), res 823 1st ave S
Ryder John A, bartndr J A Karlstrom, res 219 3rd st S
Ryen Hans C, res 309 11th st S
Rygg Rasmus J, carp, res 710 5th st S
St John’s Episcopal Church, 8th n e cor 2nd ave S
St Joseph’s Church, Rev Alfred Mayer rector, 4th st n e cor 1st ave N
St Joseph’s School, Sister Andrea directoress, 124 4th st N
Sanden Sina, domestic 401 9th st S
Sanders Anna (wid Peter), res 17 3rd ave S.W
Sanders Charles, emp J Kiefer, rms 406½ Front
Sanders Emil L, bds 17 3rd ave S W
Sanders Miss Jennie M, tchr Normal Sch, rms 429 9th st .S
Sanders Miss Theresa, nurse, bds 17 3rd ave S W
Sandie John S, carp, res 210 8th ave S
Sandie Joseph, student, bds 203 7th ave S
Sandie Mathias, bartndr J A Berg, res 120 6th st S
Sandie Rasmus S, carp, res 203 7th ave S
Sandie Stephen, carp, bds 710 5th st S
Sandie S Allen, emp N P Ry, bds 203 7th ave S
Sandness George J, eng Electric Light Pt, res 216 6th ave S
Sandness John H, student, bds 216 6th ave S
Sandther Miss Anna, emp H Moody, bds 121 8th ave S
Sandtorp Iver, bartndr E E Flaten, res 18 4th st S
Sannes Engebret J, clothing 722 Front, res 123 10th st S
Sannvall Gustave, emp J I Case Co, bds 305 A st N
Sannvall Mrs Jennie, res 305 A st N
Sather Ole, carp, res 9 6th ave S
Sather Ove, gasftr U L H & P Co, res 421 12th st S
Saumweber George, lunch room 23 4th st S, rms 112 4th st S
Saunders Mrs Sina, bds 309 7th ave S
Sauvageau Armand C, carp, bds 116 6th ave S
Sauvageau Edmund, carp, res 116 6th ave S
Sauvageau Julian, student, bds 116 6th ave S
Sauvagea.u Miss Lucy, emp N W Tel Co, bds 116 6th ave S
Sauvageau Miss Melina, dressmkr, bds 116 6th ave S
Sauvageau Xavier, res 10 3rd st N
Sawyer Wm E, res 220 8th st N
Scandia Hotel, Thor Logan propr, 20 4th st N
Schanders Miss Ella, stenog, bds 1026 1st ave N
Scull Christian, plumber 16 4th st N, res 409 10th st N
Schill Lambert J, plumber C Schill, bds 821 7th ave S
Schillerstrom Iver F, janitor Normal Sch, res 712 9th st S
Schlekau Fred J, bkpr J Kiefer, res 14 3rd ave S W
Schmeckel Theodore, emp G M Huffaker, bds Rex Hotel
Schmidt Brewing Co, D D Gaskell mngr, rear 10 4th st S
Schmitt John T, painter, res 107 9th st S
Schoenhofen Peter Brewing Co, G W Wilhelm Agt, 629 Front
Schrankel Joseph C, tmstr, bds 1104 1st ave S
Schrankel Patrick J, cook Comstock Hotel, res 1104 1st ave S
Schranz Bros (John and Pierre J), Garage, 16 4th st N
Schranz Miss Clara M, clk Humphrey & G, bds 222 8th st S
Schranz John (Schranz & Peterson), res 316 7th st S
Schranz Joseph B, bkpr W H Diemert & Co, res 315 4th st N
Schranz Miss Margaret, bds 222 8th st S
Schranz Miss Marie E, stenog, bds 222 8th st S
Schranz Pierre J (Schranz Bros), res 222 8th st S
Schranz Thomas N, clk Schranz & Peterson, bds 222 8th st S
Shranz & Peterson (John Schranz, C O Peterson), Saloon, 304 1st ave S
Schrenkel Patrick, chef Comstock Hotel
Schroeder Mrs Adela, res 401 9th st S
Schroeder Henry F, cigar mnfr 317 1st ave N, res same
Schroner Christ, carp Fridlund Bros, bds 432 10th st S
Schultz John, bds 418 2nd ave N
Schultz Otto H, bartndr Comstock Hotel, res 413 9th st N
Schumacher Andrew P, bds 521 9th st N
Schumacher Charles E, res 521 9th st N
Schumacher Miss Esther, bds 521 9th st N
Schumacher Jacob G, bds 521 9th st N
Schweitzer Charles C, janitor High Sch, res 1016 4th ave S
Scott Leonard J, clk N P Ry, res 706 2nd ave S
Scott Robert, painter, res 702 2nd ave S
Seaberg Oscar, carp, res 107, 8th ave S
Seburg Ole, res 204 3rd st N
Second Ward School, 6th ave s w cor 2nd st S
Seeley Joseph, emp R R V Seed House, bds 402 2nd ave N
Segerlund Charles, emp Remley & Olson, res 307 15th st N
Seilset Miss Jennie, clk L F Moe & Co, rms 704 4th st S
Seveland John B, bartndr J Kiefer, res 1024 3rd ave S
Sever Jacob A, farmer, res 323 5th st S
Shaheen Akel, pool hall 204 1st ave N, res Fargo
Shaheen Fay, clk W Shaheen, bds 77 4th ave S W
Shaheen Nassip, clk W Shaheen, bds 77 4th ave S W
Shaheen Wadie, pool hall 5 4th st N, res 77 4th ave S W
Shanahan Earl M, bartndr Schrang & Peterson, res 320 2nd ave N
Sharp Edgar E, Lawyer First Natl Bank blk, res 811 11th st S
Sharp Emmet M, clk Stern & Field, bds 421 9th st S
Sharp James H, probate judge, res 421 9th st S
Sharp James H Jr, student, bds 421 9th st S
Sharp Miss Julia A, tchr 2nd Ward Sch, bds 421 9th st S
Sharp Miss Philadelphia M, tchr, bds 421 9th st S
Shay Ole, rms 17 5th st N
Sheffield George W, opr G N Ry, res 612 1st ave N
Sheffield Miss Lucy M, tchr, bds 612 1st ave N
Sheridan Peter, rms 413 1st ave N
Sherlund Frank, bds E W Rundgren
Sherman Alfred, bartndr E F Smith, rms 112 4th st S
Sherman Bion C (B C Sherman & Co), rms 516 Front
Sherman B C & Co (B C and Ward Sherman), harness 516 Front
Sherman Ward (B C Sherman & Co), bds 12 8th st S
Shern Olga, domestic 603 8th st S
Sherrill Wm M, carp, res 419 9th st N
Shiley Arthur E, bicycle repr 16 5th st N, res 205 10th st S
Shoars Charles E, rms 211½ 4th st S
Siegel Wm, porter Matt Mickelson, res 212 4th st N
Siem Miss Annie, emp C E Belknap, rms Kassenborg blk
Sikes Charles H, gardener, res 323 6th st S
Sill Chester, mach Emerson-B Co, res 608 9th st N
Simmons Miss Amy E, clk Herbst Dept Store, bds 413 A st S
Simmons Charles W, musician, res 413 A st S
Simmons D Dwight (D D Simmons Co), res Fargo
Simmons D D Co (D D Simmons), 5 6th st N, Warehouse cor 7th st and G N tracks
Simmons George E, bds 413 A st S
Simonitsch Miss Adelaide E, bds 603 4th ave S
Simonitsch Aloysius N, student, bds 603 4th ave S
Simonitsch Miss Anna E, nurse, bds 603 4th ave S
Simonitsch Jacob M, bkpr V Blatz Brew Co, bds 603 4th ave S
Simonitsch Miss Julitta B, student, bds 603 4th ave S
Simonitsch Mathias, Propr Western Bottling Works and Agt Val Blatz Brew Co, res 603 4th ave S
Simonson Jacob, porter Wilson & Larson, rms 312 2nd ave N
Simonson Mary (wid Knute), res 112 4th st S
Simpson Burton G, lineman N W Tel Co, res 505 4th st S
Sinatte Miss Katherine, tchr Central Sch, bds 1023 7th ave S
Sindar Paul J, emp Shotwell Floral Co, res 323 6th st S
Sjoholm Miss Lillie, clk Quale & Martinson, bds 224 4th st N
Sjoholm Swen E, res 224 4th st N
Skauge Oscar O, clk Christianson & W, res 811 5th st S
Skog Charles, lab, res 225 11th st N
Skog Fritz, bds 225 11th st N
Skog Helmar J, lab, bds 225 11th st N
Skolin Adolph, bartndr Higgins Aske Co, rrns 220 1st st N
Skridsol Mrs Julia, res 16 3rd st N
Skridsol Olaf N, grocer 109 1st st N, res same
Smaby Carl, carp, res 403 4th st S
Smith Arnold E, res 103 7th ave S
Smith Arthur G (Iowa Land & Loan Co), rms 224 6th st S
Smith Edward F, saloon 300 1st ave S, res 124 4th st S
Smith George P, driver W D Morrow, res 1015 Front
Smith Miss Helen E, tchr Normal Sch, res Fargo
Smith John T, livery, res 113 1st st N
Smith Mrs Julia, res 213 2nd st S
Smith Julius, driver Fargo Mill Co, bds 105 7th ave S
Smith Miss Mary H, clk O N Skridsol, bds 113 1st st N
Smith Mons, res 105 7th ave S
Smith Moses, res 505 10th st S
Smith Miss M Esther, student, bds 124 4th st S
Smith Peter N, emp G N Ry, bds 1015 Front
Smith Wm, lab, res 11th st S bet 1st and 2nd ave
Snyder Adam, res 214 8th st N
Snyder Charles, res 14th st N cor 10th ave
Snyder George, res cor 15th st N and 8th ave
Snyder Rebecca (wid Philip), res 15th st cor 8th ave N
Snyder Samuel J, bds 15th st N cor 8th ave
Soenens Peter, lab, res 1230 1st ave S –
Solberg Alfred J (Solberg & Nelson), bds New Columbia
Solberg Mrs Mary, dressmkr, res 117 7th ave S
Solberg & Nelson (A J Solberg, A T Nelson), grocers 610 Front
Solman Hjalmer, cook, res 22 3rd st N
Solheim John A, bds 523 11th st S
Solman Helmer, cook, res 22 3rd st N
SondralL Oliver L, pros M’h’d Farmers Elev Co, res 1017 2nd ave N
Sontag Martin, res 903 7th ave S
Soosen Henry, saloon 11 4th st N, res 113 4th st N
Soreide Anders, janitor Concordia College, bds same
Soreide Olaf, eng Concordia College, bds same
Souers Arthur (Central Land Co), res 911 2nd ave S
Souers Eldon F, emp Remley & Olson, bds 611 10th st S
Souers Margaret (wid John), res 611 10th st S
South L Oscar, tmstr John Lamb, res 213 4th st S
Spaulding Arthur R, painter, res 1106 1st ave S
Sperling Frank, lather, res 1036 1st ave N
Sprague Elisha C, real est Kiefer blk, res 903 7th st S
Staake Edwin J, res 708 10th st S
Staake Miss Hildegard E, nurse, bds 708 10th st S
Staake Miss Olga C A, tchr, bds 708 10th st S
Staake Mrs Ulrika, midwife, res 708 10th st S
Stahl Mrs Lizzie, res 508 5th st S
Stahl Otto H, printer, bds 508 5th st S
Stalley Francis C, student, bds 714 8th st S
Stalley Frederick, register of Deeds, res 714 8th st S
Stalley Harold A, clk Fred Stalley, bds 714 8th st S
Standish Miss Margaret, bds 702 7th ave S
Stanford Conrad, driver Schoenhofen Brew Co
Star Implement Co, J H Hanson mngr, 621 Front
State Normal School, F A Weld Pres, 7th ave and 12th st S
Steen John, student, bds 117 7th st S
Steen Samuel A, res 117 7th st S
Stefanes Rudolph, res 705 1st st S
Steffarud Miss Alma, student, bds 807 9th st N
Steffarud Einar H, mach J I Case Co, bds 807 9th st N
Steffarud Emil H, mach J I Case Co, res 807 9th st N
Steffarud Henry, mach, bds 807 9th st N
Steffis Hubert, painter, bds 215 4th st N
Steger Miss Wanda S, sec pres Normal Sch, rms 819 11th st S
Stein Wm G, bartndr E F Smith, rms 112 4th st S
Stern Herbert, clk Stern & Field, rms 306 6th st S
Stern Joseph B, mngr Gartner & Co, rms 119 4th st S
Stern Sigmund C, clk Stern & Field, rms 305 4th st S
Stern & Field (H M & S M Field), Proprs Palace Clothing and Shoe Store, 404 Front
Steinberg Clementine (wid Benjamin), res 520½ Front
Steinberg Louis V, clk H Bachenheimer, bds 5201/2 Front
Stevens Hubert, bds 214 2nd st S
Stevens Martin J, bds 214 2nd st S
Stevens Thomas E, lab, res 214 2nd st S
Stevenson Miss M Adeline, tchr 2nd Ward Sch, bds 313 7th st S
Stevenson Wm J, farmer, res 313 7th st S
Still Miss Ada J, tchr, bds 811 2nd ave S
Still Miss Mary O, tchr, bds 811 2nd ave S
Still Wm J, carp, res 811 2nd ave S
Stockman John W, tchr Central Sch, rms 119 5th st S
Stodder Louis T, agt N P Ry, res 415 2nd ave S
Stodder Louis T Jr, messr Northern Ex Co, bds 415 2nd ave S
Stodder Miss Margaret W, bds 415 2nd ave S
Stodder Miss May L, student., bds 415 2nd ave S
Stoike Freda, emp New Columbia Hotel
Stolt Albert H, res 112 3rd st N
Stone Miss Hattie, bds 505 10th st S
Stonedahl Martha (wid Ole), nurse, rms 710 7th ave S
Strand Alexander, gardener, bds 13 7th ave S W
Strand Benjamin A, student, bds 13 7th ave S W
Strand Benjamin O, res 13 7th ave S W
Strand Miss Bertha M, student, bds 13 7th ave S W
Strand Thomas, emp N P Ry, bds E W Rundgren
Strathdee James R, res 223 16th st N
Streeter Mrs Nona, emp Remington Pkg Co, res 1036 1st ave S
Stribley John F, trav agt Standard Oil Co, res 1215 7th st S
Stribley Orris J, student, bds 1215 7th st S
Strom Miss Ethel, stenog F H Peterson, bds 121 8th ave S
Strom Iver, janitor Normal Sch
Strong August W, farmer, res 508 A st S
Strothman Adolph H, emp Fargo Feed Mill, bds 213 2nd st S
Strub Miss Anna, bds 1215 6th st S
Strub Bernard, bds 1215 6th st S
Strub Ferdinand, res 1215 6th st S
Strub Hugo, mach opr Fargo Forum, res 1203 6th st S
Strub Mrs Hugo, mach opr Moorhead News, res 1203 6th st S
Strub Joseph, bds 1215 6th st S
Strub Wm A, baker Geo Pirie Co, bds 1215 6th st S
Stubstad Christine, domestic, 610 9th st S
Studlien Robin O, bartndr J Kiefer, rms 10 3rd st N
Stitz Joseph, barber L J Moody, rms 120 5th st S
Sullivan A W, waiter W H Diemert & Co
Sullivan Patrick J, farmer, res 303 7th st S
Sullivan Wm H, bartndr Higgins Aske Co, rms 208 3rd st N
Sundahl Rasmus J, emp N P Ry, res 201 3rd st S
Sundfor Alfred, cook, res 415 1st ave N
Sundstad Miss Aurora, dressmkr, bds 522 A st S
Sundstad Elias C, res 522 A st S
Sundstrom Gust, fireman G N Ry, bds 101 11th st N
Surratt Frank, fireman G N Ry, rms 612 1st ave N
Sutton James C, cash G N Ry, res 124 14th st N
Sutton Ure C, carp, res Kassenborg blk
Svenkesen Signe (wid Gunder C), res 413 11th st S
Svenkesen Svenke C, bds 413 11th st S
Svenkesen Wm G, mach Harris Bros, bds 413 11th st S
Swadling Miss Gladys M, bds 706 3rd ave S
Swaldie Annie R (wid Ole), res 124 3rd st N
Swanholm Gust, meat ctr Benson & Olson, res 209 2nd st S
Swanholm Pehr, rms 823 Front
Swanson Carl, rms 218 11th st S
Swanson Miss Helen, bds 81 4th ave S W
Swanson Louis, tmstr John Lamb, res 23 5th st S
Swanson Nels, contractor, bds 1420 1st ave N
Swanson Otto, switchman N P Ry, res 211½ 1st st N
Swanson Peter, contractor, bds 1420 1st ave N
Swanson Peter, bartndr H C Miller, res 124 9th ave S
Swanson Miss Selma, dressmkr, bds 903 7th ave S
Swedberg Eleanor (wid Magnus), res 321 9th st N
Swedberg Miss Emma C, bds 321 9th st N
Swedish Luth Church, Rev F M Eckman pastor, 205 6th st S
Swedish Mission Church, 2nd ave S bet 9th and 10th sts
Swedman Ellen (wid Andrew J), res 418 10th st N
Swedman Enoch J, clk Pederson Merc Co, rms 418 10th st N
Swedman Rupert G, painter F Johnson Co, bds 418 10th st N
Swensen Albin W, student, bds 122 6th ave S
Swensen Christian, carp, res 122 6th ave S
Swensen Miss Minnie E, emp N D Ind Tel Co, bds 618 3rd st S
Swenson Samuel A, fireman Electric Light Pt, res 618 3rd st S
Swenson Andrew, farmer, res 824 12th ave S
Swenson Swen P, carp, res 1311 7th st S
Syron Mary A (wid Michael), bds 810 5th ave S
Nadler Theodore, baker, rms 119 2nd st N
National Furniture Co, H C Stinson pres, W C Graham v pres, M C Graham sec and treas, furniture, 308 1st ave N
National Loan & Improvement Co, P H Lamb pres, B F Mackall v pres, W R Tillotson sec, P J Sullivan treas, 602½ Front
Neal Alexander, watchman Walker Bros, res 225 2nd st S
Neid Rudolph, restaurant 16 8th st N, res same
Neilsen Carl, bricklayer, res 222 4th st S
Neima Mary (wid Abraham), bds 77 4th ave S W
Neima Wm A, res 77 4th ave S W
Neimier Miss Jessie, stenog, rms 201 4th st S
Nelson Alexander, res 3rd ave bet 13th and 14th sts N
Nelson Miss Amelia, clk Herbst Dept store, bds 210 A st N
Nelson Miss Anna, hairdresser, bds 214 2nd ave N
Nelson Anna (wid John), res 704 10th st S
Nelson Anna B (wid Louis), res 511 7th st S
Nelson Mrs Annie, res 315 A st N
Nelson Anton, switchman G N Ry, res 303 A st N
Nelson Anton S, blksmith 305 1st ave S , res 710 3rd st S
Nelson Arvid C, tailor O P Edlund, bds 115 10th st N
Nelson Axel T (Solberg & Nelson), res 4 22nd st N
Nelson Bjarne C, watchmkr, res 819 5th st S
Nelson Carl T, meat ctr, res 815 1st ave S
Nelson Carl W, bartndr, rms 316 2nd ave N
Nelson Charles G (Old Midway Buffet) 7-9 1st ave N, res 515 4th ave S
Nelson Charles N, res 908 9th ave N
Nelson Miss Clarissa A, tchr Concordia College, bds 1109 5th ave S
Nelson Miss Edythe O, student, bds 615 10th st S
Nelson Elford, bds 615 10th st S
Nelson Ernest, clk H Bachenheimer, bds 615 10th st S
Nelson Ernest, bds 307 15th st N
Nelson Miss Delin, emp A Zuehlsdorff, res 303 A st N
Nelson Fritz, street commissioner, res 902 9th ave N
Nelson George, mach J I Case Co, bds 902 9th ave N
Nelson George, cook Rathskeller, rms 109 1st ave N
Nelson Gust, emp R R V Seed house, rms 414 2nd ave S
Nelson H Fred, blksmith A Anderson, res 819 5th st S
Nelson Miss Ida J, clk S Crum, bds 908 9th ave N
Nelson Miss Lena, bds 315 A st N
Nelson Miss Lena, waiter M Anderson, bds 306 1st ave S
Nelson Leslie R, mason, bds 404 11th st N
Nelson Miss Levina, stenog, bds 103 3rd st N
Nelson Menfred, clk First Natl bank, bds 615 10th st S
Nelson Mons P, res 615 10th st S
Nelsou Miss Nannie, emp Chaney-E Co, bds 315 A st N
Nelson Nels, clk J I Case Co, bds 210 A st N
Nelson Nicholas, res 1102 5th ave S
Nelson Ole, res 210 A st N
Nelson Ole Jr, emp W O Olsen Furn Co, bds 210 A st N
Nelson Otto, emp Bristol & S, bds 315 A st N
Nelson Peter, res 103 3rd st N
Nelson Miss Rikka, bds 819 5th st S
Nelson Samuel, res 1124 3rd ave S
Nelson Selma, domestic, 608 8th st S
Nelson Stena (wid Edward), bds 518 3rd st S
Nelson Swen N, bartndr Holbeck & Legler, rms 815 1st ave S
Nelson Miss Violet, stenog Pioneer Life, bds 908 9th ave N
Nelson Walfred, bds 103 3rd st N
Nelson Wm emp N D Culvert Co, res 1015 4th ave N
Nemzek Alexander, gardener, res 1003 5th st S
Nemzek Alexander Jr, student, bds 1003 5th st S
Nemzek John P, carp, res cor 12th ave S and 5th st
Nemzek Joseph P, parcel post carrier, bds 1003 5th st S
Nesheim Wm M, drugs 520 Front, res 605 6th st S
Ness Rev John M O, res 815 6th st S
Ness Miss Olga, nurse, bds 815 6th st S
Ness Oscar A, clk L Chritianson, bds 815 6th st S
Ness Miss Stella, clk, bds 815 6th st S
Neubarth Robert A, cigarmfr 406½ Front, res 225 10th st N
Neubauer George L, emp Star Impt Co, res 105 3rd st N
Neubauer Joseph M, eng L W Schruth, res 915 9th st N
Neubauer Wm J, mach, bds 915 9th st N
New Columbia Hotel, Holbeck & Legler Proprs, 12 8th st S
Newhouse Isaac, porter T J Berrigan, rms 113 4th st S
Newman Frank W, clk L F Moe & Co, res Fargo
Newman Wm, bartndr Higgins Aske Co, rms 220 1st st N
Nicholson Charles, tinner Moorhead Hdwe Co, res Hansen blk
Nicholson Christian, barber A F Emerson, res 311 3rd ave N
Nissen John, emp W D Morrow, res 214 2nd st S
Noon John, res 4th ave N cor 16th st
Nora Miss Tilda, bds 208 A st N
Norbryhn Miss Emma, tchr Concordia College, bds 803 A st S
Norbryhn Lodver, tailor O P Edlund, res 803 A st S
Norby Adolph J, grocer 318 1st ave N, res 524 4th st S
Norby Christ, porter G H Jenkinson, rms 17 4th st S
Nordgreen Axel W, eng Electric Light Pt, res 116 7th ave S
Nordrum Miss Ella, stenog A J Wright, rms 617 5th st S
Nordstrom Gust L, janitor Normal Sch, res 901 8th st S
Norgaard Samuel R, bartndr Matt Mickelson, res 624 1st ave N
Norstrom Emil G, res 224 1st st N
North American & Postal Telegraph Co, J T Williams mngr, Comstock Hotel
Northern Express Co, L T Stodder agt, office N P depot
Northern Hotel, Louis Thornton propr, 212 1st ave N
Northern Pacific Depot, L T Stodder agt, w s 8th 1 S Front
Northern Potato-Growers’ Sales Co, O H Hogstad pres, P C Pederson v pres, A P Probstfield sec, M W Gee treas, Wheeler blk
Northwestern Hospital Assn, A H Hicks Pres, Chas Peterson V Pres, Julius C Johnson Sec, A J Wright Treas, Nels Pehrson Mngr, cor 10th st and 8th ave N
Northwestern Loan Co, John Costain Pres and Treas, W R Costain Sec, Real Estate, Loans and Insurance, 5 6th st N
Norton John H, eng Normal Sch, res 721 11th st S
Norwegian Trinity Luth Church, Rev Martin Anderson pastor, 701 2nd ave S
Nothnagel Theresa, domestic, 315 5th st S
Nowak Albert, clk N P Ry, bds 104 10th st N
Nowak Thomas, emp N P Ry, res 104 10th st N
Nustad Miss Anna, clk European Hotel, rrns same
Nye Carroll A, judge district court, res 618 8th st S
Nye James G, lawyer, bds 618 8th st S
Nygaard Bert, carp, res 222 8th ave S
Nygaard Martin A, emp R R V Seed House, rms 10 3rd st N
Nykreim Miss Laura, clk Christian Paulson, bds 321 8th st S
Nyquist Miss Christine, conf 212 6th ave S, res same
Nyquist Nels M, res 421 10th st S
O’Brien Barney, fireman G N Ry, rms 612 1st ave N
O’Laughlin Andrew J, chief of police, res 317 7th st S
O’Laughlin Bridget M (wid Dennis F), res 215 6th st S
O’Laughlin John F, elec, bds 215 6th st S
O’Laughlin Miss Katherine T, clk Herbst Dept store, bds 215 6th st S
O’Laughlin Miss Lulu F, tchr, bds 215 6th st S
O’Laughlin Miss Mae E, tchr Central Sch, bds 215 6th st S
O’Laughlin Miss Susan A, tchr, bds 215 6th st S
Odenwaller Bernard R, clk, bds 903 7th ave S
Odenwaller Bertha (wid Carl F), res 903 7th ave S
Oleson M V, lawyer 602½ Front
Oliver Axel N, bartndr, res 229 A st N
Oliver Charles A, driver J L McCormick, res 301 2nd st S
Oliver Mary J (wid Waldo), res 418 5th st N
Olsen Mrs Kamille, bds 112 8th st S
Olsen Miss Norma L, tchr Concordia College, bds 523 7th st S
Olsen N J Co (now incorporated as Red River Valley Seed House), 601 Front
Olson Albert H, driver Moorhead Ice Co, res 103 7th ave S
Olson Albertine, domestic, Wheeler Hall
Olson Anna (wid Ole), bds 902 9th ave N
Olson Anna, domestic, Wheeler Hall
Olson Miss Anna, cook J A Karlstrom, res 306 2nd ave S
Olson Axel, lab, rms 11 5th st N
Olson Miss Bessie, student, bds 1301 2nd ave S
Olson Betsy (wid Charles), res 1014 5th ave S
Olson Mrs Betsy, bds 103 3rd st N
Olson Boel (wid Swan), res 1420 1st ave N
Olson Carrie (wid Erick O), bds 814 4th st S
Olson Charles J, painter, res 225 A st N
Olson Charles P (Carlson & Olson), res 8 4th ave S W
Olson Christ, lab, res 1036 1st ave N
Olson Mrs Christine, res 312 13th st N
Olson Edward, cement wrk, res 1301 2nd ave S
Olson Elias M, carp, res 1017 3rd ave N
Olson Emory, clk Stern & Field, res Fargo
Olson Miss Eva, emp Gardner Hotel, bds 316 15th st N
Olson Gullick A, carp, res 618 3rd st S
Olson John, res 518 Front
Olson Joseph G, bds 8 4th ave S W
Olson Miss Josephine, emp Geo Pirie Co, bds 212 8th st N
Olson J August, carp, res 924 4th ave S
Olson Lewis S (Remley & Olson), res 815 10th st S
Olson Martin, mngr Moorhead Ice Co, res 102 8th ave S
Olson Matilda (wid Kenneth), bds 419 4th ave S
Olson Nels, tmstr, Harris Bros, res 421 10th st N
Olson Miss Norma L, tchr Concordia College, rms 523 7th st S
Olson Ole, res 1018 3rd ave N
Olson Ole H, driver M Ice Co, res 825 A st S
Olson Miss Olga, tchr Central Sch, rms 107 6th st S
Olson Peter, lab, res 316 15th st N
Olson P G, emp Hopeman Const Co, bds 101 11th st N
Olson Miss Rachel, clk H Moody, bds 429 4th st S
Olson Sina, domestic, 504 6th st S
Olson Swan, res 421 10th st N
Olson Verner, surveyor, bds 924 4th ave S
Olson Victor M, clk Hennepin Brew Co
Omer John, res 402 2nd ave N
Omstad Carrie, emp New Columbia Hotel
One Price Clothing Co, N Vinje pres, M M Weum v pres, B O Hanson sec & treas, 414 Front
Opland Conrad, carp, bds 303 A st S
Opland John A, res 303 A st S
Osborne Eleanor, tchr Normal Sch, rms 323 5th st S
Ostboe Lena, domestic, Rev J A Aasgaard
Ostergreen Miss Pauline, bds 215 3rd st S
Ostrem Henry, livery, rms 210 2nd ave N
Ostrem Miss Julia, clk Moorhead laundry, bds 123 4th st N
Otterson Miss Ida M, dressmkr, bds 622 10th st S
Otterson Regina (wid Peter), res 622 10th st S
Otterstetter Charles, gardener, res 45 4th ave S W
Otterstetter Jacob G, lab, res 412 A st S
Qverby Miss Clara E, tchr, bds 202 9th ave S
Overby Henry C, clk N P Ry, bds 202 9th ave S
Overby Louise H (wid Herman), res 202 9th ave S
Overby Oscar I, musical director Concordia College, res same
Overby Miss Mary H, bds 811 A st S
Overby Miss Nora E, tchr, bds 202 9th ave
Overby Rudolph W, student, bds 202 9th ave S
Pabst Mrs Anna C, jeweler, res 223 6th st S
Pabst Brewing Co, Jacob Kiefer agt, 406 Front
Palace Clothing Store (Stern & Field), 404 Front
Palen Fred F, undertaker Beck-Morrow Co, res 614 4th ave S
Panchott Miss Anna C, clk O D Rude, bds 224 3rd st N
Pancliott Henry A, conf 512 Front, res 224 3rd st N
Park Burton P, bartndr J A Berg, res 620 Front
Parker John F, lab, res 1036 1st ave N
Parks Miss Clara, bds 321 11th st S
Parks Robert E (Parks & Helmer), res 321 11th st S
Parks Severn L, res 1023 3rd ave S
Parks & Helmer (R E Parks, S T Helmer), second hand, 114 5th st S
Patterson Albert, watchman G N Ry, res 504 14th st N
Patterson Harry, emp Northern Hotel, bds same
Patterson James, res 308 15th st N
Patterson Wm, farmer, res 509 14th st N
Paul Albert W, mngr Lyceum theatre, rms 13 4th st N
Paulson Miss Anna, bds 32 3rd ave S W
Paulson Christian, county treasurer, res 321 8th st S
Paulson Louis, clk New Columbia Hotel
Paulsrud Miss Alice B, student, bds 1105 4th ave S
Paulsrud Arthur M, emp Ford Motor Co, bds 1105 4th ave S
Paulsrud Oluf A, res 1105 4th ave S
Paxton Alva E, carp, res 915 11th st S
Paxton Miss Eva G, student, bds 520 10th st S
Paxton J Oscar, policeman, res 520 10th st S
Paxton Ralph E, clk post office, bds 520 10th st S
Paxton Miss Tessie, bds 520 10th st S
Paxton Victor, clk G E Freeberg, res 425 10th st S
Pearson Nels, bds 224 15th st N
Peck Ross E, tchr Central Sch, res 306 4th st N
Pederson Mercantile Co The, Ralph Pederson Pres, Anton H Erickson Treas, P H Pederson Sec, Wholesale Wines, Liquors and Cigars, 5-7-9 Fourth st S
Pederson Peder N, clk Pederson Merc Co, bds 424 4th st S
Pederson Peter H, Sec Pederson Mercantile Co, res 216 8th st S
Pederson Ralph, Pres Pederson Mercantile Co, res 424 4th st S
Pederson Richard K, asst mngr Hopeman Construction Co, res 418 4th st S
Pederson Miss Seneca M, bds 424 4th st S
Pehrson Emil H, sales Harris Bros, res 1012 3rd ave N
Pehrson Hokan, res 410 15th st N
Pehrson Nels P, Mngr N W Hospital, res 317 4th st N
Pehrson Miss Selma O, bds 410 15th st N
Penn Oil & Supply Co, Christian Granskov mngr, e end Front
Perley George E, Law, Loans and Real Estate 602½ Front, res 411 4th ave S
Perry Henry, res 322 2nd ave N
Perry Jackson G, janitor Fargo Natl Bank, res 107 2nd ave S
Peterson Miss Alma K, clk Herbst Dept store, bds 103 6th ave S
Peterson Andrew E, lather, bds 604 3rd st S
Peterson Andrew P, janitor M Natl bank, res 522 11th st S
Peterson Anna (wid Carl E), res 1012 4th ave N
Peterson Miss Anna, bds 522 11th st S
Peterson August, tmstr, res 1200 1st ave S
Peterson Carl, emp M Biscuit Co, bds 420 1st ave S
Peterson Carl J, tinner, bds 522 11th st S
Peterson Carl O (Schranz & Peterson), res 127 2nd st N
Peterson Miss Caroline, dressmkr, bds 223 8th ave S
Peterson Caroline W (wid Gustaf), bds 415 10th st S
Peterson Charles, farmer, res 710 10th ave N
Peterson Christ A, res 1016 3rd ave N
Peterson Christian, emp Fargo foundry, bds 103 6th ave S
Peterson Christian C, carp, res 223 7th ave S
Peterson Miss Clara, bds 204 A st N
Peterson Colbin, molder Fargo foundry, res 103 6th ave S
Peterson Miss Ellen, bds 522 11th st S
Peterson Ellen (wid Otto), res 1014 5th ave S
Peterson Miss Emma, tchr, bds 222 A st N
Peterson Enoch S, bkpr First Natl bank, res 215 8th ave S
Peterson Miss Esther, bds 503 4th st S
Peterson Frank A, bricklayer, bds 222 A st N
Peterson Frank H, lawyer 602½ Front, res 501 8th st S
Peterson Gust, bartndr Empire saloon, rms 420 1st ave S
Peterson G Emil, molder A G Anderson, res 415 10th st S
Peterson Miss Hannah, bds 222 A st N
Peterson Miss Hilda, student, bds 1200 1st ave S
Peterson Miss H Lena, bds 204 A st N
Peterson Inga (wid Peter), res 204 A st N
Peterson Jacob, carp, res 301 11th st S
Peterson John, bartndr J A Karlstrom, rms 114 7th st S
Peterson J Ewald, bds 415 10th st S
Peterson J Paul, student, bds 501 8th st S
Peterson Miss Lena, dressmkr, bds 604 3rd st S
Peterson Miss Lillian, bds 222 A st N
Peterson Miss Lillian C, bds 103 6th ave S
Peterson Louis, cook E F Smith, rms 112 4th st S
Peterson Louis, lather, res 518 3rd st S
Peterson Miss Mabel, nurse Moorhead Hospital
Peterson Martha (wid Louis), res 222 A st N
Peterson Martin, bds 204 A st N
Peterson Martin, bartndr C B Erdel
Peterson Mary M (wid Magnus), res 203 4th st S
Peterson Melchoir M, carp, res 212 11th st S
Peterson Otto, res 420 8th st S
Peterson Paul J, student, bds 215 8th ave S
Peterson Peter, bds 312 15th st N
Peterson Peter, emp N D Welding Co, res 220 A st N
Peterson P Wm, clk, bds 222 A st N
Peterson Richard B, emp Fargo foundry, res 309 A st S
Peterson Miss Selma, bds F A Rustad
Peterson Sigvart A, painter, res 902 3rd ave N
Peterson Sverre A, clk Solberg & Nelson, res 1013 5th ave N
Peterson Theodore J, bartndr Schranz & Peterson, res 403 1st ave S
Pickering Claude H, bartndr House of Lords, res 107 2nd ave N
Pillage Henry, lab, res 6 3rd st N
Pilot Alvin R, bds 224 6th st S
Pilot Arnold D, clk U L H & P Co, bds 224 6th st S
Pilot Miss Eckly H, tchr, bds 224 6th st S
Pilot Miss Kathryn, tchr, bds 224 6th st S
Pilot Louisa (wid Sydney S), res 224 6th st S
Pinkes Charles P, plumber M Plumbing Co, res 1103 4th ave S
Pinkney Lewis H, res 414 9th st S
Pinkney Loren G, bds 414 9th st S
Pinkney Miss Nellie M, bds 414 9th st S
Piper Miss Abbie, bds 218 9th st N
Piper Wm, trav agt, res 218 9th st N
Pitts Albert, res 304 A st N
Pitts John J, emp Natl Furn Co, res 321 A st N
Plummer Miss Jennie L, stenog Moorhead Hdwe Co, bds 806 2nd ave N
Plummer Walter R, bartndr Matt Mickelson, res 221 9th st S
Plummer Walter R, res 221 9th st S
Politiskj Andrew J, emp N P Ry, bds 214 1st st N
Politiski John, emp N P Ry, res 214 1st st N
Politiski John P, student, bds 214 1st st N
Pomeroy Chester T, trav agt, res 507 7th st S
Pomeroy Otis H, bds 16 6th st N
Pomeroy Sidney C, eng Remington Pkg Co, res 1036 1st ave S
Porteous David V, carp, res 616 9th st S
Porteous Lawrence D, bds 616 9th st S
Porter Miss Kezzie F, prin High Sch, rms 614 8th st S
Post Office, E L Flaten Postmaster, 1st ave S W cor 6th st S
Potter John D, cook, res 16 3rd ave S W
Powers J Harold, music tchr Normal Sch, res 429 9th st S
Prentice John H, driver Duluth Brew Co, bds 12½Front
Presting Gustav A, bkpr W H Diemert & Co, res 1018 3rd ave N
Preston Mrs Ellen J, res 918 4th ave N
Preston Harry D, painter, bds 918 4th ave N
Preston Wallace W, clk D W McDonald, bds 918 4th ave N
Price Martha H (wid Elias), res 222 2nd st N
Price Reginald G, City Clerk and Collector, Moorhead Water and Light Dept, res 425 8th st S
Pruitt Thomas P, tailor 811 Front, res same
Putman Joseph, lab, res 1230 1st ave S
Quale Jacob (Quale & Martinson), res 802 4th st S
Quale & Martinson (Jacob Quale, O C Martinson), Jewelers and Opticians, 407 Front
Raastad Miss Mary, res 202 7th ave S
Rader Miss Charlotte, bds 124 5th st S
Rainey Miss Mary C, tchr Normal Sch, rms 503 7th st S
Rainville Walter T, emp Remley & Olson, res 307 10th st S
Ramsey John G, cigars 101 1st ave N, res 212 2nd st N
Ramstad Miss Ella, stenog, rms 304 4th st S
Ramstad Miss Nora, cash Stern & Field, bds 304 4th st S
Ramstad Oscar, bds 216 7th ave S
Rasmussen George B, res 301 7th ave S
Rasmussen Robert, barber 13 6th st 5, res 215 6th ave S
Rasmusson Halvor, res rear 705 4th ave S
Rathskeller, Junkin & Hill proprs, 114 1st st N
Reames Mary (wid Henry), res 413 1st ave N
Redman Martin, bartndr Higgins Aske Co, res 722 5th st S
Red River Farm Loan Co, C S Marden pres, F M Brophy v pres, Orris Oliver sec & treas, 602½ Front
Red River Valley Seed House, N J Olsen Pres, N R Olsen V Pres, F O Olsen Sec & Treas, Fuel Grain Seed and Potatoes, 601 Front
Reed Mrs Ada, nurse, res 712 9th st S
Reed Charles, bds 712 9th st S
Reed George W, eng N P Ry, res 114 3rd st N
Reeves K Wm, auctioneer, res 1023 8th ave S
Rehder Miss Pauline, student, bds 401 9th st S
Rehn Hjalmer, tmstr John Lamb, rms 18 5th st S
Reid Andrew, janitor 2nd Ward Sch, res 1020 4th ave S
Reid Miss Martha, bds 1020 4th ave S
Reif George A, bds 34 4th ave S W
Reif John F, dry cleaner 30 4th ave S W, res 34 4th ave S W
Reinhardt Bertha (wid Charles), res 214 9th st S
Reinhardt Clarence W, tmstr, bds 214 9th st S
Rell John P, farmer, bds 423 A st S
Remington Packing Co, R E Remington pres, W R Briggs v pres., W V Remington sec, P H Lamb treas, canners, corner 11th st and Front
Remington Wood V, sec Remington Pkg Co, bds 911 4th ave S
Remley Miss Anna, bds 604 5th ave S
Remley Carl E (Remley & Olson), res 210 3rd st N
Remley Carl J, emp U L H & P Co, bds 604, 5th ave S
Remley Edmund B, student, bds 210 3rd st N
Remley Miss Elizabeth M, clk H Moody, bds 604 5th ave S
Remley Mary (wid Frank X), res 604 5th ave S
Remley Nicholas B, emp Park G & M, res 118 7th st S
Remley Raymond J, bds 210 3rd st N
Remley & Olson (C E Remley, L S Olson), hardware 608 Front
Ress Frederick, mngr Houglum Furniture Co, res 120 5th st S
Rex Hotel, S G Dowrey propr, 204 1st ave N
Reynolds Clinton, driver C H Knapp, res 1036 1st ave N
Reyno1ds Ella N (wid Jacob W), res 420 10th st S
Rhinehart Peter, driver Empire Bottling Wks, res 122 2nd ave S
Rice Eliza (wid George C), bds 1106 1st ave S
Rice Stephen N, bartndr J Tudahl, res 219 6th ave S
Richards Miss Margaret, res 203 5th st S
Richards Robert A, farmer, res 203 5th st S
Richards Robert W, Pres Moorhead News Co, res 503 4th ave S
Richardson Wm T, agt G N Express Co, res 807 2nd ave S
Richmond Charles, driver J Kiefer, rms 19 6th st N
Ries Fidalius L, bartndr W H Diemert & Co, res 503 4th st S
Riggleman Hollis, emp Standard Oil Co, res 3rd ave N bet 13th and 14th sts
Riley Miss Mollie, bds 315 6th st S
Risan Miss Lena, bdds 507 1st ave S
Ritzschke Miss Anna, bds 525 10th st N
Roberts Herman E, Cash Moorhead Natl Bank, res 615 3rd ave S
Roberts Peter J, Turkish baths 13 4th st S, res same
Robertson Miss L Jean, tchr, bds 609 9th st S
Robertson Wm A, harnessmkr 618 Front, res 609 9th st S
Robideau Joseph, flagman N P Ry, bds 911 4th ave S
Roby Clyde H, blksmith Jones & Halvorson, bds 1104 4th ave S
Roche Burt J, res 215 3rd st S
Rodenkirch Albert J, bds 304 A st N
Rodenkirch Arthur P, cook, bds 304 A st N
Rodenkirch John, bds 304 A st N
Rodenkirch Mrs Louise, res 304 A st N
Roerick Patrick, plumber Chris Schill, bds 303 1st ave N
Rogers Henry C, City Agt Duluth Brewing & M Co, res 1101 1st ave S
Rognlie Wilhelm P, treas Concordia College, res 809 6th st S
Rohrenback Mexander, res 424 11th st N
Rosel Miss Emma L, bds 907 3rd ave S
Rosel F Wilbert, student, bds 907 3rd ave S
Rosel George K, eng, res 907 3rd ave S
Rosel Miss Mabel C, stenog, bds 907 3rd ave S
Rosel Wallace G, bds 907 3rd ave S
Rosenquist Herbert A, bds 15 5th st N
Rosenquist John, res 15 5th st N
Rosenthal Miss Esther A, stenog Courier News, bds 615 10th st S
Ross Clinton D, clk Bristol & S, res 113 3rd st N
Royther Arne T, bartndr Peter Meehan, res 121 8th ave S
Rubel Abraham, clothing 502 Front, res Fargo
Rudd Edward M, foreman Moorhead News, res 314 7th ave S
Rudolph Philip, bkpr Chris Schill, bds 304 1st st S
Rudolph Sebastian J, res 304 1st st S
Rudolph Stephen J, bds 304 1st st S
Rufer Cyrus E, emp Ford Motor Co, bds 410 4th st S
Rufer Miss Edna M, stenog, bds 410 4th st S
Rufer Wm H, emp N P Ry, res 410 4th st S
Rundgren Charles H, carp, bds 1422 5th ave N
Rundgren Miss Emma, waiter, bds 1422 5th ave N
Rundgren Ernest W, res 4th ave N bet 13th and 14th sts
Rundgren Frank A, car repr N P Ry, bds 1422 5th ave N
Rundgren Helena (wid Israel P), res 1422 5th ave N
Rusness Andrew C, emp Mnpls Brew Co, bds 55 4th ave S W /
Rusness Bernard B, bkpr R R V Seed House, res 124 9th st S
Rusness Miss Caroline, bds 55 4th ave S W
Rusness Edward J, emp Ford Motor Co, bds 55 4th ave S W
Rusness Miss Emma M, dressmkr, bds 55 4th ave S W
Rusness John K, res 55 4th ave S W
Rusness Miss Laura, bds 55 4th ave S W
Rusness L Wallace, elec, bds 55 4th ave S W
Rusness Oscar B, bkpr Moorhead Natl Bank, bds 55 4th ave S W
Russell Wm, Lawyer 602½ Front, res 608 8th st S
Rustad Fred A, res Kassenborg blk
Rustad Garfield H, lawyer 402 Front, res 1022 7th ave S
Rustad Mrs Hannah, hairdresser Kassenborg blk, res same
Rustad Oscar W, cash John Lamb, res 315 6th st S
Ruther John, emp Dixon Laundry, res 111 3rd st N
Ryan Archibald C, bds 823 1st ave S
Ryan James T, opr W U T Co, bds 823 1st ave S
Ryan Lena (wid James), res 823 1st ave S
Ryder John A, bartndr J A Karlstrom, res 219 3rd st S
Ryen Hans C, res 309 11th st S
Rygg Rasmus J, carp, res 710 5th st S
St John’s Episcopal Church, 8th n e cor 2nd ave S
St Joseph’s Church, Rev Alfred Mayer rector, 4th st n e cor 1st ave N
St Joseph’s School, Sister Andrea directoress, 124 4th st N
Sanden Sina, domestic 401 9th st S
Sanders Anna (wid Peter), res 17 3rd ave S.W
Sanders Charles, emp J Kiefer, rms 406½ Front
Sanders Emil L, bds 17 3rd ave S W
Sanders Miss Jennie M, tchr Normal Sch, rms 429 9th st .S
Sanders Miss Theresa, nurse, bds 17 3rd ave S W
Sandie John S, carp, res 210 8th ave S
Sandie Joseph, student, bds 203 7th ave S
Sandie Mathias, bartndr J A Berg, res 120 6th st S
Sandie Rasmus S, carp, res 203 7th ave S
Sandie Stephen, carp, bds 710 5th st S
Sandie S Allen, emp N P Ry, bds 203 7th ave S
Sandness George J, eng Electric Light Pt, res 216 6th ave S
Sandness John H, student, bds 216 6th ave S
Sandther Miss Anna, emp H Moody, bds 121 8th ave S
Sandtorp Iver, bartndr E E Flaten, res 18 4th st S
Sannes Engebret J, clothing 722 Front, res 123 10th st S
Sannvall Gustave, emp J I Case Co, bds 305 A st N
Sannvall Mrs Jennie, res 305 A st N
Sather Ole, carp, res 9 6th ave S
Sather Ove, gasftr U L H & P Co, res 421 12th st S
Saumweber George, lunch room 23 4th st S, rms 112 4th st S
Saunders Mrs Sina, bds 309 7th ave S
Sauvageau Armand C, carp, bds 116 6th ave S
Sauvageau Edmund, carp, res 116 6th ave S
Sauvageau Julian, student, bds 116 6th ave S
Sauvagea.u Miss Lucy, emp N W Tel Co, bds 116 6th ave S
Sauvageau Miss Melina, dressmkr, bds 116 6th ave S
Sauvageau Xavier, res 10 3rd st N
Sawyer Wm E, res 220 8th st N
Scandia Hotel, Thor Logan propr, 20 4th st N
Schanders Miss Ella, stenog, bds 1026 1st ave N
Scull Christian, plumber 16 4th st N, res 409 10th st N
Schill Lambert J, plumber C Schill, bds 821 7th ave S
Schillerstrom Iver F, janitor Normal Sch, res 712 9th st S
Schlekau Fred J, bkpr J Kiefer, res 14 3rd ave S W
Schmeckel Theodore, emp G M Huffaker, bds Rex Hotel
Schmidt Brewing Co, D D Gaskell mngr, rear 10 4th st S
Schmitt John T, painter, res 107 9th st S
Schoenhofen Peter Brewing Co, G W Wilhelm Agt, 629 Front
Schrankel Joseph C, tmstr, bds 1104 1st ave S
Schrankel Patrick J, cook Comstock Hotel, res 1104 1st ave S
Schranz Bros (John and Pierre J), Garage, 16 4th st N
Schranz Miss Clara M, clk Humphrey & G, bds 222 8th st S
Schranz John (Schranz & Peterson), res 316 7th st S
Schranz Joseph B, bkpr W H Diemert & Co, res 315 4th st N
Schranz Miss Margaret, bds 222 8th st S
Schranz Miss Marie E, stenog, bds 222 8th st S
Schranz Pierre J (Schranz Bros), res 222 8th st S
Schranz Thomas N, clk Schranz & Peterson, bds 222 8th st S
Shranz & Peterson (John Schranz, C O Peterson), Saloon, 304 1st ave S
Schrenkel Patrick, chef Comstock Hotel
Schroeder Mrs Adela, res 401 9th st S
Schroeder Henry F, cigar mnfr 317 1st ave N, res same
Schroner Christ, carp Fridlund Bros, bds 432 10th st S
Schultz John, bds 418 2nd ave N
Schultz Otto H, bartndr Comstock Hotel, res 413 9th st N
Schumacher Andrew P, bds 521 9th st N
Schumacher Charles E, res 521 9th st N
Schumacher Miss Esther, bds 521 9th st N
Schumacher Jacob G, bds 521 9th st N
Schweitzer Charles C, janitor High Sch, res 1016 4th ave S
Scott Leonard J, clk N P Ry, res 706 2nd ave S
Scott Robert, painter, res 702 2nd ave S
Seaberg Oscar, carp, res 107, 8th ave S
Seburg Ole, res 204 3rd st N
Second Ward School, 6th ave s w cor 2nd st S
Seeley Joseph, emp R R V Seed House, bds 402 2nd ave N
Segerlund Charles, emp Remley & Olson, res 307 15th st N
Seilset Miss Jennie, clk L F Moe & Co, rms 704 4th st S
Seveland John B, bartndr J Kiefer, res 1024 3rd ave S
Sever Jacob A, farmer, res 323 5th st S
Shaheen Akel, pool hall 204 1st ave N, res Fargo
Shaheen Fay, clk W Shaheen, bds 77 4th ave S W
Shaheen Nassip, clk W Shaheen, bds 77 4th ave S W
Shaheen Wadie, pool hall 5 4th st N, res 77 4th ave S W
Shanahan Earl M, bartndr Schrang & Peterson, res 320 2nd ave N
Sharp Edgar E, Lawyer First Natl Bank blk, res 811 11th st S
Sharp Emmet M, clk Stern & Field, bds 421 9th st S
Sharp James H, probate judge, res 421 9th st S
Sharp James H Jr, student, bds 421 9th st S
Sharp Miss Julia A, tchr 2nd Ward Sch, bds 421 9th st S
Sharp Miss Philadelphia M, tchr, bds 421 9th st S
Shay Ole, rms 17 5th st N
Sheffield George W, opr G N Ry, res 612 1st ave N
Sheffield Miss Lucy M, tchr, bds 612 1st ave N
Sheridan Peter, rms 413 1st ave N
Sherlund Frank, bds E W Rundgren
Sherman Alfred, bartndr E F Smith, rms 112 4th st S
Sherman Bion C (B C Sherman & Co), rms 516 Front
Sherman B C & Co (B C and Ward Sherman), harness 516 Front
Sherman Ward (B C Sherman & Co), bds 12 8th st S
Shern Olga, domestic 603 8th st S
Sherrill Wm M, carp, res 419 9th st N
Shiley Arthur E, bicycle repr 16 5th st N, res 205 10th st S
Shoars Charles E, rms 211½ 4th st S
Siegel Wm, porter Matt Mickelson, res 212 4th st N
Siem Miss Annie, emp C E Belknap, rms Kassenborg blk
Sikes Charles H, gardener, res 323 6th st S
Sill Chester, mach Emerson-B Co, res 608 9th st N
Simmons Miss Amy E, clk Herbst Dept Store, bds 413 A st S
Simmons Charles W, musician, res 413 A st S
Simmons D Dwight (D D Simmons Co), res Fargo
Simmons D D Co (D D Simmons), 5 6th st N, Warehouse cor 7th st and G N tracks
Simmons George E, bds 413 A st S
Simonitsch Miss Adelaide E, bds 603 4th ave S
Simonitsch Aloysius N, student, bds 603 4th ave S
Simonitsch Miss Anna E, nurse, bds 603 4th ave S
Simonitsch Jacob M, bkpr V Blatz Brew Co, bds 603 4th ave S
Simonitsch Miss Julitta B, student, bds 603 4th ave S
Simonitsch Mathias, Propr Western Bottling Works and Agt Val Blatz Brew Co, res 603 4th ave S
Simonson Jacob, porter Wilson & Larson, rms 312 2nd ave N
Simonson Mary (wid Knute), res 112 4th st S
Simpson Burton G, lineman N W Tel Co, res 505 4th st S
Sinatte Miss Katherine, tchr Central Sch, bds 1023 7th ave S
Sindar Paul J, emp Shotwell Floral Co, res 323 6th st S
Sjoholm Miss Lillie, clk Quale & Martinson, bds 224 4th st N
Sjoholm Swen E, res 224 4th st N
Skauge Oscar O, clk Christianson & W, res 811 5th st S
Skog Charles, lab, res 225 11th st N
Skog Fritz, bds 225 11th st N
Skog Helmar J, lab, bds 225 11th st N
Skolin Adolph, bartndr Higgins Aske Co, rrns 220 1st st N
Skridsol Mrs Julia, res 16 3rd st N
Skridsol Olaf N, grocer 109 1st st N, res same
Smaby Carl, carp, res 403 4th st S
Smith Arnold E, res 103 7th ave S
Smith Arthur G (Iowa Land & Loan Co), rms 224 6th st S
Smith Edward F, saloon 300 1st ave S, res 124 4th st S
Smith George P, driver W D Morrow, res 1015 Front
Smith Miss Helen E, tchr Normal Sch, res Fargo
Smith John T, livery, res 113 1st st N
Smith Mrs Julia, res 213 2nd st S
Smith Julius, driver Fargo Mill Co, bds 105 7th ave S
Smith Miss Mary H, clk O N Skridsol, bds 113 1st st N
Smith Mons, res 105 7th ave S
Smith Moses, res 505 10th st S
Smith Miss M Esther, student, bds 124 4th st S
Smith Peter N, emp G N Ry, bds 1015 Front
Smith Wm, lab, res 11th st S bet 1st and 2nd ave
Snyder Adam, res 214 8th st N
Snyder Charles, res 14th st N cor 10th ave
Snyder George, res cor 15th st N and 8th ave
Snyder Rebecca (wid Philip), res 15th st cor 8th ave N
Snyder Samuel J, bds 15th st N cor 8th ave
Soenens Peter, lab, res 1230 1st ave S –
Solberg Alfred J (Solberg & Nelson), bds New Columbia
Solberg Mrs Mary, dressmkr, res 117 7th ave S
Solberg & Nelson (A J Solberg, A T Nelson), grocers 610 Front
Solman Hjalmer, cook, res 22 3rd st N
Solheim John A, bds 523 11th st S
Solman Helmer, cook, res 22 3rd st N
SondralL Oliver L, pros M’h’d Farmers Elev Co, res 1017 2nd ave N
Sontag Martin, res 903 7th ave S
Soosen Henry, saloon 11 4th st N, res 113 4th st N
Soreide Anders, janitor Concordia College, bds same
Soreide Olaf, eng Concordia College, bds same
Souers Arthur (Central Land Co), res 911 2nd ave S
Souers Eldon F, emp Remley & Olson, bds 611 10th st S
Souers Margaret (wid John), res 611 10th st S
South L Oscar, tmstr John Lamb, res 213 4th st S
Spaulding Arthur R, painter, res 1106 1st ave S
Sperling Frank, lather, res 1036 1st ave N
Sprague Elisha C, real est Kiefer blk, res 903 7th st S
Staake Edwin J, res 708 10th st S
Staake Miss Hildegard E, nurse, bds 708 10th st S
Staake Miss Olga C A, tchr, bds 708 10th st S
Staake Mrs Ulrika, midwife, res 708 10th st S
Stahl Mrs Lizzie, res 508 5th st S
Stahl Otto H, printer, bds 508 5th st S
Stalley Francis C, student, bds 714 8th st S
Stalley Frederick, register of Deeds, res 714 8th st S
Stalley Harold A, clk Fred Stalley, bds 714 8th st S
Standish Miss Margaret, bds 702 7th ave S
Stanford Conrad, driver Schoenhofen Brew Co
Star Implement Co, J H Hanson mngr, 621 Front
State Normal School, F A Weld Pres, 7th ave and 12th st S
Steen John, student, bds 117 7th st S
Steen Samuel A, res 117 7th st S
Stefanes Rudolph, res 705 1st st S
Steffarud Miss Alma, student, bds 807 9th st N
Steffarud Einar H, mach J I Case Co, bds 807 9th st N
Steffarud Emil H, mach J I Case Co, res 807 9th st N
Steffarud Henry, mach, bds 807 9th st N
Steffis Hubert, painter, bds 215 4th st N
Steger Miss Wanda S, sec pres Normal Sch, rms 819 11th st S
Stein Wm G, bartndr E F Smith, rms 112 4th st S
Stern Herbert, clk Stern & Field, rms 306 6th st S
Stern Joseph B, mngr Gartner & Co, rms 119 4th st S
Stern Sigmund C, clk Stern & Field, rms 305 4th st S
Stern & Field (H M & S M Field), Proprs Palace Clothing and Shoe Store, 404 Front
Steinberg Clementine (wid Benjamin), res 520½ Front
Steinberg Louis V, clk H Bachenheimer, bds 5201/2 Front
Stevens Hubert, bds 214 2nd st S
Stevens Martin J, bds 214 2nd st S
Stevens Thomas E, lab, res 214 2nd st S
Stevenson Miss M Adeline, tchr 2nd Ward Sch, bds 313 7th st S
Stevenson Wm J, farmer, res 313 7th st S
Still Miss Ada J, tchr, bds 811 2nd ave S
Still Miss Mary O, tchr, bds 811 2nd ave S
Still Wm J, carp, res 811 2nd ave S
Stockman John W, tchr Central Sch, rms 119 5th st S
Stodder Louis T, agt N P Ry, res 415 2nd ave S
Stodder Louis T Jr, messr Northern Ex Co, bds 415 2nd ave S
Stodder Miss Margaret W, bds 415 2nd ave S
Stodder Miss May L, student., bds 415 2nd ave S
Stoike Freda, emp New Columbia Hotel
Stolt Albert H, res 112 3rd st N
Stone Miss Hattie, bds 505 10th st S
Stonedahl Martha (wid Ole), nurse, rms 710 7th ave S
Strand Alexander, gardener, bds 13 7th ave S W
Strand Benjamin A, student, bds 13 7th ave S W
Strand Benjamin O, res 13 7th ave S W
Strand Miss Bertha M, student, bds 13 7th ave S W
Strand Thomas, emp N P Ry, bds E W Rundgren
Strathdee James R, res 223 16th st N
Streeter Mrs Nona, emp Remington Pkg Co, res 1036 1st ave S
Stribley John F, trav agt Standard Oil Co, res 1215 7th st S
Stribley Orris J, student, bds 1215 7th st S
Strom Miss Ethel, stenog F H Peterson, bds 121 8th ave S
Strom Iver, janitor Normal Sch
Strong August W, farmer, res 508 A st S
Strothman Adolph H, emp Fargo Feed Mill, bds 213 2nd st S
Strub Miss Anna, bds 1215 6th st S
Strub Bernard, bds 1215 6th st S
Strub Ferdinand, res 1215 6th st S
Strub Hugo, mach opr Fargo Forum, res 1203 6th st S
Strub Mrs Hugo, mach opr Moorhead News, res 1203 6th st S
Strub Joseph, bds 1215 6th st S
Strub Wm A, baker Geo Pirie Co, bds 1215 6th st S
Stubstad Christine, domestic, 610 9th st S
Studlien Robin O, bartndr J Kiefer, rms 10 3rd st N
Stitz Joseph, barber L J Moody, rms 120 5th st S
Sullivan A W, waiter W H Diemert & Co
Sullivan Patrick J, farmer, res 303 7th st S
Sullivan Wm H, bartndr Higgins Aske Co, rms 208 3rd st N
Sundahl Rasmus J, emp N P Ry, res 201 3rd st S
Sundfor Alfred, cook, res 415 1st ave N
Sundstad Miss Aurora, dressmkr, bds 522 A st S
Sundstad Elias C, res 522 A st S
Sundstrom Gust, fireman G N Ry, bds 101 11th st N
Surratt Frank, fireman G N Ry, rms 612 1st ave N
Sutton James C, cash G N Ry, res 124 14th st N
Sutton Ure C, carp, res Kassenborg blk
Svenkesen Signe (wid Gunder C), res 413 11th st S
Svenkesen Svenke C, bds 413 11th st S
Svenkesen Wm G, mach Harris Bros, bds 413 11th st S
Swadling Miss Gladys M, bds 706 3rd ave S
Swaldie Annie R (wid Ole), res 124 3rd st N
Swanholm Gust, meat ctr Benson & Olson, res 209 2nd st S
Swanholm Pehr, rms 823 Front
Swanson Carl, rms 218 11th st S
Swanson Miss Helen, bds 81 4th ave S W
Swanson Louis, tmstr John Lamb, res 23 5th st S
Swanson Nels, contractor, bds 1420 1st ave N
Swanson Otto, switchman N P Ry, res 211½ 1st st N
Swanson Peter, contractor, bds 1420 1st ave N
Swanson Peter, bartndr H C Miller, res 124 9th ave S
Swanson Miss Selma, dressmkr, bds 903 7th ave S
Swedberg Eleanor (wid Magnus), res 321 9th st N
Swedberg Miss Emma C, bds 321 9th st N
Swedish Luth Church, Rev F M Eckman pastor, 205 6th st S
Swedish Mission Church, 2nd ave S bet 9th and 10th sts
Swedman Ellen (wid Andrew J), res 418 10th st N
Swedman Enoch J, clk Pederson Merc Co, rms 418 10th st N
Swedman Rupert G, painter F Johnson Co, bds 418 10th st N
Swensen Albin W, student, bds 122 6th ave S
Swensen Christian, carp, res 122 6th ave S
Swensen Miss Minnie E, emp N D Ind Tel Co, bds 618 3rd st S
Swenson Samuel A, fireman Electric Light Pt, res 618 3rd st S
Swenson Andrew, farmer, res 824 12th ave S
Swenson Swen P, carp, res 1311 7th st S
Syron Mary A (wid Michael), bds 810 5th ave S