1891 Directory - N-S
Nasmen Annie, domestic Ole Lundin.
Nead Joseph, maltster John Erickson, res s s James 3 e of 4th.
Neal Robert K, barber Grand Pacific Hotel, res n s Front 5 w of 6th.
Nedrebo Nellie, domestic Mrs Catherine Finkle.
Neid Nora C, domestic R K Neal.
Nelson Annie L (wid Louis), res s s James 2 e of 4th.
Nelson August, farmer, res Douglas s e cor 10th.
Nelson Charles, lab, res n s Pearl 1 e of 9th.
Nelson Fritz, lab, bds n s Pearl 1 e of 9th.
Nelson George, fireman G N Ry, bds Farmers Home.
Nelson Hans P (Nelson, Tveten & Seburg), res e s Broadway 1 n of James.
Nelson Lars N, shoemkr, res 10th nr Partridge.
Nelson Nels, carp, res w s Western Ave 1 n of Garland.
Nelson Nels L, miller R R Milling Co res s s Barlow 1 e of 6th.
Nelson Nels S, saloon 4th s e cor James, bds same.
Nelson Olaf, lab, res e s Manitoba Ave 1 n of N P tracks.
Nelson Ole, lab, res e s Western Ave 2 n of Kennedy.
Nelson Peter, saloon James n w cor 3d, res same.
Nelson, Tveten & Seburg (Hans P Nelson, Gjermund J Tveten, Olof Seburg), blksmiths Broadway n e cor James.
Nemzek Alexander, lab, res n s Elizabeth 2 w of Josephine.
Newquist Nels M, lab, res w s 10th 1 n of South Ave.
Newton John A, jeweler e s 4th 2 s of Front, rms same.
Ninger Julius, stationery n s Front 5 w of 7th, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Norby Henry E, student, bds Ole Lundin.
Nordstrom Charles E, clk Otto Peterson, bds same.
Normal School. (See Moorhead State Normal School.)
Northern Pacific Depot, G R Merritt agt e s 8th 1 s of Front.
Northern Pacific Express Co, G R Merritt Agt w s 8th 1 s of Front.
Northwest Land Co, S G Comstock pres, A A White treas, 8th s e cor Front.
Norton Charles H, waiter A E Daubner, bds e s 8th 1 n of Front
Norwegian Lutheran Trinity Church, William s e cor 7th.
Nye Carroll A, lawyer 8th s e cor Front, res e s 6th 2 n of Garroway.
Nasmen Annie, domestic Ole Lundin.
Nead Joseph, maltster John Erickson, res s s James 3 e of 4th.
Neal Robert K, barber Grand Pacific Hotel, res n s Front 5 w of 6th.
Nedrebo Nellie, domestic Mrs Catherine Finkle.
Neid Nora C, domestic R K Neal.
Nelson Annie L (wid Louis), res s s James 2 e of 4th.
Nelson August, farmer, res Douglas s e cor 10th.
Nelson Charles, lab, res n s Pearl 1 e of 9th.
Nelson Fritz, lab, bds n s Pearl 1 e of 9th.
Nelson George, fireman G N Ry, bds Farmers Home.
Nelson Hans P (Nelson, Tveten & Seburg), res e s Broadway 1 n of James.
Nelson Lars N, shoemkr, res 10th nr Partridge.
Nelson Nels, carp, res w s Western Ave 1 n of Garland.
Nelson Nels L, miller R R Milling Co res s s Barlow 1 e of 6th.
Nelson Nels S, saloon 4th s e cor James, bds same.
Nelson Olaf, lab, res e s Manitoba Ave 1 n of N P tracks.
Nelson Ole, lab, res e s Western Ave 2 n of Kennedy.
Nelson Peter, saloon James n w cor 3d, res same.
Nelson, Tveten & Seburg (Hans P Nelson, Gjermund J Tveten, Olof Seburg), blksmiths Broadway n e cor James.
Nemzek Alexander, lab, res n s Elizabeth 2 w of Josephine.
Newquist Nels M, lab, res w s 10th 1 n of South Ave.
Newton John A, jeweler e s 4th 2 s of Front, rms same.
Ninger Julius, stationery n s Front 5 w of 7th, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Norby Henry E, student, bds Ole Lundin.
Nordstrom Charles E, clk Otto Peterson, bds same.
Normal School. (See Moorhead State Normal School.)
Northern Pacific Depot, G R Merritt agt e s 8th 1 s of Front.
Northern Pacific Express Co, G R Merritt Agt w s 8th 1 s of Front.
Northwest Land Co, S G Comstock pres, A A White treas, 8th s e cor Front.
Norton Charles H, waiter A E Daubner, bds e s 8th 1 n of Front
Norwegian Lutheran Trinity Church, William s e cor 7th.
Nye Carroll A, lawyer 8th s e cor Front, res e s 6th 2 n of Garroway.
O’Connor Joseph J, driver Czizek & Edwards, bds Cleveland House.
O’Hern Miss Johanna, bds J O’Hern.
O’Hern John , grocer w s 4th 6 n of Front, res same.
Oberg Bertha, domestic L C Lord.
Odd Fellows Hall, n s Front 6 w of 5th.
Odegaard Peter, bkpr A E Daubner, res Fargo.
Oldren George, lab C H Edwards, bds same.
Olds Gamaliel W, grocer, res e s 4th 1 s of Main.
Olds Miss Verna T, teacher, bds G W Olds.
Olem Huldah, domestic T C Kurtz.
Olein Jacob, farmer, res e s Overbie 2 s of Howard.
Olestad Ole, lab, res s s Howard 2 w of Overbie.
Oliver Mrs Amelia V, milliner e s 4th 2 n of Main, res same.
Oliver James W, farmer, res e s 4th 2 n of Main.
Oliver Miss May E, bds e s 4th 2 n of Main.
Olson Andrew, lab, bds w s Grove 3 s of Douglas.
Olson August, lab J L Bjorkquist, bds same.
Olson August, res w s 2d 3 n of Kennedy.
Olson Bengt A, carp, res n s Kennedy 2 w of 4th.
Olson Bertha, domestic J L Bjorkquist.
Olson Betsey, washer W B Auxer, bds Fargo.
Olson Carl M, gardener, res 9th n w cor Garfield.
Olson Carrie, domestic Charles Holmes.
Olson Charles, bartndr Jay Cooke House, bds same.
Olson Rev Christian, res n s Kennedy 1 w of 4th.
Olson Gilbert, carp, res w s Western Ave 1 n of Kennedy.
Olson Hannah, domestic Whipple Hall.
Olson Julia, domestic O E Flaten.
Olson Louis, carp, bds w s Ridge Ave 1 s of Douglas.
Olson Mary, domestic Rev S G Swenson.
Olson Olof M, lab, bds Erickson House.
Olson Peter, hostler Jay Cooke House.
Olson Peter C, carp, res n s Elizabeth 3 w of Josephine.
Olson Peter O, restaurant w s 4th 2 s of Front, bds n s Kennedy 2 w of 4th.
Olson Tillie R, cook, A E Daubner.
Onan Warren, justice s s Front 2 w of 6th, res Garroway n w cor 6th.
Ostrand Benjamin, dairyman, res Douglas at river bank.
Otto Mary, domestic Ole Martinson.
Overboe Bros (Peter and Herman), proprs Moorhead House s s Main 2 e of 5th.
Overboe Herman (Overboe Bros), res Sharp nr river bank.
Overboe Nels, farmer, res river bank nr Sharp.
Overboe Peter (Overboe Bros), res s s Main 2 e of 5th.
O’Connor Joseph J, driver Czizek & Edwards, bds Cleveland House.
O’Hern Miss Johanna, bds J O’Hern.
O’Hern John , grocer w s 4th 6 n of Front, res same.
Oberg Bertha, domestic L C Lord.
Odd Fellows Hall, n s Front 6 w of 5th.
Odegaard Peter, bkpr A E Daubner, res Fargo.
Oldren George, lab C H Edwards, bds same.
Olds Gamaliel W, grocer, res e s 4th 1 s of Main.
Olds Miss Verna T, teacher, bds G W Olds.
Olem Huldah, domestic T C Kurtz.
Olein Jacob, farmer, res e s Overbie 2 s of Howard.
Olestad Ole, lab, res s s Howard 2 w of Overbie.
Oliver Mrs Amelia V, milliner e s 4th 2 n of Main, res same.
Oliver James W, farmer, res e s 4th 2 n of Main.
Oliver Miss May E, bds e s 4th 2 n of Main.
Olson Andrew, lab, bds w s Grove 3 s of Douglas.
Olson August, lab J L Bjorkquist, bds same.
Olson August, res w s 2d 3 n of Kennedy.
Olson Bengt A, carp, res n s Kennedy 2 w of 4th.
Olson Bertha, domestic J L Bjorkquist.
Olson Betsey, washer W B Auxer, bds Fargo.
Olson Carl M, gardener, res 9th n w cor Garfield.
Olson Carrie, domestic Charles Holmes.
Olson Charles, bartndr Jay Cooke House, bds same.
Olson Rev Christian, res n s Kennedy 1 w of 4th.
Olson Gilbert, carp, res w s Western Ave 1 n of Kennedy.
Olson Hannah, domestic Whipple Hall.
Olson Julia, domestic O E Flaten.
Olson Louis, carp, bds w s Ridge Ave 1 s of Douglas.
Olson Mary, domestic Rev S G Swenson.
Olson Olof M, lab, bds Erickson House.
Olson Peter, hostler Jay Cooke House.
Olson Peter C, carp, res n s Elizabeth 3 w of Josephine.
Olson Peter O, restaurant w s 4th 2 s of Front, bds n s Kennedy 2 w of 4th.
Olson Tillie R, cook, A E Daubner.
Onan Warren, justice s s Front 2 w of 6th, res Garroway n w cor 6th.
Ostrand Benjamin, dairyman, res Douglas at river bank.
Otto Mary, domestic Ole Martinson.
Overboe Bros (Peter and Herman), proprs Moorhead House s s Main 2 e of 5th.
Overboe Herman (Overboe Bros), res Sharp nr river bank.
Overboe Nels, farmer, res river bank nr Sharp.
Overboe Peter (Overboe Bros), res s s Main 2 e of 5th.
Palace The, A E Daubner propr, Mason blk.
Palm Edwin W, res Garroway n w cor 6th.
Park Mrs James D, res e s 3d 3 s of James.
Park Miss Rebecca, teacher, bds e s 3d 3 s of James.
Park Wm, student Normal School, bds e s 3d 3 s of James.
Parker Clarence H, bds w s 8th 1 n of William.
Parker Wm H, res w s 8th 1 n of William.
Partridge Mrs Amelia (wid Walter), milliner Mrs T L Torrance, res Ridge Ave s w cor William.
Patchen Ira P, barber Wm Vachon, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Paulson Annie, starcher W B Auxer.
Paulson Lumber Yard The, J A Chesley propr, O M Paulson mngr, James n e cor 5th.
Paulson Ole M, mngr Paulson Lumber Yard, res e s 6th 2 s of James.
Payne Harry, res n end of Western Ave nr river bank.
Pearson Hokan, farmer, res 15th s e cor Conie Ave.
Pearson Nels P, lab, bds 15th s e cor Bernard.
Pederson Peter, clk Martin Hector, res Fargo.
Pederson Ralph, clk Martin Hector, res Fargo.
Perley George E, Law, Insurance, Real Estate and Secy Red River Valley Investment Co Merchants Bank blk, res w s Ridge Ave 2 n of Garroway.
Perry George N, trav agt, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Peterson Andrew, bell boy Grand Pacific Hotel.
Peterson Carrie, cook Jay Cooke House.
Peterson Charles F, tel opr G N Ry, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Peterson Christine, domestic Knute Fristad.
Peterson Ellen, domestic Mrs Eliza Goebel.
Peterson Frank H (Peterson & Torgerson), res s s Garroway 1 w of White.
Peterson Gustaf, molder Anderson Bros, res w s 10th 1 s of Garroway.
Peterson Gustaf, lab, bds Garroway n w cor Grove.
Peterson Henry (K Simonson & Co), res s s Garroway 1 e of 10th.
Peterson Inga (wid Peter C), res Western Ave n e cor Kennedy.
Peterson James, drayman, res Garrowav n w cor Grove.
Peterson John, clk, res 3d s e cor Garland.
Peterson John R, bds e s Overbie 1 s of Howard.
Peterson Kolben, lab Anderson Bros, res s s Garland 2 e of 3d.
Peterson Lewis, bartndr Simonson Bros, bds e s Overbie 1 s of Howard.
Peterson Lottie, washer W B Auxer.
Peterson Magnus, lab, res 4th s w cor William.
Peterson Martha, domestic Jay Cooke House.
Peterson Mary, dressmkr, bds n s Kennedy 2 w of 4th.
Peterson Matilda, domestic A G Lewis.
Peterson Melka, carp Joseph Hansman, bds same.
Peterson Nellie, domestic Daniel Titus.
Peterson Nels, lab, res river bank nr Sharp.
Peterson Ole (Hanson & Peterson), res s s Main 1 w 4th.
Peterson Otto, grocer s s Front 2 e of 8th, res same.
Peterson Peter, packer R R Milling Co, res 3d s e cor Kennedy.
Peterson Peter, lab Stephen Wold, bds same.
Peterson Peter E, bartndr C O Kjos, bds same.
Peterson Peter G, lab, res w s 4th 1 s of Garland.
Peterson Rasmus, lab, res e s Overbie 1 s of Howard.
Peterson & Torgerson (Frank H Peterson, Samuel Torgerson), lawyers, First Nat’l Bank blk.
Pickering Richard, watchman G N Ry, res Fargo.
Pierce Elias C, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Platt Mary A (wid Wellington), res e s Manitoba Ave 2 n of N P track.
Pleasants Miss Emma S, teacher Normal School, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Porteous David V, carp, e s 5th 3 s of James, res e s 9th 2 n of Douglas.
Post office, W H Davy postmaster, n s Front 5 e of 6th.
Prairie Home Cemetery, e s 8th bet Wabash Ave and Douglas.
Prairie Home Cemetery Association, O C Beck secretary, office n s Front 7 w of 7th.
Prairie School, Bismarck bet Pearl and Partridge.
Pratt Seldon B, tmstr S R South, bds same.
Preston John J, foreman G N Ry, res n s Conie Ave 1 w of 10th.
Pritzel Adolph, saloon n s Front 7 e of 5th, res w s 4th 3 s of Kennedy.
Palace The, A E Daubner propr, Mason blk.
Palm Edwin W, res Garroway n w cor 6th.
Park Mrs James D, res e s 3d 3 s of James.
Park Miss Rebecca, teacher, bds e s 3d 3 s of James.
Park Wm, student Normal School, bds e s 3d 3 s of James.
Parker Clarence H, bds w s 8th 1 n of William.
Parker Wm H, res w s 8th 1 n of William.
Partridge Mrs Amelia (wid Walter), milliner Mrs T L Torrance, res Ridge Ave s w cor William.
Patchen Ira P, barber Wm Vachon, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Paulson Annie, starcher W B Auxer.
Paulson Lumber Yard The, J A Chesley propr, O M Paulson mngr, James n e cor 5th.
Paulson Ole M, mngr Paulson Lumber Yard, res e s 6th 2 s of James.
Payne Harry, res n end of Western Ave nr river bank.
Pearson Hokan, farmer, res 15th s e cor Conie Ave.
Pearson Nels P, lab, bds 15th s e cor Bernard.
Pederson Peter, clk Martin Hector, res Fargo.
Pederson Ralph, clk Martin Hector, res Fargo.
Perley George E, Law, Insurance, Real Estate and Secy Red River Valley Investment Co Merchants Bank blk, res w s Ridge Ave 2 n of Garroway.
Perry George N, trav agt, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Peterson Andrew, bell boy Grand Pacific Hotel.
Peterson Carrie, cook Jay Cooke House.
Peterson Charles F, tel opr G N Ry, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Peterson Christine, domestic Knute Fristad.
Peterson Ellen, domestic Mrs Eliza Goebel.
Peterson Frank H (Peterson & Torgerson), res s s Garroway 1 w of White.
Peterson Gustaf, molder Anderson Bros, res w s 10th 1 s of Garroway.
Peterson Gustaf, lab, bds Garroway n w cor Grove.
Peterson Henry (K Simonson & Co), res s s Garroway 1 e of 10th.
Peterson Inga (wid Peter C), res Western Ave n e cor Kennedy.
Peterson James, drayman, res Garrowav n w cor Grove.
Peterson John, clk, res 3d s e cor Garland.
Peterson John R, bds e s Overbie 1 s of Howard.
Peterson Kolben, lab Anderson Bros, res s s Garland 2 e of 3d.
Peterson Lewis, bartndr Simonson Bros, bds e s Overbie 1 s of Howard.
Peterson Lottie, washer W B Auxer.
Peterson Magnus, lab, res 4th s w cor William.
Peterson Martha, domestic Jay Cooke House.
Peterson Mary, dressmkr, bds n s Kennedy 2 w of 4th.
Peterson Matilda, domestic A G Lewis.
Peterson Melka, carp Joseph Hansman, bds same.
Peterson Nellie, domestic Daniel Titus.
Peterson Nels, lab, res river bank nr Sharp.
Peterson Ole (Hanson & Peterson), res s s Main 1 w 4th.
Peterson Otto, grocer s s Front 2 e of 8th, res same.
Peterson Peter, packer R R Milling Co, res 3d s e cor Kennedy.
Peterson Peter, lab Stephen Wold, bds same.
Peterson Peter E, bartndr C O Kjos, bds same.
Peterson Peter G, lab, res w s 4th 1 s of Garland.
Peterson Rasmus, lab, res e s Overbie 1 s of Howard.
Peterson & Torgerson (Frank H Peterson, Samuel Torgerson), lawyers, First Nat’l Bank blk.
Pickering Richard, watchman G N Ry, res Fargo.
Pierce Elias C, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Platt Mary A (wid Wellington), res e s Manitoba Ave 2 n of N P track.
Pleasants Miss Emma S, teacher Normal School, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Porteous David V, carp, e s 5th 3 s of James, res e s 9th 2 n of Douglas.
Post office, W H Davy postmaster, n s Front 5 e of 6th.
Prairie Home Cemetery, e s 8th bet Wabash Ave and Douglas.
Prairie Home Cemetery Association, O C Beck secretary, office n s Front 7 w of 7th.
Prairie School, Bismarck bet Pearl and Partridge.
Pratt Seldon B, tmstr S R South, bds same.
Preston John J, foreman G N Ry, res n s Conie Ave 1 w of 10th.
Pritzel Adolph, saloon n s Front 7 e of 5th, res w s 4th 3 s of Kennedy.
Qualley Ole J, cashr First National Bank, res w s 7th 2 n of Garroway.
Qualley Ole J, cashr First National Bank, res w s 7th 2 n of Garroway.
Raastad John A, bds Howard nr Comstock.
Raastad Ole J, lab, res Howard near Comstock.
Ranney Reuben W, artesian water w s 6th 1 s of Barlow, res same.
Rasmusson Halver, clk district court, office n s James 2 w of 8th, res w s 3d 3 n of Kennedy.
Rasmusson Hans J, carp, res w s 4th 1 s of Garland.
Rasmusson Miss Julia P, bds w s 3d 3 n of Kennedy.
Rasmusson Rudolph T, bds w s 3d 3 n of Kennedy.
Raymond Kittie, res Front s e cor Broadway.
Red River Milling Co, Forrester Bros propr, flour mill, Main s w cor Ridge Ave.
Red River Valley Investment Co, G N Farwell pres, G E Perley sec, Merchants Bank blk.
Reeves Dollie, bds Front s e cor Broadway.
Relling Fred, car repairer G N Ry, bds w s 2nd 2 s of Kennedy.
Remley Miss Barbara M, student Normal School, bds Cleveland House.
Remley Charles E, clk J F Holmes & Co, bds Cleveland House.
Remley Miss Constance A, bds Cleveland House.
Remley Frank, foreman Lamb Bros, bds Cleveland house.
Remley Frank X, propr Cleveland House, w s 5th 3 s of James.
Remley Miss Lizzie, clk Leslie Welter, bds Cleveland House.
Remley Miss Mary C, bds Cleveland House.
Reynolds Jacob W, hostler A B Daubner, res w s 4th 6 n of Front.
Richter Daniel, lawyer, bds w s 1st 3 s of Kennedy.
Ridgener Louis, lab, bds H N Smith.
Riedinger John C, clk Cleveland House.
Riedinger Louis, tmstr Lamb Bros, bds Cleveland House.
Riemer Nels J, res w s 4th 3 n of James.
Riggers Rev Henry, teacher Hope Academy, bds same.
Roach George, lab N P R R, bds Farmers Home.
Robole Louise H, dressmkr, bds Andrew Monson.
Robolle Carrie, domestic M W Barnard.
Rocheleau Wm F, teacher Normal School, res 6th n e cor Garroway.
Rodenkirch Frank G, farmer, res e s Western Ave 1 n of Garland.
Rogers Hudson, grocer Front n e cor 5th, res Barlow n e cor 7th.
Rogers Wm, clk Hudson Rogers, bds same.
Rood Ole, cook Grand Pacific Hotel.
Root Frank, lab, bds Key City Hotel.
Ross Adrian, lawyer s s Front 2 e of 4th, res same.
Roundal Miss Emma, domestic J R Scales.
Ruf Frank A, harnessmkr B C Sherman, n s Front 6 w of 6th.
Ruffcorn David, lab, bds 6th s e cor James.
Ruffcorn Oliver, hostler J H Campbell, res w s 6th 2 n of Front.
Rumney Harriet L (wid Wm), bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Rundgren Charles J, lab, bds w s Josephine 2 s of William.
Rundgren Frank A, lab, bds w s Josephine 2 s of William.
Rundgren Helen (wid Israel), res w s Josephine 2 s of William.
Rusness Carl J, clk Moorhead News, bds 8th s w cor William.
Rusness Caroline, dressmkr, bds w s 2d 2 s of Kennedy.
Rusness John, lab, res 8th s w cor William.
Russell Edward R, clk First Nat’l Bank, res Fargo.
Russell Wm J (W J Russell & Co), bds Fargo.
Russell W J & Co (Wm J Russell, Edgar R Shotwell), grain and stock brokers Grand Pacific Hotel.
Rustad Henry, brtndr Jay Cooke House, bds same.
Ryan James, farmer, bds s s Douglas 1 e of 8th.
Ryden Axel, lab, bds w s 9th 2 n of Garfield.
Rydman Mary, waitress Grand Pacific Hotel.
Raastad John A, bds Howard nr Comstock.
Raastad Ole J, lab, res Howard near Comstock.
Ranney Reuben W, artesian water w s 6th 1 s of Barlow, res same.
Rasmusson Halver, clk district court, office n s James 2 w of 8th, res w s 3d 3 n of Kennedy.
Rasmusson Hans J, carp, res w s 4th 1 s of Garland.
Rasmusson Miss Julia P, bds w s 3d 3 n of Kennedy.
Rasmusson Rudolph T, bds w s 3d 3 n of Kennedy.
Raymond Kittie, res Front s e cor Broadway.
Red River Milling Co, Forrester Bros propr, flour mill, Main s w cor Ridge Ave.
Red River Valley Investment Co, G N Farwell pres, G E Perley sec, Merchants Bank blk.
Reeves Dollie, bds Front s e cor Broadway.
Relling Fred, car repairer G N Ry, bds w s 2nd 2 s of Kennedy.
Remley Miss Barbara M, student Normal School, bds Cleveland House.
Remley Charles E, clk J F Holmes & Co, bds Cleveland House.
Remley Miss Constance A, bds Cleveland House.
Remley Frank, foreman Lamb Bros, bds Cleveland house.
Remley Frank X, propr Cleveland House, w s 5th 3 s of James.
Remley Miss Lizzie, clk Leslie Welter, bds Cleveland House.
Remley Miss Mary C, bds Cleveland House.
Reynolds Jacob W, hostler A B Daubner, res w s 4th 6 n of Front.
Richter Daniel, lawyer, bds w s 1st 3 s of Kennedy.
Ridgener Louis, lab, bds H N Smith.
Riedinger John C, clk Cleveland House.
Riedinger Louis, tmstr Lamb Bros, bds Cleveland House.
Riemer Nels J, res w s 4th 3 n of James.
Riggers Rev Henry, teacher Hope Academy, bds same.
Roach George, lab N P R R, bds Farmers Home.
Robole Louise H, dressmkr, bds Andrew Monson.
Robolle Carrie, domestic M W Barnard.
Rocheleau Wm F, teacher Normal School, res 6th n e cor Garroway.
Rodenkirch Frank G, farmer, res e s Western Ave 1 n of Garland.
Rogers Hudson, grocer Front n e cor 5th, res Barlow n e cor 7th.
Rogers Wm, clk Hudson Rogers, bds same.
Rood Ole, cook Grand Pacific Hotel.
Root Frank, lab, bds Key City Hotel.
Ross Adrian, lawyer s s Front 2 e of 4th, res same.
Roundal Miss Emma, domestic J R Scales.
Ruf Frank A, harnessmkr B C Sherman, n s Front 6 w of 6th.
Ruffcorn David, lab, bds 6th s e cor James.
Ruffcorn Oliver, hostler J H Campbell, res w s 6th 2 n of Front.
Rumney Harriet L (wid Wm), bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Rundgren Charles J, lab, bds w s Josephine 2 s of William.
Rundgren Frank A, lab, bds w s Josephine 2 s of William.
Rundgren Helen (wid Israel), res w s Josephine 2 s of William.
Rusness Carl J, clk Moorhead News, bds 8th s w cor William.
Rusness Caroline, dressmkr, bds w s 2d 2 s of Kennedy.
Rusness John, lab, res 8th s w cor William.
Russell Edward R, clk First Nat’l Bank, res Fargo.
Russell Wm J (W J Russell & Co), bds Fargo.
Russell W J & Co (Wm J Russell, Edgar R Shotwell), grain and stock brokers Grand Pacific Hotel.
Rustad Henry, brtndr Jay Cooke House, bds same.
Ryan James, farmer, bds s s Douglas 1 e of 8th.
Ryden Axel, lab, bds w s 9th 2 n of Garfield.
Rydman Mary, waitress Grand Pacific Hotel.
St John’s Church Record, Rev G A Harvey editor (monthly) published News office e s 5th 2 s of Main.
St John’s Episcopal Church, Rev G A Harvey rector, James n w cor 7th.
St Joseph’s Church, Rev Augustine Brockmeyer pastor, 4th s e cor Kennedy.
St Joseph’s School, 4th s e cor Kennedy.
Sabin Augustus D, res Sharp s e cor 10th.
Sabin Edward K, clk Louis Johnson, bds A D Sabin.
Saltwick Andrew, teamster, res w s 2nd 3 n of Kennedy.
Samson Adolph, shoemkr w s 4th 3 s of Front, rms n s Front 4 w of 6th.
Samuelson Annie, waitress Jay Cook House.
Sandie Rasmus S, driver J H Barnard, bds same.
Sannes Andrew, lab, bds e s 10th 1 n of James.
Sannes Charles J, grocer, w s 8th 2 n of Front, bds e s 10th 1 n of James.
Sannes Engebret, clk, bds e s 10th 1 n of James.
Sannes Martin J, clk C J Sannes, res e s 10th 1 n of James.
Saunders Charles, clk A E Daubner, rms Mason blk.
Scales Mrs Arvilla M, dressmkr e s 5th 3 s of James, res same.
Scales Miss Ella M, dressmkr, Mrs A M Scales, bds same.
Scales John R, res e s 5th 3 s of James.
Scales John R Jr, barber R K Neal, bds e s 5th 3 s of James.
Scarborough Theodore D, bartndr Grand Pacific Hotel bds same.
Schagel James D, res w s 4th 4 s of Kennedy.
Schagel Noble, bartnder Adolph Pritzel, bds L A Wyllie.
Schmidt G J, harnessmkr, bds Exchange Hotel.
Schreiber Sallie (wid Franklin J), res e s 8th 2 n of Kennedy.
Schroeder Frank J, woodwkr Anderson Bros, bds Cleveland House.
Schuneson John A, bds Jay Cook House.
Scott Robert, painter, res w s 15th 1 s of Bernard.
Seaherke Michael, lab, bds Cleveland House.
Seburg Andrew, boilmkr, bds Broadway s e cor Kennedy.
Seburg John, bds Broadway s e cor Kennedy.
Seburg Olof (Nelson Tveten & Seburg), res Broadway s e cor Kennedy.
Seger Alfred, brakeman, bds John Seger.
Seger John, baggageman, res e s 3d 1 n of Kennedy.
Selvick Jennie, domestic Grand Pacific Hotel.
Severson Miss Bertha, ironer W B Auxer, bds Fargo.
Sharp James H, mngr P M Sharp, res 5th n e cor Garroway.
Sharp P M, dry goods First Natl Bank blk, res 5th n e cor Garroway.
Sheffield George W, eng, res e s 8th 2 n of Kennedy.
Shellabarger Samuel A, lumber Main n e cor 6th, bds Jay Cooke House.
Sherier Julius M, observer U S Signal Service First Natl Bank blk, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Sherman Bion C, harnessmkr n s Front 5 w of 6th, rms same.
Shotwell Edgar R (W J Russell & Co), bds Mrs Young.
Sime Adam, lab, bds e s 1st 2 n of Ridge Ave.
Simmilkeir Miss Mildred E, teacher Prairie School, bds 9th n e cor South.
Simonsen Annie, ironer W B Auxer, bds T H Dahl.
Simonson Bros (Hans A and Simon D), saloon Front n e cor 4th.
Simonson Hans A (Simonson Bros), res w s 4th 5 s of Kennedy.
Simonson Knute (K Simonson & Co), res 5th n w cor Main.
Simonson K & Co (Knute Simonson, Henry Peterson), Second Hand Goods e s 4th 2 s of Front.
Simonson Simon, clothing, res s s Main 2 e of 6th.
Simonson Simon D (Simonson Bros), res Morgan Minnesota
Sivertson Annie, dressmkr, bds e s 3d 6 s of James.
Skarie Miss Mary B, student, bds W G Stewart.
Skarsten Rasmus, lab, bds Ole Langseth.
Slaten Cora, domestic J R Drady.
Sloggy Frank M, bartndr A E Daubner, rms Exchange Hotel.
Smallback Charles, wiper G N Ry, bds Farmers Home.
Smith Andrew W, barber Jay Cooke House, bds same.
Smith Charles J, harnessmkr B C Sherman, bds Jay Cooke House.
Smith David F, molder Anderson Bros, res Front s w cor 10th.
Smith Frank W, eng R R Milling Co, bds H N Smith.
Smith Horace N, eng Anderson Bros, res County road 1 w of 16th.
Solburg Clara, domestic L M Anderson.
Soldner Kate, clk W B Auxer, bds Fargo.
Solem Andrew, tailor C W Freeman, res e s 9th 1 n of Barlow.
Solem Andrew J, lab, bds e s 9th 1 n of Barlow.
Sontag Martin, driver Hansen Bros, bds Cleveland House.
Sorby Mathias L, driver John Drady, bds same.
Soreng Christine, domestic A J Wright.
South Luther D, farmer, res County Road 1 w of 15th.
South Sidney R, tmstr, res County Road 2 w of 15th.
South Sylvester S, farmer, res w s 9th 2 n of Partridge.
Spaulding Miss Hattie, milliner Mrs A V Oliver, bds Grand Pacific House.
Spelman Ellen G (wid John A), res w s 10th 2 s of William.
Spelman George C, student Normal School, bds w s 10th 2 s of William.
Sprague Elisha C, farmer, res 8th s w cor South Ave.
Stacey Frank N, brakeman G N Ry, bds Exchange Hotel.
Stake Edwin , lab, res e s 10th 2 s of Douglas.
Stalle Annie (wid John), res w s 1st opp Kennedy.
Stark August W, res e s Overbie 2 n of Douglas.
Steinke Robert, cooper Joseph Jenister, bds Erickson House.
Stendahl Augusta, domestic T C Kurtz.
Stewart Wm G, baggageman G N Ry, res w s 10th 1 s of Kennedy.
Stevens Franklin J, lab, res w s 9th 1 s of Conie Ave.
Stevenson Steven, lab, res s s Douglas 1 w of Overbie.
Still John, farmer, res s s William 2 w of 8th.
Still Wm J, farmer, res s s William 1 e of 8th.
Stol Andrew N, lab, res w s Broadway 2 n of Kennedy.
Stone George, harnessmkr Moorhead Harness Co, res Fargo.
Storey Thomas, tel opr G N Ry, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Stoutenburg Fred, lab, res Manitoba Ave s e cor Garroway.
Strand Eugene H, packer R R Milling Co, res n s William 2 e of Josephine.
Strand Halver, res Overbie n e cor Douglas.
Strate Hans P, county treasurer, res w s Ridge Ave 2 n of William.
Stromberg Albert, lab C M Olson, bds same.
Strub Ferdinand, baker w s 4th 5 n of Front, res same.
Stuart Walter E, lab, res w s Western Ave 2 n of Garland.
Sullivan Patrick J, chief of police, res e s 2d 2 s of Kennedy.
Swanholrn Justus E, bartndr N S Nelson, bds s s James 2 e of 4th.
Swanson Anton, lab, res w s Bismarck 1 s of Pearl.
Swanson Emma, laundress Jay Cooke House.
Swanson Hokan, carp, res e s 15th 2 s of Conie Ave.
Swanson John, propr Erickson House, n s Front 3 w of 4th.
Swanson Julius, res w s 9th 2 s of Douglas.
Swanson Samuel, lab R R Milling Co, res Bismarck nr 13th.
Swanson Selma, waitress Grand Pacific Hotel.
Swanson Swan W, clk, res e s 6th 3 n of Garroway.
Swedberg Elner, clk, bds w s 9th 1 s of Conie Ave.
Swedberg Magnus, janitor Merchants Bank, res w s 9th 1 s of Conie Ave.
Swedish Lutheran Church, Rev S A Lindholm pastor, William s w cor 6th.
Swedish Mission House, n s Conie Ave 2 e of 10th.
Swedman Andrew J, lab, res e s 10th 2 s of Pearl.
Swenson Rev Swen G, teacher Hope Academy, res n s Bernard 1 e of 10th.
Swenson Swen G, lab, res n s South Ave 1 w of Broadway.
Syron Michael, lawyer and propr Central Hotel, res 4th n w cor James.
Syverson Andrew, carp, res Ridge Ave s e cor 1st.
Syverson Carl O, carp, bds Ridge Ave s e cor 1st.
Syverson Gustaf A, carp, bds Ridge Ave s e cor 1st.
St John’s Church Record, Rev G A Harvey editor (monthly) published News office e s 5th 2 s of Main.
St John’s Episcopal Church, Rev G A Harvey rector, James n w cor 7th.
St Joseph’s Church, Rev Augustine Brockmeyer pastor, 4th s e cor Kennedy.
St Joseph’s School, 4th s e cor Kennedy.
Sabin Augustus D, res Sharp s e cor 10th.
Sabin Edward K, clk Louis Johnson, bds A D Sabin.
Saltwick Andrew, teamster, res w s 2nd 3 n of Kennedy.
Samson Adolph, shoemkr w s 4th 3 s of Front, rms n s Front 4 w of 6th.
Samuelson Annie, waitress Jay Cook House.
Sandie Rasmus S, driver J H Barnard, bds same.
Sannes Andrew, lab, bds e s 10th 1 n of James.
Sannes Charles J, grocer, w s 8th 2 n of Front, bds e s 10th 1 n of James.
Sannes Engebret, clk, bds e s 10th 1 n of James.
Sannes Martin J, clk C J Sannes, res e s 10th 1 n of James.
Saunders Charles, clk A E Daubner, rms Mason blk.
Scales Mrs Arvilla M, dressmkr e s 5th 3 s of James, res same.
Scales Miss Ella M, dressmkr, Mrs A M Scales, bds same.
Scales John R, res e s 5th 3 s of James.
Scales John R Jr, barber R K Neal, bds e s 5th 3 s of James.
Scarborough Theodore D, bartndr Grand Pacific Hotel bds same.
Schagel James D, res w s 4th 4 s of Kennedy.
Schagel Noble, bartnder Adolph Pritzel, bds L A Wyllie.
Schmidt G J, harnessmkr, bds Exchange Hotel.
Schreiber Sallie (wid Franklin J), res e s 8th 2 n of Kennedy.
Schroeder Frank J, woodwkr Anderson Bros, bds Cleveland House.
Schuneson John A, bds Jay Cook House.
Scott Robert, painter, res w s 15th 1 s of Bernard.
Seaherke Michael, lab, bds Cleveland House.
Seburg Andrew, boilmkr, bds Broadway s e cor Kennedy.
Seburg John, bds Broadway s e cor Kennedy.
Seburg Olof (Nelson Tveten & Seburg), res Broadway s e cor Kennedy.
Seger Alfred, brakeman, bds John Seger.
Seger John, baggageman, res e s 3d 1 n of Kennedy.
Selvick Jennie, domestic Grand Pacific Hotel.
Severson Miss Bertha, ironer W B Auxer, bds Fargo.
Sharp James H, mngr P M Sharp, res 5th n e cor Garroway.
Sharp P M, dry goods First Natl Bank blk, res 5th n e cor Garroway.
Sheffield George W, eng, res e s 8th 2 n of Kennedy.
Shellabarger Samuel A, lumber Main n e cor 6th, bds Jay Cooke House.
Sherier Julius M, observer U S Signal Service First Natl Bank blk, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Sherman Bion C, harnessmkr n s Front 5 w of 6th, rms same.
Shotwell Edgar R (W J Russell & Co), bds Mrs Young.
Sime Adam, lab, bds e s 1st 2 n of Ridge Ave.
Simmilkeir Miss Mildred E, teacher Prairie School, bds 9th n e cor South.
Simonsen Annie, ironer W B Auxer, bds T H Dahl.
Simonson Bros (Hans A and Simon D), saloon Front n e cor 4th.
Simonson Hans A (Simonson Bros), res w s 4th 5 s of Kennedy.
Simonson Knute (K Simonson & Co), res 5th n w cor Main.
Simonson K & Co (Knute Simonson, Henry Peterson), Second Hand Goods e s 4th 2 s of Front.
Simonson Simon, clothing, res s s Main 2 e of 6th.
Simonson Simon D (Simonson Bros), res Morgan Minnesota
Sivertson Annie, dressmkr, bds e s 3d 6 s of James.
Skarie Miss Mary B, student, bds W G Stewart.
Skarsten Rasmus, lab, bds Ole Langseth.
Slaten Cora, domestic J R Drady.
Sloggy Frank M, bartndr A E Daubner, rms Exchange Hotel.
Smallback Charles, wiper G N Ry, bds Farmers Home.
Smith Andrew W, barber Jay Cooke House, bds same.
Smith Charles J, harnessmkr B C Sherman, bds Jay Cooke House.
Smith David F, molder Anderson Bros, res Front s w cor 10th.
Smith Frank W, eng R R Milling Co, bds H N Smith.
Smith Horace N, eng Anderson Bros, res County road 1 w of 16th.
Solburg Clara, domestic L M Anderson.
Soldner Kate, clk W B Auxer, bds Fargo.
Solem Andrew, tailor C W Freeman, res e s 9th 1 n of Barlow.
Solem Andrew J, lab, bds e s 9th 1 n of Barlow.
Sontag Martin, driver Hansen Bros, bds Cleveland House.
Sorby Mathias L, driver John Drady, bds same.
Soreng Christine, domestic A J Wright.
South Luther D, farmer, res County Road 1 w of 15th.
South Sidney R, tmstr, res County Road 2 w of 15th.
South Sylvester S, farmer, res w s 9th 2 n of Partridge.
Spaulding Miss Hattie, milliner Mrs A V Oliver, bds Grand Pacific House.
Spelman Ellen G (wid John A), res w s 10th 2 s of William.
Spelman George C, student Normal School, bds w s 10th 2 s of William.
Sprague Elisha C, farmer, res 8th s w cor South Ave.
Stacey Frank N, brakeman G N Ry, bds Exchange Hotel.
Stake Edwin , lab, res e s 10th 2 s of Douglas.
Stalle Annie (wid John), res w s 1st opp Kennedy.
Stark August W, res e s Overbie 2 n of Douglas.
Steinke Robert, cooper Joseph Jenister, bds Erickson House.
Stendahl Augusta, domestic T C Kurtz.
Stewart Wm G, baggageman G N Ry, res w s 10th 1 s of Kennedy.
Stevens Franklin J, lab, res w s 9th 1 s of Conie Ave.
Stevenson Steven, lab, res s s Douglas 1 w of Overbie.
Still John, farmer, res s s William 2 w of 8th.
Still Wm J, farmer, res s s William 1 e of 8th.
Stol Andrew N, lab, res w s Broadway 2 n of Kennedy.
Stone George, harnessmkr Moorhead Harness Co, res Fargo.
Storey Thomas, tel opr G N Ry, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Stoutenburg Fred, lab, res Manitoba Ave s e cor Garroway.
Strand Eugene H, packer R R Milling Co, res n s William 2 e of Josephine.
Strand Halver, res Overbie n e cor Douglas.
Strate Hans P, county treasurer, res w s Ridge Ave 2 n of William.
Stromberg Albert, lab C M Olson, bds same.
Strub Ferdinand, baker w s 4th 5 n of Front, res same.
Stuart Walter E, lab, res w s Western Ave 2 n of Garland.
Sullivan Patrick J, chief of police, res e s 2d 2 s of Kennedy.
Swanholrn Justus E, bartndr N S Nelson, bds s s James 2 e of 4th.
Swanson Anton, lab, res w s Bismarck 1 s of Pearl.
Swanson Emma, laundress Jay Cooke House.
Swanson Hokan, carp, res e s 15th 2 s of Conie Ave.
Swanson John, propr Erickson House, n s Front 3 w of 4th.
Swanson Julius, res w s 9th 2 s of Douglas.
Swanson Samuel, lab R R Milling Co, res Bismarck nr 13th.
Swanson Selma, waitress Grand Pacific Hotel.
Swanson Swan W, clk, res e s 6th 3 n of Garroway.
Swedberg Elner, clk, bds w s 9th 1 s of Conie Ave.
Swedberg Magnus, janitor Merchants Bank, res w s 9th 1 s of Conie Ave.
Swedish Lutheran Church, Rev S A Lindholm pastor, William s w cor 6th.
Swedish Mission House, n s Conie Ave 2 e of 10th.
Swedman Andrew J, lab, res e s 10th 2 s of Pearl.
Swenson Rev Swen G, teacher Hope Academy, res n s Bernard 1 e of 10th.
Swenson Swen G, lab, res n s South Ave 1 w of Broadway.
Syron Michael, lawyer and propr Central Hotel, res 4th n w cor James.
Syverson Andrew, carp, res Ridge Ave s e cor 1st.
Syverson Carl O, carp, bds Ridge Ave s e cor 1st.
Syverson Gustaf A, carp, bds Ridge Ave s e cor 1st.