1915 City Directory A-F
Abbott Harvey C, emp Hopeman Const Co, res 3rd ave S near 13th st
Abbott J Luther, tmstr, bds 1315 2nd ave S
Abbott Wm, res 1111 2nd ave S
Abbott Wm, res 11 6th st N
Abdo Joseph, bar porter Comstock Hotel
Abler Mathias, farmer, res 514 11th st N
Abraham Herman, tmstr Hamm Brew Co, bds 124 9th ave S
Adams Edwin, Law and Insurance 602½ Front, res 219 8th st S
Adams Miss Ethel M, tchr Normal Sch, bds 403 8th st S
Adams Miss Helen, student, bds 219 8th st S
Adams Maurice E, student, bds 219 8th st S
Adolfson Nannie, domestic Moorhead Hospital
Adsero Fred, lodging house, res 507 1st ave S
Adsit Miss Ada, collr, bds 611 1st ave S
Adsit George A, bds 611 1st ave S
Adsit John A, clk J L McCormick, res 611 1st ave S
Adsero Miss Mary, bds 507 1st ave S
Aggerholm Miss Clara, bds 1023 7th ave S
Akesson Theodore (Akesson & Grandskold), res 409 2nd ave S
Akesson & Grandskold (Theodore Akesson, S P Grandskold), saloon 17 4th st S
Alberg Erick, painter Gust Eklund, bds 217 11th st S
Aldal Knute, bartndr Chas Nelson, res 227 1st st N
Alderman Clara C (wid Watson), bds 221 5th st S
Alderman R Deyoe, lab, res 1315 2nd ave S
Alexander Minnie (wid Charles), res 505 10th st S
Allen Alva M, res 620 Front
Allen Oliver C, pool hall 23 4th st N, res Kassenborg blk
Alsleben Charles, emp R R V Seed House, res 705 1st st S
Amundson Miss Lilly, tchr Concordia College, res same
Anderson Adam, bricklayer, res 211 7th ave S
Anderson Adolph R, lab, bds 523 10th st S
Anderson Albert, rms 207 1st st N
Anderson Miss Alice, tchr, bds 113 10th st S
Anderson Miss Alma, tchr, bds 412 9th st N
Anderson Anders O, res 823 A st S
Anderson Andrew, bds 217 4th st N
Anderson Andrew O, emp N P frt, res 823 A st S
Anderson Anna, domestic 616 9th st N
Anderson Miss Annie E, tchr, bds 604 10th st S
Anderson Anthony, harnessmkr W A Robertson
Anderson Miss Anna, bds 304 12th st N
Anderson Arthur, bartndr Higgins Aske Co, res 115 10th st N
Anderson A M, emp G N Ry, rms 103 3rd st N
Anderson August, lab, rms 221 11th st S
Anderson August G, mach Front cor 2nd, res 209 3rd st S
Anderson Axel V, baker, res 501 6th st S
Anderson Miss Caroline, nurse Moorhead Hospital
Anderson Charles, res 4th ave S near 17th st
Anderson Charles W, res 112 3rd st N
Anderson Miss Clarice J, cigar clk Comstock Hotel, bds 210 14th st S
Anderson David, tinner Moorhead Hdwe Co, res 218 11th st S
Anderson Edwin, bds 211 7th ave S
Anderson Ella, domestic 811 11th st S
Anderson Miss Ellen E, student, bds 412 9th st N
Anderson Miss Eveline L, tchr Concordia College, rms 801 4th st S
Anderson Miss Florence, nurse Moorhead Hospital
Anderson Miss Frances M, tchr Fargo College Conservatory, bds 215 3rd st S
Anderson George L, tmstr Bowers Bros, res 329 A st N
Anderson Gotfried A, clk Solberg & Nelson, bds 324 10th st N
Anderson Gust, tmstr, bds 1021 5th ave S
Anderson Gustaf, lab, res 214 11th st S
Anderson Gustave, tmstr, res 523 10th st S
Anderson Guttorm, carp, res 604 10th st S
Anderson Hannah (wid Nels), res 324 10th st N
Anderson Mrs Hannah, res 62 4th ave S W
Anderson Hardwick A, clk Moorhead Hdwe Co, bds 707 3rd ave S
Anderson Harry L, trav agt, res 1015 7th ave S
Anderson Miss Hilda V, cigar clk Comstock Hotel, bds 210 14th st S
Anderson John A, bartndr Henry Soosen, res 113 10th st S
Anderson John M, carp, res 523 11th st S
Anderson Miss Lillian, clk Quale & Martinson, bds 224 4th st N
Anderson Lisa, domestic 523 4th st S
Anderson Miss Lydia, student, bds 523 10th st S
Anderson Magnus, bartndr A W Monson, rms 114 7th st S
Anderson Martin L, restaurant 306 1st ave S, res same
Anderson Rev Martin, Pastor Norw Trinity Luth Church, res 210 7th st S
Anderson Mattie, domestic 322 9th st S
Anderson Nels, tmstr Harris Bros
Anderson Nels A, lab, res 1021 5th ave S
Anderson Nels H, cabinetrnkr O C Beck, res 1021 8th ave S
Anderson Miss Nora, bds 304 12th st N
Anderson Olaf, emp N P Ry, res 207 1st st N
Anderson Paul N, driver A J Norby, res 412 9th st N
Anderson Peter A, cement wkr, res 304 12th st N
Anderson P Gust, plasterer, res 412 9th st N
Anderson Ray, rms 207 1st st N
Anderson Richard C, policeman, res 216 4th st N
Anderson Samuel, carp, res 123 7th ave S
Anderson Thorsten, res 210 14th st S
Anderson Miss Tryphena, tchr Normal Sch, bds Wheeler Hall
Anderson Wm, bkpr, res 811 4th st S
Andrix Miss Iza E, tchr Normal Sch, bds 505 8th st S
Anheuser-Busch Brewing Assn, Pederson Mercantile Co Agts, 5-7-9 Fourth st S
Antoine Miss Ava, tchr High Sch, rms 614 8th st S
Arfsten Ernest J, lab, res 121 8th st S
Armstrong George, clk, rms 807 2nd ave S
Arneson Martin, carp, res 106 6th ave S
Aske Julius B (Higgins-Aske Co), res 821 7th ave S
Askegaard Miss Corinne, bds 411 9th st S
Askegaard Edwin D, Asst Cash First Natl Bank, res 411 9th st S
Assel Albert (Assel & Hassie), rms 318 1st ave N
Assel & Hassie (Albert Assel, Faiz Hassie), pool hall 304 1st ave N
Athmann Wm J, emp W H Diemert & Co, res 414 2nd ave N
Ausk Mrs Andrena B, res 710 7th ave S
Auxer Willis B, res 221 5th st S
Awty Wm J, Physician and Surgeon 508½ Front, res 315 5th st S
Axness Andrew S, res 803 A st S
Axness Mrs Anna, nurse, res 803 A st S
Ayars Homer, emp C Nelson, res 416 2nd ave N
Aylmer Richard, res 706 3rd ave S
Bachenheimer Hugo, clothing 616 Front, res 405 9th st S
Baggerud Ole E, porter W H Diemert & Co
Bailey George W, elec Water & Light Dept, res 507 10th st S
Baker Miss Dorothy, bds 71 4th ave S W
Baker Louis W, tray agt, bds 71 4th ave S W
Baker Miss Myrtle, tchr, bds 71 4th ave S W
Baker Samuel, tinner, res 523 11th st N
Baker Stephen W, carp, res 71 4th ave S W
Bakke Oscar, clk W M Nesheim, bds New Columbia
Bakken Andrew, emp N P Ry, res 905 Front
Baldwin Forest E, clk Comstock Hotel
Baldwin Frank E, policeman, res 16 6th st N
Ballard Caswell A, prof Normal Sch, res 604 8th st S
Ballard Miss N, tchr 2nd Ward Sch, rms 313 7th st S
Banta Miss Ethel, tchr Normal Sch, bds 505 8th st S
Barlow Robert W, waiter Northern Hotel, bds same
Bartholomaus Mrs Carolina, rms Kassenborg blk
Bartholomaus Henry G, bds 610 4th ave S
Bartholomaus Miss Louise M, emp C E Belknap, rms Kassenborg blk
Bartholomaus Wm F, res 610 4th ave S
Barton Eugene A, trav agt, res 120 12th st N
Bastain John A, elec, bds 17 6th ave S W
Bastain Joseph H, chief eng Electric Light Pt, res 17 6th ave S W
Baum John, emp N P Ry, res 424 13th st N
Baum Louis, bds 424 13th st N
Bauman Herman E (Empire Land Co), rms Wheeler blk
Baumer Anton, lab, res 1502 2nd ave N
Bay Elmer G, bds 1016 3rd ave N
Bay Gordon J, bds 1016 3rd ave N
Bay Hans C, trucker G NRy, res 1016 3rd ave N
Bayer Mabel (wid John M), res 425 7th st S
Beach Joseph B, lab, res 105 2nd ave S
Beardsley Miss Edna, tchr Central Sch, rms 107 6th
Beauchaine Ephraim A, cash J Gund Brew Co, res 110 6th st S
Beaulieu Mrs Julia, res 16 3rd st N
Beck Miss Florence C, student, bds 122 6th st S
Beck Miss Grace, bds 106 3rd st N
Beck Julius, res 106 3rd st N
Beck Melvin E, clk O C Beck, bds same
Beck-Morrow Co (O C Beck, W D Morrow), Undertakers and Funeral Directors, 614 Front
Beck O C, Furniture, Carpets, Sewing Machines and Window Shades 614 Front, Mayor of Moorhead, res 122 6th st S
Beck Wm J, bds 106 3rd st N
Beckman Miss Emma C, bds 302 1st st N
Beckman Olaf L, bricklyr, res 302 1st st N
Belknap Charles E, Propr Belknap Dairy Lunch 702 Front, res First Natl Bank blk
Benedict Miss Ida H, tchr Normal Sch, rms 611 8th st S
Bennett A Mary (wid Samuel), res 909 1st ave S
Bennett Sander B, steamftr, bds 909 1st ave S
Bennifield Bonnie J, clk Comstock Hotel
Benning Joseph J, carp, res 119 2nd st N
Benson Albert, res 519 7th st S
Benson Albin W, bds 903 2nd ave N
Benson Miss Amanda B, dressmkr, bds 903 2nd ave N
Benson Carrie (wid John), bds 302 4th st N
Benson Ole, lab, rms 11 5th st N
Benson Swan P, res 903 2nd ave N
Berg August B, emp Monson Trunk Co, bds 21 2nd ave S W
Berg Miss Gertrude, bds 21 2nd ave S W
Berg John A, saloon 223 1st ave S, res 514 4th st S
Berg Margaret (wid Ingebret), res 21 2nd ave S W
Berg Morris, bartndr S Lundgren, res 523 4th ave S
Berg Samuel, mach, rms 218 11th st S
Bergan Stephen, emp Iowa Land Co, rms 414 2nd ave S
Bergan Thomas A, collr I H Co of A, rms 509 6th st S
Bergedahl Miss Tillie, waiter, rms 120 6th st S
Berggren Miss Alma M, emp A J Wright & Sons, bds 215 11th st N
Berggren Charlotte (wid Franz O), res 215 11th st N
Berggren Henning V, driver Fire Dept, bds 215 11th st N
Berglund John, lab, bds 307 15th st N
Berglund Victor, clk Palace Clothing Co, bds 715 2nd ave S
Bergquist Albert W, res 1320 1st ave N
Bergson Jeannette, domestic Moorhead Hospital
Bergstrand Miss Ellen M, student, bds 324 A st N
Bergstrand Henry J W, student, bds 324 A st N
Bergstrand John G, harnessmkr, res 324 A st N
Bergstrom Miss Emily, dressmkr, bds 214 2nd ave N
Bergstrom Israel, mining investments 402 Front, rms same
Bergstrom Mrs Mary, restaurant 6 4th st S, res same
Bergstrom Peter G, Grocer, res 303 11th st N
Berkey John, emp G N Ry, res 120 13th st N
Berman Oscar, tmstr John Lamb, rms 18 5th st S
Berrigan Thomas J, barber 418 Front, res 515 4th st S
Bertelson Olof M, carp, res 806 3rd st S
Besserer Wm G, tailor A Skoog, res 518 A st S
Best Fred H (Miller & Best), res Fargo
Bestic A King, trav agt, res 621 8th st S
Bielfeldt Henry J, painter, res 122 14th st S
Billstein Louis P, clk Hamm Brew Co, rms 509 6th st S
Birklund Thor, painter F Johnson, bds 420 1st ave S
Bisiar Thomas G, cook C F Belknap, rms 805 Front
Bistram Anton, lab, res 312 2nd ave N
Bjelde Gilbert A, res 715 1st st S
Bjordahl Einar, carp, rms 704 4th st S
Bjorklund Carl E, janitor Normal Sch, res 217 11th st S
Bjorklund John, shoemkr 9 5th st N, rms 520½ Front
Bjorkmam Carl, emp A Anderson, rms 20 3rd st N
Bjorkquist Andrew M, carp, res 615 9th st S
Bjorkquist Miss Anna M, clk Black Co, bds 615 9th st S
Bjorkquist Carl L, contractor, res 621 8th st S
Bjorkquist Christina (wid Edward L), res 515 10th st S
Bjorkquist Gunnar C, bricklyr, bds 621 8th st S
Bjorkquist Miss Mary H, student, bds 615 9th st S
Bjorkquist Oscar W, student, bds 621 8th st S
Bjorkquist Rudolph O, carp, bds 615 9th st S
Blakeway Henry 5, driver Penn Oil & Supply Co, res 1028 4th ave N
Blanchard James B, res 224 8th st N
Blatz Val Brewing Co, M Simonitsch Agt, 615 Front
Blegen Alfred J, emp Park G & M, bds 723 4th st S
Blegen Arthur O, bkpr Remley & Olson, bds 723 4th st S
Blegen Lawrence I, emp Ford Motor Co, res 715 5th st S
Blegen Olaus A, tmstr Hopeman Const Co, res 723 4th st S
Blegen Oscar, student, bds 723 4th st S
Blount James F, porter Higgins Aske Co, res 101 2nd ave S
Blount Joseph R, bds 101 2nd ave S
Boatman Byron B, bds 406 13th st N
Boatman Clarence E, eng, res 109 2nd ave S
Boatman Ernest, bds 406 13th st N
Boatman Miss Minnie E, bds 406 13th st N
Boatman Robert P, farmer, res 406 13th st N
Bodkin Wm J, res Comstock Hotel
Boisvert Alfred T, farmer, bds 427 A st S
Boisvert Miss Aurora, bds 427 A st S
Boisvert Henry N, clk de Lendrecie Co, bds 427 A st S
Boisvert Miss Philomena V, clk de Lendrecie Co, bds 427 A st S
Boisvert Philomena (wid Alfred J), res 427 A st S
Bolster C Matilda (wid Charles), res 414 2nd ave S
Bolster Frank D, emp Ford Motor Co, bds 414 2nd ave S
Bolster Orley P, trav agt, res 414 2nd ave S
Bond Stanley, res 212 2nd st S
Boone Rev Francis B, pastor Grace M E Ch, res 407 2nd ave S
Bordsen Beard W, clk J G Ramsey, res 303 1st ave S
Bordsen Charles E, opr W U T Co, res 317 2nd ave N
Borg Knute, lab, rms 1209 2nd ave S
Borgen Louis T, bkpr, bds 710 4th st S
Borgen Miss Louise, clk Lyceum Theatre, bds 710 4th st S
Borgen Ole T, Mngr Interior Lumber Co, res 209 8th ave S
Borgen Syver T, letter carrier, res 709 11th st S
Borgen Thov L, carp, res 710 4th st S
Bossler John, porter M Anderson, bds 306 1st ave S
Bossman Ruth, domestic 803 6th st S
Bowman Adolph W, printer Fargo Forum, res 807 5th st S
Bowman Oscar J, pressman, res 709 6th st S
Boyd Miss Katherine, res 21½ 4th st S
Braaten Miss Ella, cook J A Karlstrom, rms 306 2nd ave S
Brady Bros (M F, J L), barbers, 206 1st ave N
Brady James L (Brady Bros), rms Fargo
Brady Martin F (Brady Bros), res 120 3rd st N
Brady Michael B, emp Brady Bros, res 206 1st ave N
Braman Charles A, livery, res 1034 4th ave N
Brandon Ole, cook G H Jenkinson, rms 17 4th st S
Brandt Mrs Mary, res 721 10th st S
Brandvold Carl A, res 112 6th ave S
Bratten Lawrence M, painter, res 218 1st st S
Brattensborg Albert, bds 225 4th st N
Brattensborg Hans J, carp, bds 225 4th st N
Brattensborg Hans T, carp, res 225 4th st N
Brattensborg Henry, driver Moorhead Hdwe Co, bds 225 4th st N
Brattensborg Miss Nora C, stenog, bds 225 4th st N
Brattensborg Miss Olga L, tchr, bds 225 4th st N
Brattensborg Theodore, carp, bds 225 4th st N
Bratvold Ole, carp, res 822 11th st S
Breiland Aadone H, farmer, res 801 5th st S
Breit John S, emp G N Ry, res 506 9th st N
Brekke John, res 312 13th st N
Brendemuhl Frederick, physician 610 Front
Brennan Jessie (wid Charles), stenog G E Perley, rms 614 8th st S
Brennun Miss Clara, bds 510 10th st S
Brennun Miss Laura, dressmkr, bds 510 10th st S
Brennun Miss Martha, student, bds 510 10th st S
Brennun Peter J, res 510 10th st S
Brieske Frank G, cash Heileman Brew Co, res 522 9th st N
Briggs Irwin H, res 416 15th st N
Briggs John W, bds 616 9th st N
Briggs Wm R, gardener, res 616 9th st N
Brink Andrew, rms 303 10th st N
Brokmeier Henry O, bartndr S P Diemert, res 220 1st st S
Brooten Miss Ingre, bds 203 4th st S
Bronson Alexander W, bartndr Mattson & Thoreson, res 23 4th st N
Bronson Mrs Flossie, Propr European Hotel, res same
Brophy Fred M, v pres R R Farm Loan Co, res 1022 5th ave S
Brown Andrew M, barber C J Crosgrove, res Martinson blk
Brown Miss Anna, bds 713 3rd ave S
Brown Charles M, barber, res 908 11th st S
Brown Clarence E, Variety Store 504 Front
Brown Miss Dolores, stenog, rms 524 4th st S
Brown Mrs Emily N, dep Register of Deeds, res Martinson blk
Brown Frank, barber S G Johnson, bds New Columbia
Brown Frederick E, bds 402 A st S
Brown John N, dentist Wheeler blk, res 713 3rd ave S
Brown Peter 5, tmstr Bowers Bros, res 402 A st S
Bryant Eliza J (wid Samuel W), res 624 8th st S
Bryce John H, clk J G Ramsey, rms 122 2nd ave N
Bryne Easton, cook L Howard, rms 122 2nd ave N
Burgeson Edwin J, policeman, res 26 5th ave S W
Burley Emma (wid Wm F), res 418 5th st N
Burley Lloyd B, emp G N Ry, bds 418 5th st N
Burley Wyman H, res 424 5th st N
Burnham Elsie A (wid Ozro W), res 113 4th st S
Burnham Miss May D, tchr, bds 113 4th st S
Burt Charles B, Mngr Hennepin Brewing Co, res Fargo
Burton Albert, rms 127 2nd st N
Buttweiler Miss Anna, clk H Woody, rms 611 1st ave S
Byler Frank L (Miller & Byler), res 215 7th st S
Cable Ray M, tmstr, res 1108 1st ave S
Cain Joseph H, yardmaster G N Ry, res 607 1st ave S
Calkins Horace, res 1028 4th ave S
Calkins Miss Sadie, tchr, bds 1028 4th ave S
Campbell Edward G, carp, res 107 9th st N
Campbell Joseph O, bartndr W H Diemert & Co, bds 322 2nd ave N
Campbell Roy D, mach, res 603 9th st S
Cantin Miss Yvonne, conf 620 Front, bds same
Cappis George, tmstr Hamm Brew Co, bds 303 1st ave N
Cappis Minnie (wid Wm), res 303 1st ave N
Carlander Claus O, bricklayer, res 924 5th ave S
Carlander Miss Esther, milliner, bds 924 5th ave S
Carlander Miss Garda I, tchr, bds 924 5th ave S
Carlander Jan R, student, bds 924 5th ave S
Carlander Robert E, mason, bds 924 5th ave S
Carley Cornelius, driver, bds 810 9th ave N
Carley Henry J, res 810 9th ave N
Carlson Albert, lab, res 1103 1st ave S
Carlson Amanda (wid Austin), res 1012 4th ave N
Carlson Miss Anna K, waiter J A Karlstrom, rms 306 2nd ave S
Carlson Axel, bartndr Chas Nelson, res 228 A st N
Carlson Carl G, emp G N frt, bds 306 1sf st S
Carlson Miss Christine, dressmkr, bds 704 10th st S
Carlson Claus, cement wkr, res 221 11th st S
Carlson David, carp, bds 221 11th st S
Carlson Edwin, rms 815 1st ave S
Carlson Frank O (Carlson & Olson), res 805 Front
Carlson Gust P, plasterer, res 216 11th st N
Carlson Gustaf A, res 306 1st st S
Carlson John, lab, rms 815 1st ave S
Carlson Miss Lillian A, emp Pioneer Candy Co, bds 306 1st st S
Carlson Miss Nannie, emp A J Wright & Sons, bds 1012 4th ave N
Carlson Orrin, painter, res 223 8th ave S
Carlson Miss Signe A, pkr Pioneer Candy Co, bds 306 1st st S
Carlson Theodore, plasterer, res 218 9th st N
Carlson & Olson (F O Carlson, C P Olson), saloon 622 Front
Carney Maurice J, driver Mnpls Brewing Co, res 811 1st ave S
Casey Miss Isabelle M, tchr, bds 602 1st ave N
Casey James F, emp N P Ry, res 602 1st ave N
Casey Miss Martha H, bds 602 1st ave N
Casey Russell J, fireman N P Ry, bds 602 1st ave N
Casey Miss Ruth H, student, bds 602 1st ave N
Caspary P Snibsor, furrier 4 4th st S, res 301 10th st S
Cavallin Rev John O, res 1015 7th ave S
Caviness George, tchr High Sch, bds 401 9th st S
Cederberg Oscar C, cash Hennepin Brew Co, res 1002 4th ave S
Central High School, 8th st S bet 3rd and 4th aves
Central Land Co (Arthur Souers), 602 Front
Charles A J, res 1624 4th ave N
Christensen Hans H, blksmith, res 510 5th st S
Christenson Charles A, res 303 10th st N
Christiania Liquor House, Matt Mickelson Propr, 107 1st st N
Christianson Albert, plasterer, bds 419 10th st N
Christianson Albert, clk N P Ry, res 808 4th st S
Christianson Conrad, emp N P frt, bds 420 1st ave S
Christianson Ole (Christianson & Wentzell), res 225 3rd st S
Christianson Otto, clk Christianson & W, bds 225 3rd st S
Christianson Severt, checker N P Ry, res 233 3rd st S
Christianson Swan, plasterer, res 419 10th st N
Christianson & Wentzell (Ole Christianson, M O Wentzell), grocers 313 1st ave S
Churchill Donald H, trav agt Fargo Ice Cream Co, res 212 8th st N
Cincush Edward A, fireman Water & Light Dept, res 433 A st S
City Hall, 415 Front
Claassen Claas G, res 306 4th st N
Clarke Paul, dentist 520½ Front, rms 313 7th st S
Clay County Building Assn, P H Lamb pres, Johnston Wagner v pres, W R Tillotson sec, 602½ Front
Clayson Gust S, clk Peterson Merc Co, res 501 5th st S
Clemens Edward, res 612 9th st N
Clement Peter E, agrl agt Clay County, res 222 11th st S
Colby Harry F, bds 68 4th ave S W
Colby Judson A, res 68 4th ave S W
Colby Miss Minnie M, student, bds 68 4th ave S W
Colby Ned A, bds 68 4th ave S W
Colby Ned N, bds 68 4th ave S W
Cole John, cook Higgins Aske Co, rms 119 2nd st N
Collier Darsie A, res 429 11th st S
Collins Edward R, prof Normal Sch, res 521 8th st S
Colliton Vincent M, driver G N Express Co, bds 102 12th st N
Colliton Wm, res 102 12th st N
Comstock Miss Ada L, bds 506 8th st S
Comstock George M, bds 506 8th st S
Comstock Hotel, W E Hunt Propr, Front n w cor 8th
Comstock Miss Jessie M, bds 506 8th st S
Comstock Solomon G, real estate 801 Front, res 506 8th st S
Conant Miss Mary, tchr Normal Sch, bds 1023 7th ave S
Concordia College, Rev J A Aasgaard Pres, cor 8th ave S and 7th st
Connell Wm J, clk Walker Bros, res 524 4th st S
Connell Wm L, mach, res 414 2nd ave N
Conroy Miss Elizabeth, clk, bds 902 5th ave N
Conroy Joseph A, emp U L H & P Co, bds 902 5th ave N
Conroy Miss Mary, bds 902 5th ave N
Conroy Thomas M, res 902 5th ave N
Cooper Joseph, painter, rms 119 2nd st N
Corban Erness, bds 77 4th ave S W
Corch Frank, restaurant 154 1st ave N, res same
Cornwall Miss Margaret, tchr Normal Sch, bds Wheeler Hall
Cosgrove Robert H, tray agt I H Co of A, res 508 10th st S
Costain Arthur H, Cash First Natl Bank, res 516 9th st S
Costain John, Pres and Treas N W Loan Co, res 522 9th st S
Costain Wilfred R, Sec N W Loan Co, bds 522 9th st S
Cota Eugene, watchman Standard Oil Co, res 124 11th st N
Court House, cor 8th ave N and 11th st
Cowan Emest, res 106 3rd st N
Cox Henry F, farmer, res 323 6th st S
Cox Miss Ottie, stenog, bds 323 6th st S
Crosgrove Charles J, barber 103 1st st N, res 122 2nd ave N
Culbertson Thomas, cook J A Karlstrom
Culp C Ernest, barber, res 315 A st N
Curran Miss Lucy, tchr, bds 203 7th st S
Curran Miss Margaret, tchr, bds 203 7th st S
Gurran Thomas H, farmer, res 203 7th st S
Currie Donald, watchman G N Ry, res 223 3rd st N
Currie Miss Mary N, nurse, bds 223 3rd st N
Curtis Miss E Lois, emp W B Auxer, bds 318 10th st N
Curtis Nellie (wid Alanson), res 318 10th st N
Curtis W Rhett, bds 318 10th st N
Czizek Peter, res 209 4th st N
Czora John, driver Wells Fargo Ex, bds 435 4th st N
Czora Miss Margaret, bds 435 4th st N
Czora Samuel C, emp N P Ry, res 435 4th st N
Dahl Miss Delia F, music tchr, bds 32 3rd ave S W
Dahl Miss Esther C, student, bds 32 3rd ave S W
Dali Miss Ida M, bds 32 3rd ave S W
Dahl Martin, emp N P Ry, rms 514 11th st N
Dahl Miss Millie H, supt of dormitories Normal Sch
Dahl Tobias H, trav agt, res 32 3rd ave S W
Dahms Arthur E, trav agt Hamm Brew Co, res 809 2nd ave S
Dakota Conservatory (Moorhead Branch), Miss MolIie Martinson mngr, 407 Front
Dammen Anton M, Mngr Moorhead Lmbr Co, res 922 8th st S
Dapper Miss Elizabeth, mngr W U T Co, bds 429 4th st S
Darrow Daniel C, physician 520½ Front, res 603 8th st S
Dart Albert C, bds 504 10th st S
Dart Frank M, emp Standard Oil Co, bds 504 10th st S
Dart Fred M, clk C M & st P, bds 504 10th st S
Dart George A, res 504 10th st S
Dart Miss Lois A, tchr, bds 504 10th st S
Dart M Curtiss, bds 504 10th st S
Daubenspeck John, emp H Zervas, rms 10 3rd st N
Davy Wm H, res 222 2nd st N
Day Charles, res 7½ 4th st N
Day Walter E, clk New Columbia Hotel
Deans Miss Belle M, tchr Normal Sch, rms 714 8th st S
Dehn Frank W, gardener, res 303 2nd st S
Dehn Leo M, clk, bds 303 2nd st S
Dehn Miss Rosa, bds 303 2nd st S
Deits Thomas H, painter, res 4th ave S 1st e 2nd st
Devenpeck Fred N, chef Belknap Dairy Lunch, res 107 2nd ave N
Devinger Miles, porter S G Johnson, rms same
Devitt Bertha (wid Michael), res 103 4th st N
Diemert Anthony C, bartndr S P Diemert, res 424 A st S
Diemert Simon P, saloon 105 1st st N, res 221 10th st S
Diemert Wm H, Pres W H Diemert & Co, res 504 6th st S
Diemert W H & Co, W H Diemert Pres, E Dietnert V Pres, J S Wambach Sec and Treas, Wholesale
Liquors and Cigars, 101-103.1st ave N
Dommer Carl, shoemkr 14 4th st N, res same
Dommer Ernest F, gardener, res 1217 6th st S
Dommer Frank R, bds 1217 6th st S
Donahue Jane (wid Owen), bds 221 10th st S
Donaldson Horace, Mngr J Gund Brewing Co, res 323 5th st S
Donaldson John P, restaurant 410 Front, res same
Donnett Henry L, bartndr Rathskeller, res 1st ave N cor 5th st
Doolittle Rev Charles H, pastor First Presbyterian Ch, res 505 2nd ave S
Doolittle Harry C, mach Dak Sash & D Co, res 505 2nd ave S
Dosland Christian G, lawyer 520½ Front, res 430 7th st S
Douglas Ralph C, agt G N Ry, res 515 10th st S
Doving Nels, emp Mnpls Brew Co, rms 415 Front
Dowd Daniel W, res 110 12th st S
Dowd Thomas W, switchman, bds 110 12th st S
Dowrey Samuel G, propr Rex Hotel, res same
Drayton Richard, res 116 9th ave S
Dredge Miss Belle, tchr Normal sch, rms 216 8th st S
Du Bord Miss Rose, clk O J de Lendrecie, rms 10 3rd st N
Dudrey Wm H, real estate, res 62 4th ave S W
Duluth Brewing Co, H E Schultz Dist Agt, H C Rogers City Agt, 10 4th st S
Duncan H Cecil, res 917 Front
Dunnweber Charles E, painter, res 503 12th st S
Dwyer Miss Catherine, tchr Central Sch, bds 1023 7th ave S
Dwyer Peter V, stenog Moorhead Natl Bank, bds 203 7th st S
Dyer Miss Dora A, student, bds 812 2nd ave N
Dyer James I, rural letter carrier, res 812 2nd ave N
Dyer Warren, student, bds 812 2nd ave N
Dyrendahl Miss Martha, res 512 9th st N
Eames Benjamin A, tinner Remley & Olson, res 306 10th st N
Eames Miss Ella, milliner, bds 306 10th st N
Easthouse Miss Emma, bds 418 6th st S
Eastlund Leonard F, clk Solberg & Nelson, res 317 9th st N
Ebeltoft Helmer N, clk Standard Oil Co, bds 310 6th st S
Eck John W, tchr Normal Sch, rms 611 8th st S
Eckman Rev Frank M, pastor Swedish Luth Ch, res 211 6th st S
Edenborg Adolph, janitor First Natl Bank, res 302 10th st S
Edenborg Miss Hannah, bds 302 10th st S
Edin Arvid J, janitor Normal Sch, res 516 11th st S
Edling Mrs Alice, stenog Pollock & Pollock, res 308 A st N
Edling Carl L, cash N P Ry, res 308 A st N
Edling David V, elec, bds 308 A st N
Edling John W, res 308 A st N
Edling Miss Selma V, tchr, bds 308 A st N
Edlund Ole F, tailor 602½ Front, res 122 10th st N
Edwards Ellis L, rural letter carrier, res 321 13th st N
Edwards Erwin H, emp N P frt, bds 222 6th ave S
Edwards Herbert R, supt City Schools, res 413 9th st S
Edwards Tobias, bartndr Peter Meehan, res 222 6th ave S
Egeberg Axel C, lab, res 303 A st S
Egge Miss Emma, emp Moorhead Laundry, bds 120 7th ave S
Egge Miss Hilda, emp Moorhead Laundry, bds 120 7th ave S
Egge Petra (wid Thrond S), res 306 6th st S
Eide Andrew J, upholsterer McHose & Pardoe, res 802 3rd st S
EidemWm res 1320 1st ave N
Eklund Edwin G, tchr, bds 1015 4th ave S
Eklund Miss Florence I, tchr, bds 1015 4th ave S
Eklund Gust, painter 11 6th st N, res 1015 4th ave S
Eklund Rudolph E, watchmkr H H Hansen, bds 1015 4th ave S
Elder Frank, cor 2nd ave N and 16th st
Elingsby Ira, physical director Normal Sch
Ellingson Miss Anna, milliner, bds 504 5th st S
Ellingson Eddy S, clk C I Evenson, bds 504 5th st S
Ellingson Miss Ella, clk H Moody, bds 108 4th st S
Ellingson Fred T, chauffeur, bds 504 5th st S
Ellingson John, emp Fargo Foundry, res 108 4th st ,S
Ellingson Olga, domestic Wheeler Hall
Ellinghon Sigre (wid Andrew), res 504 5th st S
Elmer Mrs Nannie, nurse N D Children’s Home, res 321 9th st N
Elridge John E, carp, res 921 Front
Elstad Albert O, emp N P Ry, res 214 9th st N
Elstad Benjamin H, painter, res 113 8th st S
Elstad Bernt, policeman, res 115 1st st N
Elstad Clarence W, emp N P Ry, bds 113 8th st S
Elstad Miss Florence J, bds 113 8th st S
Elstad Fred R, stenog W H Diemert & Co
Elstad Miss Gladys H, student, bds 113 8th st S
Elstad Miss Lydia, bds 115 1st st N
Elwell Glenn L, student, bds 201 4th st S
Elwell Joseph F, mach Harris Bros, res 201 4th st S
Elwell Waldo L, clk Northern Ex Co, bds 201 4th st S
Emerson Andrew F, barber 13 4th st S, res Fargo
Emerson John, bartndr E E Flaten, res 1026 1st ave S
Empire Bottling Works, Herman Wilk sec, 301 1st ave S
Empire Land Co, M L Gates pres, H E Bauman sec, Wheeler blk
Enersen Pauline (wid E Kristinius), bds Matt Mickelson
Engel Fred J, res 402 2nd ave N
Engel Wm, res 512 A st S
Enger Sigre (wid Nels), res 424 4th st S
Engh Miss Alma M, tchr, bds 105 8th st S
Engh Halmer A, tchr, bds 105 8th st S
Engh Louis, bartndr H C Miller, res 105 4th st N
Engh Miss Nora O, tchr, bds 105 8th st S
Engh Ole H, clk O C Beck, res 105 8th st S
England Miss Matilda, rms Kassenborg blk
Erdel Charles B, saloon 110 1st ave N, res 111 2nd ave N
Erickson Abel M, conf 324 1st ave N, res 906 4th ave N
Erickson Albertine, domestic Wheeler Hall
Erickson Alfred, bricklayer, res 1209 2nd ave S
Erickson Miss Alice M, clk G D McCubrey, bds Court House
Erickson Miss Alvira R, tchr, bds Court House
Erickson Miss Anna, bds 33 3rd ave S W
Erickson Anton H, Treas Pederson Mercantile Co, res 123 4th st S
Erickson Carl G, carp N P Ry, res 215 1st st N
Erickson C Martin, emp G N Ry, res 312 15th st N
Erickson Edward J, bds 33 3rd ave S W
Erickson Edwin C, emp Ford Motor Co, rms 423 4th st S
Erickson Emil, bds 312 15th st N
Erickson Emil H, bds 33 3rd ave S W
Erickson Miss Enid, bds 123 4th st S
Erickson Erick C, res 312 15th st N
Erickson Miss Florence, bds Court House
Erickson George C, bds Court House
Erickson Gerda, domestic 715 6th st S
Erickson Gander, jeweler Quale & Martinson, res 814 4th st S
Erickson Miss Marie I, bds 33 3rd ave S W
Erickson Gust E, res 924 7th st S
Erickson Haldor A, carp, res 33 3rd ave S W
Erickson H Eric, bricklayer, res 223 1st st N
Erickson Ida, domestic Wheeler Hall
Erickson Jalmer B, bkpr Pederson Merc Co, res 806 2nd ave N
Erickson Johanna (wid John), res 920 7th st S
Erickson John S, restaurant 514 Front, res 912 7th st S
Erickson Josephine, domestic Wheeler Hall
Erickson Lars E, res 233 3rd st S
Erickson Miss Louise, clk Park G & M, bds Court House
Erickson Miss Mary, stenog, bds 618 5th st S
Erickson Miss Nannie, clk, bds 311 10th st N
Erickson Ole, janitor Court House, res same
Erickson Richard, plasterer, rms 212 6th ave S
Erickson Miss Selma, opr N W Tel Co, bds 312 15th st N
Erlandson Miss Nellie, clk Herbst Dept Store, rms 1022 7th ave S
Ernst Carl F, res 811 9th st N
Ernst Milton, bds 811 9th st N
Eshelman Oliver D, mach, res 510 6th st S
Espeland Samuel T, bkpr Moorhead Lmbr Co, res 111 6th ave S
Eassr Herbert, carp, res 912 6th ave N
Eassr John J, bds 912 6th ave N
Euren Conrad R, teller First Natl Bank Fargo, bds 311 10th st N
Euren Edward G, plasterer, res 310 10th st N
Euren Emil, plasterer, res 311 10th st N
Euren Gustaf. plasterer, res 707 11th st S
Euren Hjalmer G, bds 311 10th st N
Euren Iver F, bds 311 10th st N
Euren Roy, clk G E Freeberg, bds 707 11th st S
Euren Miss Signe A, tchr Lincoln Sch, bds 311 10th st N
European Hotel, Mrs Flossie Bronson Propr, 23 4th st N
Evans Lewis D, v pres Wheeler Land Co, res 523 7th st S
Evans Miss Marguerita, tchr High Sch, rms 429 9th st S
Evanson Edward H, barber, res 1010 2nd ave N
Evenson Alvin E, bds 119 10th st S
Evenson Clarence I, grocer 420 Front, bds 119 10th st S
Evenson Even E, janitor Hanson blk, res 119 10th st S
Ewan Charles L, bds 210 11th st N
Ewan Miss Ethel, bds 210 11th st N
Ewan Thomas, bds 210 11th st N
Ewan Walter, emp W R Briggs, res 914 4th ave N
Ewan Wm H, gardener, res 210 11th st N
Ewy Henry, lab, res 214 10th st N
Fahnlander Edward M, foreman G N Ry, res 123 11th st N
Falconer Miss Alice L, stenog C G Dosland, bds 702 2nd ave S
Falsted John, porter Mattson & Thoreson, res 117 7th ave S
Farmer George J, mach, res 6 7th ave S
Farrell James F, bartndr W M Toole, res 103 2nd ave S
Fass Henry, carp, bds 15 5th st N
Faust Andrew, res 219 3rd st N
Faust Nels, driver Harris Bros, bds 219 3rd st N
Fay Miss Anna, clk post office, bds 429 7th st S
Fay Edward, conf 7½ 4th st N, res 429 7th st S
Fay Edward Jr, Asst Postmaster, res 1203 7th st S
Fay James F, clk post office, bds 429 7th st S
Feldharnmer Miss Mollie, tchr Concordia College, rms 802 4th st S
Feltus Louis, tmstr Interior Lmbr Co, res 401 12th st S
Ferguson Henry, rms 505 10th st S
Fevig Arthur C, dep County Auditor, bds 323 10th st N
Fevig George L, clk G N Ry, res 323 10th st N
Fevig George V, student, bds 323 10th st N
Fevig Leonard O, clk One Price Clothing Co, bds 323 10th st N
Fevig Miss Minnie, bds 323 10th st N
Field George, porter Northern Hotel, rms same
Field Sam M (Stern & Field), rms 414 2nd ave S
Finstad Amanda (wid Ludwig), bds 113 1st st N
Finstad August, drayman, res Kassenborg blk
Finstad Henry M, bartndr Comstock Hotel, bds 113 1st st N
Finstad Lars A, bds 113 1st st N
Fintelman Otto E, carp, res 312 2nd ave N
First Congregational Church, Rev D F Mowery pastor, 408 8th st S
First National Bank, Henry Schroeder Pres, A H Costain Cash, E D Askegaard Asst Cash, Front n w cor 6th
First Presbyterian Church, Rev C H Doolittle pastor, 503 2nd ave S
First State Bank, M T Weum Pres, John Oberg V Pres, S O Westberg Cash, 401 Front
First Ward School, 3rdst S s w cor 2nd ave N
Fischer Charles, bds 413 1st ave N
Fischer Miss Eleanor, clk, bds 419 4th ave S
Fischer Lucas C, carp, res 419 4th ave S
Fisher Miss Cecelia, bds 304 5th st S
Fisher Fred, bds 814 2nd ave S
Fisher Miss Katherine, dressmkr, res 4th st N
Fisher Miss Philma, opr N W Tel Co, bds 304 5th st S
Fitch C Alfred, grain buyer, res 1010 4th ave S
Fitzgerald Wm G, tray agt Park G & M, res 124 5th st S
Fjelstad Miss Hilga, matron Concordia College
Flack Lawrence J, bartndr S P Diemert, res 115 4th st N
Flageol Arthur E, mach, bds 107 4th st N
Flageol George, res 107 4th st N
Flageol Wm C, bds 107 4th st N
Flaten Arthur V, student, bds 411 1st ave S
Flaten Miss Clara O, clk O E Flaten, bds 411 1st ave S
Flaten Emil L, Postmaster, res 801 4th st S
Flaten Erick E, Saloon 416 Front, rms 116 4th st S
Flaten Miss Gertrude, student, bds 705 4th ave S
Flaten Gilbert W, emp N W Tel Co, bds 411 1st ave S
Flaten John F, brakeman N P Ry, bds 116 4th st S
Flaten Julia P (wid Gudmund E), res 705 4th ave S
Flaten Miss Mamie D, stenog, bds 411 1st ave S
Flaten Miss Marith, milliner 18 4th st 5, bds 116 4th st S
Flaten Milo G, student, bds 705 4th ave S
Flaten Ole B, mngr E E Flaten, rms 116 4th st S
Flaten Ole E, Photographer 405 Front, res 411 1st ave S
Flaten Oscar M, printer O E Flaten, res 615 3rd st S
Flaten Ove W, res 611 6th st S
Fleming Albert S, driver Miller & Byler, res 203 8th st S
Floberg John, bartndr E E Flaten, res 410 2nd ave N
Flore Miss Anna E, clk Herbst Dept Store, bds 4 7th ave S
Flore John O, carp, res 4 7th ave S
Flore Olaf H, clk Ford Motor Co, res 8 7th ave S
Fluke Frank F (Fluke & Huff), res 413 1st ave N
Fluke & Huff (F F Fluke, Matthew Huff), blksmiths 309 1st ave N
Foley Miss Mary, clk, rms 119 2nd st N
Foley Wm C, emp L M Frimanslund, res 208 3rd st N
Foulks Wm R, res 114 6th st S
Fountain Percy, watchman county jail, res 920 8th ave N
Fox Grant L, res 1017 3rd ave S
Fraser Matilda (wid Charles), bds 107 6th st S
Frazier Miss Lucy, tchr Central Sch, bds 119 5th st S
Frederick Charles H, carp, res 506 6th st S
Fredericks Thor, painter, res 114 7th st S
Frederickson Inga (wid Andrew), res 321 A st N
Frederickson Julius G, emp G N Ry, res 509 11th st N
Frederickson Victor E, res 123 10th st N
Freeberg Elizabeth (wid Andrew G), res 802 10th st S
Freeberg Gustave E, Grocer 706 Front, res 619 10th st S
Freeberg Miss Josephine, bds 303 A st S
Freeman Claus W, tailor, res 615 8th st S
Freeman Miss Dora E, bkpr G E Freeberg, bds 615 8th st S
Freeman Miss Elsie G, clk Register of Deeds, bds 615 8th st S
Freeman Johanna (wid John), res 802 10th st S
Freeman Maurice A (Freeman & Kossick), res 107 7th st S
Freeman & Kossiek (M A Freeman, Leo Kossick), conf 19 4th st S, pool hall 311 1st ave S
Freier Eugene, bds 1103 4th ave S
Freier Ludwig R, emp G N Ry, res 1103 4th ave S
French Albert, res 210 13th st N
French Lewellyn F, res 316 2nd ave N
French Miss Minnie L, clk Herbst Dept Store, bds 316 2nd ave N
Fresonke Lena, domestic 424 4th st S
Frey Richard D, res 211 10th st S
Fridlund Adolph J, Contractor and Architect 623 Front, res 11th st N
Fridlund Elof J, contractor, res 124 10th st N
Frigstad Arthur, bds 116 3rd st N
Frigstad Gertrude K (wid Knute R), res 116 3rd st N
Frigstad Norman, emp Park G & M, bds 116 3rd st N
Frigstad Rudolph S, emp H Moody, bds 116 3rd st N
Frimanslund Louis M, meats 20 4th st S, res 124 7th ave S
Froemming Albert, bds 19 4th ave S W
Froemming Charles, bds 19 4th ave S W
Frolund Alfred, driver Penn Oil Co, bds 917 1st ave S
Frolund Carl, painter 917 1st ave S, res same
Frolund Carl Jr, bds 917 1st ave S
Frolund Ingvald, bds 917 1st ave S
Frolund John, painter, bds 917 1st ave S
Frolund Oscar, driver C I Evenson, bds 917 1st ave S
Frostad Helmer, cook G Saumweber, rms 17 4th st S
Fuller Edgar D, driver J Gund Brew Co, res 1018 4th ave N
Fulton Marcus M, veterinary 24 8th st 5, res 508 9th st S
Abbott Harvey C, emp Hopeman Const Co, res 3rd ave S near 13th st
Abbott J Luther, tmstr, bds 1315 2nd ave S
Abbott Wm, res 1111 2nd ave S
Abbott Wm, res 11 6th st N
Abdo Joseph, bar porter Comstock Hotel
Abler Mathias, farmer, res 514 11th st N
Abraham Herman, tmstr Hamm Brew Co, bds 124 9th ave S
Adams Edwin, Law and Insurance 602½ Front, res 219 8th st S
Adams Miss Ethel M, tchr Normal Sch, bds 403 8th st S
Adams Miss Helen, student, bds 219 8th st S
Adams Maurice E, student, bds 219 8th st S
Adolfson Nannie, domestic Moorhead Hospital
Adsero Fred, lodging house, res 507 1st ave S
Adsit Miss Ada, collr, bds 611 1st ave S
Adsit George A, bds 611 1st ave S
Adsit John A, clk J L McCormick, res 611 1st ave S
Adsero Miss Mary, bds 507 1st ave S
Aggerholm Miss Clara, bds 1023 7th ave S
Akesson Theodore (Akesson & Grandskold), res 409 2nd ave S
Akesson & Grandskold (Theodore Akesson, S P Grandskold), saloon 17 4th st S
Alberg Erick, painter Gust Eklund, bds 217 11th st S
Aldal Knute, bartndr Chas Nelson, res 227 1st st N
Alderman Clara C (wid Watson), bds 221 5th st S
Alderman R Deyoe, lab, res 1315 2nd ave S
Alexander Minnie (wid Charles), res 505 10th st S
Allen Alva M, res 620 Front
Allen Oliver C, pool hall 23 4th st N, res Kassenborg blk
Alsleben Charles, emp R R V Seed House, res 705 1st st S
Amundson Miss Lilly, tchr Concordia College, res same
Anderson Adam, bricklayer, res 211 7th ave S
Anderson Adolph R, lab, bds 523 10th st S
Anderson Albert, rms 207 1st st N
Anderson Miss Alice, tchr, bds 113 10th st S
Anderson Miss Alma, tchr, bds 412 9th st N
Anderson Anders O, res 823 A st S
Anderson Andrew, bds 217 4th st N
Anderson Andrew O, emp N P frt, res 823 A st S
Anderson Anna, domestic 616 9th st N
Anderson Miss Annie E, tchr, bds 604 10th st S
Anderson Anthony, harnessmkr W A Robertson
Anderson Miss Anna, bds 304 12th st N
Anderson Arthur, bartndr Higgins Aske Co, res 115 10th st N
Anderson A M, emp G N Ry, rms 103 3rd st N
Anderson August, lab, rms 221 11th st S
Anderson August G, mach Front cor 2nd, res 209 3rd st S
Anderson Axel V, baker, res 501 6th st S
Anderson Miss Caroline, nurse Moorhead Hospital
Anderson Charles, res 4th ave S near 17th st
Anderson Charles W, res 112 3rd st N
Anderson Miss Clarice J, cigar clk Comstock Hotel, bds 210 14th st S
Anderson David, tinner Moorhead Hdwe Co, res 218 11th st S
Anderson Edwin, bds 211 7th ave S
Anderson Ella, domestic 811 11th st S
Anderson Miss Ellen E, student, bds 412 9th st N
Anderson Miss Eveline L, tchr Concordia College, rms 801 4th st S
Anderson Miss Florence, nurse Moorhead Hospital
Anderson Miss Frances M, tchr Fargo College Conservatory, bds 215 3rd st S
Anderson George L, tmstr Bowers Bros, res 329 A st N
Anderson Gotfried A, clk Solberg & Nelson, bds 324 10th st N
Anderson Gust, tmstr, bds 1021 5th ave S
Anderson Gustaf, lab, res 214 11th st S
Anderson Gustave, tmstr, res 523 10th st S
Anderson Guttorm, carp, res 604 10th st S
Anderson Hannah (wid Nels), res 324 10th st N
Anderson Mrs Hannah, res 62 4th ave S W
Anderson Hardwick A, clk Moorhead Hdwe Co, bds 707 3rd ave S
Anderson Harry L, trav agt, res 1015 7th ave S
Anderson Miss Hilda V, cigar clk Comstock Hotel, bds 210 14th st S
Anderson John A, bartndr Henry Soosen, res 113 10th st S
Anderson John M, carp, res 523 11th st S
Anderson Miss Lillian, clk Quale & Martinson, bds 224 4th st N
Anderson Lisa, domestic 523 4th st S
Anderson Miss Lydia, student, bds 523 10th st S
Anderson Magnus, bartndr A W Monson, rms 114 7th st S
Anderson Martin L, restaurant 306 1st ave S, res same
Anderson Rev Martin, Pastor Norw Trinity Luth Church, res 210 7th st S
Anderson Mattie, domestic 322 9th st S
Anderson Nels, tmstr Harris Bros
Anderson Nels A, lab, res 1021 5th ave S
Anderson Nels H, cabinetrnkr O C Beck, res 1021 8th ave S
Anderson Miss Nora, bds 304 12th st N
Anderson Olaf, emp N P Ry, res 207 1st st N
Anderson Paul N, driver A J Norby, res 412 9th st N
Anderson Peter A, cement wkr, res 304 12th st N
Anderson P Gust, plasterer, res 412 9th st N
Anderson Ray, rms 207 1st st N
Anderson Richard C, policeman, res 216 4th st N
Anderson Samuel, carp, res 123 7th ave S
Anderson Thorsten, res 210 14th st S
Anderson Miss Tryphena, tchr Normal Sch, bds Wheeler Hall
Anderson Wm, bkpr, res 811 4th st S
Andrix Miss Iza E, tchr Normal Sch, bds 505 8th st S
Anheuser-Busch Brewing Assn, Pederson Mercantile Co Agts, 5-7-9 Fourth st S
Antoine Miss Ava, tchr High Sch, rms 614 8th st S
Arfsten Ernest J, lab, res 121 8th st S
Armstrong George, clk, rms 807 2nd ave S
Arneson Martin, carp, res 106 6th ave S
Aske Julius B (Higgins-Aske Co), res 821 7th ave S
Askegaard Miss Corinne, bds 411 9th st S
Askegaard Edwin D, Asst Cash First Natl Bank, res 411 9th st S
Assel Albert (Assel & Hassie), rms 318 1st ave N
Assel & Hassie (Albert Assel, Faiz Hassie), pool hall 304 1st ave N
Athmann Wm J, emp W H Diemert & Co, res 414 2nd ave N
Ausk Mrs Andrena B, res 710 7th ave S
Auxer Willis B, res 221 5th st S
Awty Wm J, Physician and Surgeon 508½ Front, res 315 5th st S
Axness Andrew S, res 803 A st S
Axness Mrs Anna, nurse, res 803 A st S
Ayars Homer, emp C Nelson, res 416 2nd ave N
Aylmer Richard, res 706 3rd ave S
Bachenheimer Hugo, clothing 616 Front, res 405 9th st S
Baggerud Ole E, porter W H Diemert & Co
Bailey George W, elec Water & Light Dept, res 507 10th st S
Baker Miss Dorothy, bds 71 4th ave S W
Baker Louis W, tray agt, bds 71 4th ave S W
Baker Miss Myrtle, tchr, bds 71 4th ave S W
Baker Samuel, tinner, res 523 11th st N
Baker Stephen W, carp, res 71 4th ave S W
Bakke Oscar, clk W M Nesheim, bds New Columbia
Bakken Andrew, emp N P Ry, res 905 Front
Baldwin Forest E, clk Comstock Hotel
Baldwin Frank E, policeman, res 16 6th st N
Ballard Caswell A, prof Normal Sch, res 604 8th st S
Ballard Miss N, tchr 2nd Ward Sch, rms 313 7th st S
Banta Miss Ethel, tchr Normal Sch, bds 505 8th st S
Barlow Robert W, waiter Northern Hotel, bds same
Bartholomaus Mrs Carolina, rms Kassenborg blk
Bartholomaus Henry G, bds 610 4th ave S
Bartholomaus Miss Louise M, emp C E Belknap, rms Kassenborg blk
Bartholomaus Wm F, res 610 4th ave S
Barton Eugene A, trav agt, res 120 12th st N
Bastain John A, elec, bds 17 6th ave S W
Bastain Joseph H, chief eng Electric Light Pt, res 17 6th ave S W
Baum John, emp N P Ry, res 424 13th st N
Baum Louis, bds 424 13th st N
Bauman Herman E (Empire Land Co), rms Wheeler blk
Baumer Anton, lab, res 1502 2nd ave N
Bay Elmer G, bds 1016 3rd ave N
Bay Gordon J, bds 1016 3rd ave N
Bay Hans C, trucker G NRy, res 1016 3rd ave N
Bayer Mabel (wid John M), res 425 7th st S
Beach Joseph B, lab, res 105 2nd ave S
Beardsley Miss Edna, tchr Central Sch, rms 107 6th
Beauchaine Ephraim A, cash J Gund Brew Co, res 110 6th st S
Beaulieu Mrs Julia, res 16 3rd st N
Beck Miss Florence C, student, bds 122 6th st S
Beck Miss Grace, bds 106 3rd st N
Beck Julius, res 106 3rd st N
Beck Melvin E, clk O C Beck, bds same
Beck-Morrow Co (O C Beck, W D Morrow), Undertakers and Funeral Directors, 614 Front
Beck O C, Furniture, Carpets, Sewing Machines and Window Shades 614 Front, Mayor of Moorhead, res 122 6th st S
Beck Wm J, bds 106 3rd st N
Beckman Miss Emma C, bds 302 1st st N
Beckman Olaf L, bricklyr, res 302 1st st N
Belknap Charles E, Propr Belknap Dairy Lunch 702 Front, res First Natl Bank blk
Benedict Miss Ida H, tchr Normal Sch, rms 611 8th st S
Bennett A Mary (wid Samuel), res 909 1st ave S
Bennett Sander B, steamftr, bds 909 1st ave S
Bennifield Bonnie J, clk Comstock Hotel
Benning Joseph J, carp, res 119 2nd st N
Benson Albert, res 519 7th st S
Benson Albin W, bds 903 2nd ave N
Benson Miss Amanda B, dressmkr, bds 903 2nd ave N
Benson Carrie (wid John), bds 302 4th st N
Benson Ole, lab, rms 11 5th st N
Benson Swan P, res 903 2nd ave N
Berg August B, emp Monson Trunk Co, bds 21 2nd ave S W
Berg Miss Gertrude, bds 21 2nd ave S W
Berg John A, saloon 223 1st ave S, res 514 4th st S
Berg Margaret (wid Ingebret), res 21 2nd ave S W
Berg Morris, bartndr S Lundgren, res 523 4th ave S
Berg Samuel, mach, rms 218 11th st S
Bergan Stephen, emp Iowa Land Co, rms 414 2nd ave S
Bergan Thomas A, collr I H Co of A, rms 509 6th st S
Bergedahl Miss Tillie, waiter, rms 120 6th st S
Berggren Miss Alma M, emp A J Wright & Sons, bds 215 11th st N
Berggren Charlotte (wid Franz O), res 215 11th st N
Berggren Henning V, driver Fire Dept, bds 215 11th st N
Berglund John, lab, bds 307 15th st N
Berglund Victor, clk Palace Clothing Co, bds 715 2nd ave S
Bergquist Albert W, res 1320 1st ave N
Bergson Jeannette, domestic Moorhead Hospital
Bergstrand Miss Ellen M, student, bds 324 A st N
Bergstrand Henry J W, student, bds 324 A st N
Bergstrand John G, harnessmkr, res 324 A st N
Bergstrom Miss Emily, dressmkr, bds 214 2nd ave N
Bergstrom Israel, mining investments 402 Front, rms same
Bergstrom Mrs Mary, restaurant 6 4th st S, res same
Bergstrom Peter G, Grocer, res 303 11th st N
Berkey John, emp G N Ry, res 120 13th st N
Berman Oscar, tmstr John Lamb, rms 18 5th st S
Berrigan Thomas J, barber 418 Front, res 515 4th st S
Bertelson Olof M, carp, res 806 3rd st S
Besserer Wm G, tailor A Skoog, res 518 A st S
Best Fred H (Miller & Best), res Fargo
Bestic A King, trav agt, res 621 8th st S
Bielfeldt Henry J, painter, res 122 14th st S
Billstein Louis P, clk Hamm Brew Co, rms 509 6th st S
Birklund Thor, painter F Johnson, bds 420 1st ave S
Bisiar Thomas G, cook C F Belknap, rms 805 Front
Bistram Anton, lab, res 312 2nd ave N
Bjelde Gilbert A, res 715 1st st S
Bjordahl Einar, carp, rms 704 4th st S
Bjorklund Carl E, janitor Normal Sch, res 217 11th st S
Bjorklund John, shoemkr 9 5th st N, rms 520½ Front
Bjorkmam Carl, emp A Anderson, rms 20 3rd st N
Bjorkquist Andrew M, carp, res 615 9th st S
Bjorkquist Miss Anna M, clk Black Co, bds 615 9th st S
Bjorkquist Carl L, contractor, res 621 8th st S
Bjorkquist Christina (wid Edward L), res 515 10th st S
Bjorkquist Gunnar C, bricklyr, bds 621 8th st S
Bjorkquist Miss Mary H, student, bds 615 9th st S
Bjorkquist Oscar W, student, bds 621 8th st S
Bjorkquist Rudolph O, carp, bds 615 9th st S
Blakeway Henry 5, driver Penn Oil & Supply Co, res 1028 4th ave N
Blanchard James B, res 224 8th st N
Blatz Val Brewing Co, M Simonitsch Agt, 615 Front
Blegen Alfred J, emp Park G & M, bds 723 4th st S
Blegen Arthur O, bkpr Remley & Olson, bds 723 4th st S
Blegen Lawrence I, emp Ford Motor Co, res 715 5th st S
Blegen Olaus A, tmstr Hopeman Const Co, res 723 4th st S
Blegen Oscar, student, bds 723 4th st S
Blount James F, porter Higgins Aske Co, res 101 2nd ave S
Blount Joseph R, bds 101 2nd ave S
Boatman Byron B, bds 406 13th st N
Boatman Clarence E, eng, res 109 2nd ave S
Boatman Ernest, bds 406 13th st N
Boatman Miss Minnie E, bds 406 13th st N
Boatman Robert P, farmer, res 406 13th st N
Bodkin Wm J, res Comstock Hotel
Boisvert Alfred T, farmer, bds 427 A st S
Boisvert Miss Aurora, bds 427 A st S
Boisvert Henry N, clk de Lendrecie Co, bds 427 A st S
Boisvert Miss Philomena V, clk de Lendrecie Co, bds 427 A st S
Boisvert Philomena (wid Alfred J), res 427 A st S
Bolster C Matilda (wid Charles), res 414 2nd ave S
Bolster Frank D, emp Ford Motor Co, bds 414 2nd ave S
Bolster Orley P, trav agt, res 414 2nd ave S
Bond Stanley, res 212 2nd st S
Boone Rev Francis B, pastor Grace M E Ch, res 407 2nd ave S
Bordsen Beard W, clk J G Ramsey, res 303 1st ave S
Bordsen Charles E, opr W U T Co, res 317 2nd ave N
Borg Knute, lab, rms 1209 2nd ave S
Borgen Louis T, bkpr, bds 710 4th st S
Borgen Miss Louise, clk Lyceum Theatre, bds 710 4th st S
Borgen Ole T, Mngr Interior Lumber Co, res 209 8th ave S
Borgen Syver T, letter carrier, res 709 11th st S
Borgen Thov L, carp, res 710 4th st S
Bossler John, porter M Anderson, bds 306 1st ave S
Bossman Ruth, domestic 803 6th st S
Bowman Adolph W, printer Fargo Forum, res 807 5th st S
Bowman Oscar J, pressman, res 709 6th st S
Boyd Miss Katherine, res 21½ 4th st S
Braaten Miss Ella, cook J A Karlstrom, rms 306 2nd ave S
Brady Bros (M F, J L), barbers, 206 1st ave N
Brady James L (Brady Bros), rms Fargo
Brady Martin F (Brady Bros), res 120 3rd st N
Brady Michael B, emp Brady Bros, res 206 1st ave N
Braman Charles A, livery, res 1034 4th ave N
Brandon Ole, cook G H Jenkinson, rms 17 4th st S
Brandt Mrs Mary, res 721 10th st S
Brandvold Carl A, res 112 6th ave S
Bratten Lawrence M, painter, res 218 1st st S
Brattensborg Albert, bds 225 4th st N
Brattensborg Hans J, carp, bds 225 4th st N
Brattensborg Hans T, carp, res 225 4th st N
Brattensborg Henry, driver Moorhead Hdwe Co, bds 225 4th st N
Brattensborg Miss Nora C, stenog, bds 225 4th st N
Brattensborg Miss Olga L, tchr, bds 225 4th st N
Brattensborg Theodore, carp, bds 225 4th st N
Bratvold Ole, carp, res 822 11th st S
Breiland Aadone H, farmer, res 801 5th st S
Breit John S, emp G N Ry, res 506 9th st N
Brekke John, res 312 13th st N
Brendemuhl Frederick, physician 610 Front
Brennan Jessie (wid Charles), stenog G E Perley, rms 614 8th st S
Brennun Miss Clara, bds 510 10th st S
Brennun Miss Laura, dressmkr, bds 510 10th st S
Brennun Miss Martha, student, bds 510 10th st S
Brennun Peter J, res 510 10th st S
Brieske Frank G, cash Heileman Brew Co, res 522 9th st N
Briggs Irwin H, res 416 15th st N
Briggs John W, bds 616 9th st N
Briggs Wm R, gardener, res 616 9th st N
Brink Andrew, rms 303 10th st N
Brokmeier Henry O, bartndr S P Diemert, res 220 1st st S
Brooten Miss Ingre, bds 203 4th st S
Bronson Alexander W, bartndr Mattson & Thoreson, res 23 4th st N
Bronson Mrs Flossie, Propr European Hotel, res same
Brophy Fred M, v pres R R Farm Loan Co, res 1022 5th ave S
Brown Andrew M, barber C J Crosgrove, res Martinson blk
Brown Miss Anna, bds 713 3rd ave S
Brown Charles M, barber, res 908 11th st S
Brown Clarence E, Variety Store 504 Front
Brown Miss Dolores, stenog, rms 524 4th st S
Brown Mrs Emily N, dep Register of Deeds, res Martinson blk
Brown Frank, barber S G Johnson, bds New Columbia
Brown Frederick E, bds 402 A st S
Brown John N, dentist Wheeler blk, res 713 3rd ave S
Brown Peter 5, tmstr Bowers Bros, res 402 A st S
Bryant Eliza J (wid Samuel W), res 624 8th st S
Bryce John H, clk J G Ramsey, rms 122 2nd ave N
Bryne Easton, cook L Howard, rms 122 2nd ave N
Burgeson Edwin J, policeman, res 26 5th ave S W
Burley Emma (wid Wm F), res 418 5th st N
Burley Lloyd B, emp G N Ry, bds 418 5th st N
Burley Wyman H, res 424 5th st N
Burnham Elsie A (wid Ozro W), res 113 4th st S
Burnham Miss May D, tchr, bds 113 4th st S
Burt Charles B, Mngr Hennepin Brewing Co, res Fargo
Burton Albert, rms 127 2nd st N
Buttweiler Miss Anna, clk H Woody, rms 611 1st ave S
Byler Frank L (Miller & Byler), res 215 7th st S
Cable Ray M, tmstr, res 1108 1st ave S
Cain Joseph H, yardmaster G N Ry, res 607 1st ave S
Calkins Horace, res 1028 4th ave S
Calkins Miss Sadie, tchr, bds 1028 4th ave S
Campbell Edward G, carp, res 107 9th st N
Campbell Joseph O, bartndr W H Diemert & Co, bds 322 2nd ave N
Campbell Roy D, mach, res 603 9th st S
Cantin Miss Yvonne, conf 620 Front, bds same
Cappis George, tmstr Hamm Brew Co, bds 303 1st ave N
Cappis Minnie (wid Wm), res 303 1st ave N
Carlander Claus O, bricklayer, res 924 5th ave S
Carlander Miss Esther, milliner, bds 924 5th ave S
Carlander Miss Garda I, tchr, bds 924 5th ave S
Carlander Jan R, student, bds 924 5th ave S
Carlander Robert E, mason, bds 924 5th ave S
Carley Cornelius, driver, bds 810 9th ave N
Carley Henry J, res 810 9th ave N
Carlson Albert, lab, res 1103 1st ave S
Carlson Amanda (wid Austin), res 1012 4th ave N
Carlson Miss Anna K, waiter J A Karlstrom, rms 306 2nd ave S
Carlson Axel, bartndr Chas Nelson, res 228 A st N
Carlson Carl G, emp G N frt, bds 306 1sf st S
Carlson Miss Christine, dressmkr, bds 704 10th st S
Carlson Claus, cement wkr, res 221 11th st S
Carlson David, carp, bds 221 11th st S
Carlson Edwin, rms 815 1st ave S
Carlson Frank O (Carlson & Olson), res 805 Front
Carlson Gust P, plasterer, res 216 11th st N
Carlson Gustaf A, res 306 1st st S
Carlson John, lab, rms 815 1st ave S
Carlson Miss Lillian A, emp Pioneer Candy Co, bds 306 1st st S
Carlson Miss Nannie, emp A J Wright & Sons, bds 1012 4th ave N
Carlson Orrin, painter, res 223 8th ave S
Carlson Miss Signe A, pkr Pioneer Candy Co, bds 306 1st st S
Carlson Theodore, plasterer, res 218 9th st N
Carlson & Olson (F O Carlson, C P Olson), saloon 622 Front
Carney Maurice J, driver Mnpls Brewing Co, res 811 1st ave S
Casey Miss Isabelle M, tchr, bds 602 1st ave N
Casey James F, emp N P Ry, res 602 1st ave N
Casey Miss Martha H, bds 602 1st ave N
Casey Russell J, fireman N P Ry, bds 602 1st ave N
Casey Miss Ruth H, student, bds 602 1st ave N
Caspary P Snibsor, furrier 4 4th st S, res 301 10th st S
Cavallin Rev John O, res 1015 7th ave S
Caviness George, tchr High Sch, bds 401 9th st S
Cederberg Oscar C, cash Hennepin Brew Co, res 1002 4th ave S
Central High School, 8th st S bet 3rd and 4th aves
Central Land Co (Arthur Souers), 602 Front
Charles A J, res 1624 4th ave N
Christensen Hans H, blksmith, res 510 5th st S
Christenson Charles A, res 303 10th st N
Christiania Liquor House, Matt Mickelson Propr, 107 1st st N
Christianson Albert, plasterer, bds 419 10th st N
Christianson Albert, clk N P Ry, res 808 4th st S
Christianson Conrad, emp N P frt, bds 420 1st ave S
Christianson Ole (Christianson & Wentzell), res 225 3rd st S
Christianson Otto, clk Christianson & W, bds 225 3rd st S
Christianson Severt, checker N P Ry, res 233 3rd st S
Christianson Swan, plasterer, res 419 10th st N
Christianson & Wentzell (Ole Christianson, M O Wentzell), grocers 313 1st ave S
Churchill Donald H, trav agt Fargo Ice Cream Co, res 212 8th st N
Cincush Edward A, fireman Water & Light Dept, res 433 A st S
City Hall, 415 Front
Claassen Claas G, res 306 4th st N
Clarke Paul, dentist 520½ Front, rms 313 7th st S
Clay County Building Assn, P H Lamb pres, Johnston Wagner v pres, W R Tillotson sec, 602½ Front
Clayson Gust S, clk Peterson Merc Co, res 501 5th st S
Clemens Edward, res 612 9th st N
Clement Peter E, agrl agt Clay County, res 222 11th st S
Colby Harry F, bds 68 4th ave S W
Colby Judson A, res 68 4th ave S W
Colby Miss Minnie M, student, bds 68 4th ave S W
Colby Ned A, bds 68 4th ave S W
Colby Ned N, bds 68 4th ave S W
Cole John, cook Higgins Aske Co, rms 119 2nd st N
Collier Darsie A, res 429 11th st S
Collins Edward R, prof Normal Sch, res 521 8th st S
Colliton Vincent M, driver G N Express Co, bds 102 12th st N
Colliton Wm, res 102 12th st N
Comstock Miss Ada L, bds 506 8th st S
Comstock George M, bds 506 8th st S
Comstock Hotel, W E Hunt Propr, Front n w cor 8th
Comstock Miss Jessie M, bds 506 8th st S
Comstock Solomon G, real estate 801 Front, res 506 8th st S
Conant Miss Mary, tchr Normal Sch, bds 1023 7th ave S
Concordia College, Rev J A Aasgaard Pres, cor 8th ave S and 7th st
Connell Wm J, clk Walker Bros, res 524 4th st S
Connell Wm L, mach, res 414 2nd ave N
Conroy Miss Elizabeth, clk, bds 902 5th ave N
Conroy Joseph A, emp U L H & P Co, bds 902 5th ave N
Conroy Miss Mary, bds 902 5th ave N
Conroy Thomas M, res 902 5th ave N
Cooper Joseph, painter, rms 119 2nd st N
Corban Erness, bds 77 4th ave S W
Corch Frank, restaurant 154 1st ave N, res same
Cornwall Miss Margaret, tchr Normal Sch, bds Wheeler Hall
Cosgrove Robert H, tray agt I H Co of A, res 508 10th st S
Costain Arthur H, Cash First Natl Bank, res 516 9th st S
Costain John, Pres and Treas N W Loan Co, res 522 9th st S
Costain Wilfred R, Sec N W Loan Co, bds 522 9th st S
Cota Eugene, watchman Standard Oil Co, res 124 11th st N
Court House, cor 8th ave N and 11th st
Cowan Emest, res 106 3rd st N
Cox Henry F, farmer, res 323 6th st S
Cox Miss Ottie, stenog, bds 323 6th st S
Crosgrove Charles J, barber 103 1st st N, res 122 2nd ave N
Culbertson Thomas, cook J A Karlstrom
Culp C Ernest, barber, res 315 A st N
Curran Miss Lucy, tchr, bds 203 7th st S
Curran Miss Margaret, tchr, bds 203 7th st S
Gurran Thomas H, farmer, res 203 7th st S
Currie Donald, watchman G N Ry, res 223 3rd st N
Currie Miss Mary N, nurse, bds 223 3rd st N
Curtis Miss E Lois, emp W B Auxer, bds 318 10th st N
Curtis Nellie (wid Alanson), res 318 10th st N
Curtis W Rhett, bds 318 10th st N
Czizek Peter, res 209 4th st N
Czora John, driver Wells Fargo Ex, bds 435 4th st N
Czora Miss Margaret, bds 435 4th st N
Czora Samuel C, emp N P Ry, res 435 4th st N
Dahl Miss Delia F, music tchr, bds 32 3rd ave S W
Dahl Miss Esther C, student, bds 32 3rd ave S W
Dali Miss Ida M, bds 32 3rd ave S W
Dahl Martin, emp N P Ry, rms 514 11th st N
Dahl Miss Millie H, supt of dormitories Normal Sch
Dahl Tobias H, trav agt, res 32 3rd ave S W
Dahms Arthur E, trav agt Hamm Brew Co, res 809 2nd ave S
Dakota Conservatory (Moorhead Branch), Miss MolIie Martinson mngr, 407 Front
Dammen Anton M, Mngr Moorhead Lmbr Co, res 922 8th st S
Dapper Miss Elizabeth, mngr W U T Co, bds 429 4th st S
Darrow Daniel C, physician 520½ Front, res 603 8th st S
Dart Albert C, bds 504 10th st S
Dart Frank M, emp Standard Oil Co, bds 504 10th st S
Dart Fred M, clk C M & st P, bds 504 10th st S
Dart George A, res 504 10th st S
Dart Miss Lois A, tchr, bds 504 10th st S
Dart M Curtiss, bds 504 10th st S
Daubenspeck John, emp H Zervas, rms 10 3rd st N
Davy Wm H, res 222 2nd st N
Day Charles, res 7½ 4th st N
Day Walter E, clk New Columbia Hotel
Deans Miss Belle M, tchr Normal Sch, rms 714 8th st S
Dehn Frank W, gardener, res 303 2nd st S
Dehn Leo M, clk, bds 303 2nd st S
Dehn Miss Rosa, bds 303 2nd st S
Deits Thomas H, painter, res 4th ave S 1st e 2nd st
Devenpeck Fred N, chef Belknap Dairy Lunch, res 107 2nd ave N
Devinger Miles, porter S G Johnson, rms same
Devitt Bertha (wid Michael), res 103 4th st N
Diemert Anthony C, bartndr S P Diemert, res 424 A st S
Diemert Simon P, saloon 105 1st st N, res 221 10th st S
Diemert Wm H, Pres W H Diemert & Co, res 504 6th st S
Diemert W H & Co, W H Diemert Pres, E Dietnert V Pres, J S Wambach Sec and Treas, Wholesale
Liquors and Cigars, 101-103.1st ave N
Dommer Carl, shoemkr 14 4th st N, res same
Dommer Ernest F, gardener, res 1217 6th st S
Dommer Frank R, bds 1217 6th st S
Donahue Jane (wid Owen), bds 221 10th st S
Donaldson Horace, Mngr J Gund Brewing Co, res 323 5th st S
Donaldson John P, restaurant 410 Front, res same
Donnett Henry L, bartndr Rathskeller, res 1st ave N cor 5th st
Doolittle Rev Charles H, pastor First Presbyterian Ch, res 505 2nd ave S
Doolittle Harry C, mach Dak Sash & D Co, res 505 2nd ave S
Dosland Christian G, lawyer 520½ Front, res 430 7th st S
Douglas Ralph C, agt G N Ry, res 515 10th st S
Doving Nels, emp Mnpls Brew Co, rms 415 Front
Dowd Daniel W, res 110 12th st S
Dowd Thomas W, switchman, bds 110 12th st S
Dowrey Samuel G, propr Rex Hotel, res same
Drayton Richard, res 116 9th ave S
Dredge Miss Belle, tchr Normal sch, rms 216 8th st S
Du Bord Miss Rose, clk O J de Lendrecie, rms 10 3rd st N
Dudrey Wm H, real estate, res 62 4th ave S W
Duluth Brewing Co, H E Schultz Dist Agt, H C Rogers City Agt, 10 4th st S
Duncan H Cecil, res 917 Front
Dunnweber Charles E, painter, res 503 12th st S
Dwyer Miss Catherine, tchr Central Sch, bds 1023 7th ave S
Dwyer Peter V, stenog Moorhead Natl Bank, bds 203 7th st S
Dyer Miss Dora A, student, bds 812 2nd ave N
Dyer James I, rural letter carrier, res 812 2nd ave N
Dyer Warren, student, bds 812 2nd ave N
Dyrendahl Miss Martha, res 512 9th st N
Eames Benjamin A, tinner Remley & Olson, res 306 10th st N
Eames Miss Ella, milliner, bds 306 10th st N
Easthouse Miss Emma, bds 418 6th st S
Eastlund Leonard F, clk Solberg & Nelson, res 317 9th st N
Ebeltoft Helmer N, clk Standard Oil Co, bds 310 6th st S
Eck John W, tchr Normal Sch, rms 611 8th st S
Eckman Rev Frank M, pastor Swedish Luth Ch, res 211 6th st S
Edenborg Adolph, janitor First Natl Bank, res 302 10th st S
Edenborg Miss Hannah, bds 302 10th st S
Edin Arvid J, janitor Normal Sch, res 516 11th st S
Edling Mrs Alice, stenog Pollock & Pollock, res 308 A st N
Edling Carl L, cash N P Ry, res 308 A st N
Edling David V, elec, bds 308 A st N
Edling John W, res 308 A st N
Edling Miss Selma V, tchr, bds 308 A st N
Edlund Ole F, tailor 602½ Front, res 122 10th st N
Edwards Ellis L, rural letter carrier, res 321 13th st N
Edwards Erwin H, emp N P frt, bds 222 6th ave S
Edwards Herbert R, supt City Schools, res 413 9th st S
Edwards Tobias, bartndr Peter Meehan, res 222 6th ave S
Egeberg Axel C, lab, res 303 A st S
Egge Miss Emma, emp Moorhead Laundry, bds 120 7th ave S
Egge Miss Hilda, emp Moorhead Laundry, bds 120 7th ave S
Egge Petra (wid Thrond S), res 306 6th st S
Eide Andrew J, upholsterer McHose & Pardoe, res 802 3rd st S
EidemWm res 1320 1st ave N
Eklund Edwin G, tchr, bds 1015 4th ave S
Eklund Miss Florence I, tchr, bds 1015 4th ave S
Eklund Gust, painter 11 6th st N, res 1015 4th ave S
Eklund Rudolph E, watchmkr H H Hansen, bds 1015 4th ave S
Elder Frank, cor 2nd ave N and 16th st
Elingsby Ira, physical director Normal Sch
Ellingson Miss Anna, milliner, bds 504 5th st S
Ellingson Eddy S, clk C I Evenson, bds 504 5th st S
Ellingson Miss Ella, clk H Moody, bds 108 4th st S
Ellingson Fred T, chauffeur, bds 504 5th st S
Ellingson John, emp Fargo Foundry, res 108 4th st ,S
Ellingson Olga, domestic Wheeler Hall
Ellinghon Sigre (wid Andrew), res 504 5th st S
Elmer Mrs Nannie, nurse N D Children’s Home, res 321 9th st N
Elridge John E, carp, res 921 Front
Elstad Albert O, emp N P Ry, res 214 9th st N
Elstad Benjamin H, painter, res 113 8th st S
Elstad Bernt, policeman, res 115 1st st N
Elstad Clarence W, emp N P Ry, bds 113 8th st S
Elstad Miss Florence J, bds 113 8th st S
Elstad Fred R, stenog W H Diemert & Co
Elstad Miss Gladys H, student, bds 113 8th st S
Elstad Miss Lydia, bds 115 1st st N
Elwell Glenn L, student, bds 201 4th st S
Elwell Joseph F, mach Harris Bros, res 201 4th st S
Elwell Waldo L, clk Northern Ex Co, bds 201 4th st S
Emerson Andrew F, barber 13 4th st S, res Fargo
Emerson John, bartndr E E Flaten, res 1026 1st ave S
Empire Bottling Works, Herman Wilk sec, 301 1st ave S
Empire Land Co, M L Gates pres, H E Bauman sec, Wheeler blk
Enersen Pauline (wid E Kristinius), bds Matt Mickelson
Engel Fred J, res 402 2nd ave N
Engel Wm, res 512 A st S
Enger Sigre (wid Nels), res 424 4th st S
Engh Miss Alma M, tchr, bds 105 8th st S
Engh Halmer A, tchr, bds 105 8th st S
Engh Louis, bartndr H C Miller, res 105 4th st N
Engh Miss Nora O, tchr, bds 105 8th st S
Engh Ole H, clk O C Beck, res 105 8th st S
England Miss Matilda, rms Kassenborg blk
Erdel Charles B, saloon 110 1st ave N, res 111 2nd ave N
Erickson Abel M, conf 324 1st ave N, res 906 4th ave N
Erickson Albertine, domestic Wheeler Hall
Erickson Alfred, bricklayer, res 1209 2nd ave S
Erickson Miss Alice M, clk G D McCubrey, bds Court House
Erickson Miss Alvira R, tchr, bds Court House
Erickson Miss Anna, bds 33 3rd ave S W
Erickson Anton H, Treas Pederson Mercantile Co, res 123 4th st S
Erickson Carl G, carp N P Ry, res 215 1st st N
Erickson C Martin, emp G N Ry, res 312 15th st N
Erickson Edward J, bds 33 3rd ave S W
Erickson Edwin C, emp Ford Motor Co, rms 423 4th st S
Erickson Emil, bds 312 15th st N
Erickson Emil H, bds 33 3rd ave S W
Erickson Miss Enid, bds 123 4th st S
Erickson Erick C, res 312 15th st N
Erickson Miss Florence, bds Court House
Erickson George C, bds Court House
Erickson Gerda, domestic 715 6th st S
Erickson Gander, jeweler Quale & Martinson, res 814 4th st S
Erickson Miss Marie I, bds 33 3rd ave S W
Erickson Gust E, res 924 7th st S
Erickson Haldor A, carp, res 33 3rd ave S W
Erickson H Eric, bricklayer, res 223 1st st N
Erickson Ida, domestic Wheeler Hall
Erickson Jalmer B, bkpr Pederson Merc Co, res 806 2nd ave N
Erickson Johanna (wid John), res 920 7th st S
Erickson John S, restaurant 514 Front, res 912 7th st S
Erickson Josephine, domestic Wheeler Hall
Erickson Lars E, res 233 3rd st S
Erickson Miss Louise, clk Park G & M, bds Court House
Erickson Miss Mary, stenog, bds 618 5th st S
Erickson Miss Nannie, clk, bds 311 10th st N
Erickson Ole, janitor Court House, res same
Erickson Richard, plasterer, rms 212 6th ave S
Erickson Miss Selma, opr N W Tel Co, bds 312 15th st N
Erlandson Miss Nellie, clk Herbst Dept Store, rms 1022 7th ave S
Ernst Carl F, res 811 9th st N
Ernst Milton, bds 811 9th st N
Eshelman Oliver D, mach, res 510 6th st S
Espeland Samuel T, bkpr Moorhead Lmbr Co, res 111 6th ave S
Eassr Herbert, carp, res 912 6th ave N
Eassr John J, bds 912 6th ave N
Euren Conrad R, teller First Natl Bank Fargo, bds 311 10th st N
Euren Edward G, plasterer, res 310 10th st N
Euren Emil, plasterer, res 311 10th st N
Euren Gustaf. plasterer, res 707 11th st S
Euren Hjalmer G, bds 311 10th st N
Euren Iver F, bds 311 10th st N
Euren Roy, clk G E Freeberg, bds 707 11th st S
Euren Miss Signe A, tchr Lincoln Sch, bds 311 10th st N
European Hotel, Mrs Flossie Bronson Propr, 23 4th st N
Evans Lewis D, v pres Wheeler Land Co, res 523 7th st S
Evans Miss Marguerita, tchr High Sch, rms 429 9th st S
Evanson Edward H, barber, res 1010 2nd ave N
Evenson Alvin E, bds 119 10th st S
Evenson Clarence I, grocer 420 Front, bds 119 10th st S
Evenson Even E, janitor Hanson blk, res 119 10th st S
Ewan Charles L, bds 210 11th st N
Ewan Miss Ethel, bds 210 11th st N
Ewan Thomas, bds 210 11th st N
Ewan Walter, emp W R Briggs, res 914 4th ave N
Ewan Wm H, gardener, res 210 11th st N
Ewy Henry, lab, res 214 10th st N
Fahnlander Edward M, foreman G N Ry, res 123 11th st N
Falconer Miss Alice L, stenog C G Dosland, bds 702 2nd ave S
Falsted John, porter Mattson & Thoreson, res 117 7th ave S
Farmer George J, mach, res 6 7th ave S
Farrell James F, bartndr W M Toole, res 103 2nd ave S
Fass Henry, carp, bds 15 5th st N
Faust Andrew, res 219 3rd st N
Faust Nels, driver Harris Bros, bds 219 3rd st N
Fay Miss Anna, clk post office, bds 429 7th st S
Fay Edward, conf 7½ 4th st N, res 429 7th st S
Fay Edward Jr, Asst Postmaster, res 1203 7th st S
Fay James F, clk post office, bds 429 7th st S
Feldharnmer Miss Mollie, tchr Concordia College, rms 802 4th st S
Feltus Louis, tmstr Interior Lmbr Co, res 401 12th st S
Ferguson Henry, rms 505 10th st S
Fevig Arthur C, dep County Auditor, bds 323 10th st N
Fevig George L, clk G N Ry, res 323 10th st N
Fevig George V, student, bds 323 10th st N
Fevig Leonard O, clk One Price Clothing Co, bds 323 10th st N
Fevig Miss Minnie, bds 323 10th st N
Field George, porter Northern Hotel, rms same
Field Sam M (Stern & Field), rms 414 2nd ave S
Finstad Amanda (wid Ludwig), bds 113 1st st N
Finstad August, drayman, res Kassenborg blk
Finstad Henry M, bartndr Comstock Hotel, bds 113 1st st N
Finstad Lars A, bds 113 1st st N
Fintelman Otto E, carp, res 312 2nd ave N
First Congregational Church, Rev D F Mowery pastor, 408 8th st S
First National Bank, Henry Schroeder Pres, A H Costain Cash, E D Askegaard Asst Cash, Front n w cor 6th
First Presbyterian Church, Rev C H Doolittle pastor, 503 2nd ave S
First State Bank, M T Weum Pres, John Oberg V Pres, S O Westberg Cash, 401 Front
First Ward School, 3rdst S s w cor 2nd ave N
Fischer Charles, bds 413 1st ave N
Fischer Miss Eleanor, clk, bds 419 4th ave S
Fischer Lucas C, carp, res 419 4th ave S
Fisher Miss Cecelia, bds 304 5th st S
Fisher Fred, bds 814 2nd ave S
Fisher Miss Katherine, dressmkr, res 4th st N
Fisher Miss Philma, opr N W Tel Co, bds 304 5th st S
Fitch C Alfred, grain buyer, res 1010 4th ave S
Fitzgerald Wm G, tray agt Park G & M, res 124 5th st S
Fjelstad Miss Hilga, matron Concordia College
Flack Lawrence J, bartndr S P Diemert, res 115 4th st N
Flageol Arthur E, mach, bds 107 4th st N
Flageol George, res 107 4th st N
Flageol Wm C, bds 107 4th st N
Flaten Arthur V, student, bds 411 1st ave S
Flaten Miss Clara O, clk O E Flaten, bds 411 1st ave S
Flaten Emil L, Postmaster, res 801 4th st S
Flaten Erick E, Saloon 416 Front, rms 116 4th st S
Flaten Miss Gertrude, student, bds 705 4th ave S
Flaten Gilbert W, emp N W Tel Co, bds 411 1st ave S
Flaten John F, brakeman N P Ry, bds 116 4th st S
Flaten Julia P (wid Gudmund E), res 705 4th ave S
Flaten Miss Mamie D, stenog, bds 411 1st ave S
Flaten Miss Marith, milliner 18 4th st 5, bds 116 4th st S
Flaten Milo G, student, bds 705 4th ave S
Flaten Ole B, mngr E E Flaten, rms 116 4th st S
Flaten Ole E, Photographer 405 Front, res 411 1st ave S
Flaten Oscar M, printer O E Flaten, res 615 3rd st S
Flaten Ove W, res 611 6th st S
Fleming Albert S, driver Miller & Byler, res 203 8th st S
Floberg John, bartndr E E Flaten, res 410 2nd ave N
Flore Miss Anna E, clk Herbst Dept Store, bds 4 7th ave S
Flore John O, carp, res 4 7th ave S
Flore Olaf H, clk Ford Motor Co, res 8 7th ave S
Fluke Frank F (Fluke & Huff), res 413 1st ave N
Fluke & Huff (F F Fluke, Matthew Huff), blksmiths 309 1st ave N
Foley Miss Mary, clk, rms 119 2nd st N
Foley Wm C, emp L M Frimanslund, res 208 3rd st N
Foulks Wm R, res 114 6th st S
Fountain Percy, watchman county jail, res 920 8th ave N
Fox Grant L, res 1017 3rd ave S
Fraser Matilda (wid Charles), bds 107 6th st S
Frazier Miss Lucy, tchr Central Sch, bds 119 5th st S
Frederick Charles H, carp, res 506 6th st S
Fredericks Thor, painter, res 114 7th st S
Frederickson Inga (wid Andrew), res 321 A st N
Frederickson Julius G, emp G N Ry, res 509 11th st N
Frederickson Victor E, res 123 10th st N
Freeberg Elizabeth (wid Andrew G), res 802 10th st S
Freeberg Gustave E, Grocer 706 Front, res 619 10th st S
Freeberg Miss Josephine, bds 303 A st S
Freeman Claus W, tailor, res 615 8th st S
Freeman Miss Dora E, bkpr G E Freeberg, bds 615 8th st S
Freeman Miss Elsie G, clk Register of Deeds, bds 615 8th st S
Freeman Johanna (wid John), res 802 10th st S
Freeman Maurice A (Freeman & Kossick), res 107 7th st S
Freeman & Kossiek (M A Freeman, Leo Kossick), conf 19 4th st S, pool hall 311 1st ave S
Freier Eugene, bds 1103 4th ave S
Freier Ludwig R, emp G N Ry, res 1103 4th ave S
French Albert, res 210 13th st N
French Lewellyn F, res 316 2nd ave N
French Miss Minnie L, clk Herbst Dept Store, bds 316 2nd ave N
Fresonke Lena, domestic 424 4th st S
Frey Richard D, res 211 10th st S
Fridlund Adolph J, Contractor and Architect 623 Front, res 11th st N
Fridlund Elof J, contractor, res 124 10th st N
Frigstad Arthur, bds 116 3rd st N
Frigstad Gertrude K (wid Knute R), res 116 3rd st N
Frigstad Norman, emp Park G & M, bds 116 3rd st N
Frigstad Rudolph S, emp H Moody, bds 116 3rd st N
Frimanslund Louis M, meats 20 4th st S, res 124 7th ave S
Froemming Albert, bds 19 4th ave S W
Froemming Charles, bds 19 4th ave S W
Frolund Alfred, driver Penn Oil Co, bds 917 1st ave S
Frolund Carl, painter 917 1st ave S, res same
Frolund Carl Jr, bds 917 1st ave S
Frolund Ingvald, bds 917 1st ave S
Frolund John, painter, bds 917 1st ave S
Frolund Oscar, driver C I Evenson, bds 917 1st ave S
Frostad Helmer, cook G Saumweber, rms 17 4th st S
Fuller Edgar D, driver J Gund Brew Co, res 1018 4th ave N
Fulton Marcus M, veterinary 24 8th st 5, res 508 9th st S