1891 Directory - G-M
Gagnon L Napoleon, bkpr Minneapolis Brewing and Malting Co, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Game Clifford, student, bds e s 3d 2 s of Kennedy.
Gates Stephen, carp, res Douglas n e cor 9th.
George John N, clk Beck & Wright, bds Jay Cooke House.
George Joseph A, brakeman G N Ry, res n s Kennedy 1 w of 10th.
Giblin Patrick, eng G N Ry, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Giffin Mrs Augusta, res n s William 2 e of Josephine.
Gilbertson Gilbert, porter, res w s Western Ave 3 n of Garland.
Gilbertson Ole, bds w s Western Ave 1 n of Kennedy.
Gillaspie Charles, clk L B Branch, res s s Kennedy 3 w of 4th.
Gimmenson Guina, laundress Grand Pacific Hotel.
Gimmenson Nellie, domestic Grand Pacific Hotel.
Gletne John A, saloon Front n e cor 4th, res n s Front 2 w of 4th.
Gletne Thomas A, bartndr J A Gletne, bds same.
Goebe1 Eliza (wid Carl), res w s Ridge Ave opp Barlow.
Goldthwaite Miss Lena H, teacher Normal School, bds Whipple Hall.
Goode J Paul, prof natural sciences Normal School, bds Whipple Hall.
Goodsell Fred (W H Davy & Co), res w s 8th 1 n of Garroway.
Gordon Charles E F, farmer, res s s Douglas 1 e of 8th.
Gore Charles H, farmer, res e s Broadway 1 s of Sharp.
Gorman Edward, ydmaster, res e s 4th 3 n of Main.
Gould Wm G, dairyman, res James e of city limits.
Grace M E Church, William s e cor 4th.
Graffert Hannah, domestic J H Mason.
Graffert Mary, domestic J H Mason.
Grand Pacific Hotel, H A Bruns propr, Front n w cor 9th.
Grant Hans B, farmer, bds Exchange Hotel.
Grauert Wm H, lab, bds Farmers Home.
Great Northern Round House, Park Ave at R R crossing.
Greene John F, lawyer, First National Bank blk, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Grimes Ella, waitress Grand Pacific Hotel.
Grimes Mary, waitress Grand Pacific Hotel.
Grover Oscar T, lab Elijah Houck, bds same.
Guiness Rena, domestic Grand Pacific Hotel.
Gunderson Andrew, farmer, res e s 3d 5 s of James.
Gunderson Annie (wid Ole), res 3d s e cor Kennedy.
Gunderson Miss Annie F, bds e s 3d 5 s of James.
Gunderson Tilde, bds Mrs Ingo Peterson.
Gunderson Miss Tillie M, clk P M Sharp, bds e s 3d 5 s of James.
Gwilliam George, fireman G N Ry, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Gagnon L Napoleon, bkpr Minneapolis Brewing and Malting Co, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Game Clifford, student, bds e s 3d 2 s of Kennedy.
Gates Stephen, carp, res Douglas n e cor 9th.
George John N, clk Beck & Wright, bds Jay Cooke House.
George Joseph A, brakeman G N Ry, res n s Kennedy 1 w of 10th.
Giblin Patrick, eng G N Ry, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Giffin Mrs Augusta, res n s William 2 e of Josephine.
Gilbertson Gilbert, porter, res w s Western Ave 3 n of Garland.
Gilbertson Ole, bds w s Western Ave 1 n of Kennedy.
Gillaspie Charles, clk L B Branch, res s s Kennedy 3 w of 4th.
Gimmenson Guina, laundress Grand Pacific Hotel.
Gimmenson Nellie, domestic Grand Pacific Hotel.
Gletne John A, saloon Front n e cor 4th, res n s Front 2 w of 4th.
Gletne Thomas A, bartndr J A Gletne, bds same.
Goebe1 Eliza (wid Carl), res w s Ridge Ave opp Barlow.
Goldthwaite Miss Lena H, teacher Normal School, bds Whipple Hall.
Goode J Paul, prof natural sciences Normal School, bds Whipple Hall.
Goodsell Fred (W H Davy & Co), res w s 8th 1 n of Garroway.
Gordon Charles E F, farmer, res s s Douglas 1 e of 8th.
Gore Charles H, farmer, res e s Broadway 1 s of Sharp.
Gorman Edward, ydmaster, res e s 4th 3 n of Main.
Gould Wm G, dairyman, res James e of city limits.
Grace M E Church, William s e cor 4th.
Graffert Hannah, domestic J H Mason.
Graffert Mary, domestic J H Mason.
Grand Pacific Hotel, H A Bruns propr, Front n w cor 9th.
Grant Hans B, farmer, bds Exchange Hotel.
Grauert Wm H, lab, bds Farmers Home.
Great Northern Round House, Park Ave at R R crossing.
Greene John F, lawyer, First National Bank blk, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Grimes Ella, waitress Grand Pacific Hotel.
Grimes Mary, waitress Grand Pacific Hotel.
Grover Oscar T, lab Elijah Houck, bds same.
Guiness Rena, domestic Grand Pacific Hotel.
Gunderson Andrew, farmer, res e s 3d 5 s of James.
Gunderson Annie (wid Ole), res 3d s e cor Kennedy.
Gunderson Miss Annie F, bds e s 3d 5 s of James.
Gunderson Tilde, bds Mrs Ingo Peterson.
Gunderson Miss Tillie M, clk P M Sharp, bds e s 3d 5 s of James.
Gwilliam George, fireman G N Ry, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Hagelin Enoch, res w s 1st 1 s of Garland.
Hagle Louis, lab N P R R.
Hagle Mons A, lab N P R R, res e s 15th 2 n of Bernard.
Haglund Olaf, lab, res 10th s w cor Pearl.
Hale Miss A Calista, teacher Central School, bds Whipple Hall.
Hale Louis, woodwkr Anderson Bros, res w s 16th 1 s of Bernard.
Hall Ella M, cook Exchange Hotel.
Halsing Ole T, carp, res s s Garroway 5 w of White.
Halsing Theodore, carp, bds O T Halsing.
Halvorson Andrew, lab, bds Moorhead House.
Halvorson Mary, domestic Joseph La Valley.
Halvorson Ole, lab, bds Farmers Home.
Hamre Hans, eng Jay Cooke House, bds same.
Hancock Miss Ida K, teacher Central school, bds Whipple Hall.
Hansch Gustav J, harnessmkr Moorhead Harness Co, bds Exchange Hotel.
Hansen Block, n s Front 5 e of 4th.
Hansen Bros (Erich and John P), proprs city meat market, Hansen blk.
Hansen Hon Erich (Hansen Bros), mayor of Moorhead, res 5th s w cor William.
Hansen John P (Hansen Bros), res Barlow s e cor 4th.
Hansman Joseph, carpenter, contractor and house moving e s 4th 3 n of James, res s s Kennedy 1 e of 1st.
Hansmann Michael, carp, res n s Bernard 1 e of 9th.
Hanson Ellen M, dressmkr, bds Samuel Anderson.
Hanson George, confectioner n s Front 2 w of 7th, bds Farmers Home.
Hanson John, painter, res n s Kennedy 3 w of 4th.
Hanson John H (Hanson & Peterson), res w s 4th 1 s of Main.
Hanson Julia, dressmkr Miss A C Miller, bds O E Flaten.
Hanson Mary, student, bds Douglas s w cor 9th.
Hanson & Peterson (John H Hanson, Ole Peterson),saloon, 4th n w cor Main.
Harrington Charles L, tel opr N P R R, bds Jay Cooke House.
Harrington Joseph R , lab, res e s of 13th 2 n of James.
Harvey Rev George A, pub St John’s Church Record, pastor St John’s Episcopal church, res James n e cor 6th.
Harvey Harrrison, farmer, res n end Western Ave nr river bank.
Haug Tillie, domestic J H Barnard.
Haugen Ole H, painter John Johnson, res Fargo.
Hayden George H, clk Exchange Hotel.
Hector Martin, wholesale liquors and cigars 4th n w cor Front, res Fargo.
Hedlund Ada, domestic Elijah Houck.
Hedlund Otto, lab, res n s of Washington 3 w of 9th.
Heglund Louis, lab, res w s 10th 1 n of Bernard.
Helion John L, foreman N P R R, res Front s e cor 9th.
Hennebohle Frederick, res Front n w cor 7th.
Herrick Miss Mary, bds 4th s w cor Kennedy.
Herrick Michael J, blksmith e s 4th 4 n of Front, res 4th s w cor Kennedy.
Hetland Benedict J, carp, res w s 2nd 2 s of Kennedy.
Hetland Bernard B, clk Asselstine & Fischer, res e s 3d 6 s of James.
Hetland Miss Caroline S, clk Asselstine & Fischer, bds w s 2nd 2 s of Kennedy.
Hetland Jalmer, bds w s 2nd 2 s of Kennedy.
Hetland Louisa, dressmkr, bds w s 2nd 2 s of Kennedy.
Higgins Mary (wid Wm H), res Conie Ave n e cor 9th.
High School Bldg, Barlow s e cor 8th.
Hill Charles B, sheriff Clay Co, res Garfield bet 9th and 10th.
Hodges George W. lab, res w s 1st 3 s of Kennedy.
Hodges Wray J, clk, bds w s 1st 3 s of Kennedy.
Hodgkinson James, tinner John Holmgren, bds Jay Cooke House.
Hoff Agnethe, domestic J H Sharp.
Hogan John E, switchman N P R R, bds 10th se cor Bernard.
Hogen Bent, carp, res w s Marion Ave 1 s of Sharp.
Holbeck Christian, propr Farmer’s Home, James n w cor Broadway.
Holbeck Herman, clk Farmer’s Home.
Holbeck Nels, turnkey County Jail, bds same.
Holes Andrew, Real Estate n s James opposite 7th, res same.
Holm Iver, hostler Grand Pacific Hotel.
Holm Peter A, tmstr, res w s Western Ave 3 n of Garland.
Holmes Charles, mach, res Douglas s w cor 9th.
Holmes Charles R, clk J F Holmes & Co, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Holmes C A E, teacher Hope Academy, bds same.
Holmes James F (J F Holmes & Co), res Fargo.
Holmes J F & Co (James F and Samuel A Holmes), Clothing, Boots and Shoes Mason blk.
Holmes Samuel A (J F Holmes & Co), bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Holmes Miss Tillie, teacher High School, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Holmgren Axel, bartndr John Swanson, bds same.
Holmgren John, hardware n s Front 4 w of 6th, rms same.
Hope Academy, Prof S A Challman Prin, Rev Svante Udden Financial Mngr, Pearl n w cor Broadway.
Hopkins Julia (wid James), res n s Howard 1 e of Grove.
Houck Elijah, gardner, res river bank nr Adams.
Houck Elmer, lab, bds Farmer’s Home.
Hunt Wm A, trav agt, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Hyde Zachary, meat market, res Garroway n e cor Broadway.
Hysjulien Evan I, student Normal School.
Hagelin Enoch, res w s 1st 1 s of Garland.
Hagle Louis, lab N P R R.
Hagle Mons A, lab N P R R, res e s 15th 2 n of Bernard.
Haglund Olaf, lab, res 10th s w cor Pearl.
Hale Miss A Calista, teacher Central School, bds Whipple Hall.
Hale Louis, woodwkr Anderson Bros, res w s 16th 1 s of Bernard.
Hall Ella M, cook Exchange Hotel.
Halsing Ole T, carp, res s s Garroway 5 w of White.
Halsing Theodore, carp, bds O T Halsing.
Halvorson Andrew, lab, bds Moorhead House.
Halvorson Mary, domestic Joseph La Valley.
Halvorson Ole, lab, bds Farmers Home.
Hamre Hans, eng Jay Cooke House, bds same.
Hancock Miss Ida K, teacher Central school, bds Whipple Hall.
Hansch Gustav J, harnessmkr Moorhead Harness Co, bds Exchange Hotel.
Hansen Block, n s Front 5 e of 4th.
Hansen Bros (Erich and John P), proprs city meat market, Hansen blk.
Hansen Hon Erich (Hansen Bros), mayor of Moorhead, res 5th s w cor William.
Hansen John P (Hansen Bros), res Barlow s e cor 4th.
Hansman Joseph, carpenter, contractor and house moving e s 4th 3 n of James, res s s Kennedy 1 e of 1st.
Hansmann Michael, carp, res n s Bernard 1 e of 9th.
Hanson Ellen M, dressmkr, bds Samuel Anderson.
Hanson George, confectioner n s Front 2 w of 7th, bds Farmers Home.
Hanson John, painter, res n s Kennedy 3 w of 4th.
Hanson John H (Hanson & Peterson), res w s 4th 1 s of Main.
Hanson Julia, dressmkr Miss A C Miller, bds O E Flaten.
Hanson Mary, student, bds Douglas s w cor 9th.
Hanson & Peterson (John H Hanson, Ole Peterson),saloon, 4th n w cor Main.
Harrington Charles L, tel opr N P R R, bds Jay Cooke House.
Harrington Joseph R , lab, res e s of 13th 2 n of James.
Harvey Rev George A, pub St John’s Church Record, pastor St John’s Episcopal church, res James n e cor 6th.
Harvey Harrrison, farmer, res n end Western Ave nr river bank.
Haug Tillie, domestic J H Barnard.
Haugen Ole H, painter John Johnson, res Fargo.
Hayden George H, clk Exchange Hotel.
Hector Martin, wholesale liquors and cigars 4th n w cor Front, res Fargo.
Hedlund Ada, domestic Elijah Houck.
Hedlund Otto, lab, res n s of Washington 3 w of 9th.
Heglund Louis, lab, res w s 10th 1 n of Bernard.
Helion John L, foreman N P R R, res Front s e cor 9th.
Hennebohle Frederick, res Front n w cor 7th.
Herrick Miss Mary, bds 4th s w cor Kennedy.
Herrick Michael J, blksmith e s 4th 4 n of Front, res 4th s w cor Kennedy.
Hetland Benedict J, carp, res w s 2nd 2 s of Kennedy.
Hetland Bernard B, clk Asselstine & Fischer, res e s 3d 6 s of James.
Hetland Miss Caroline S, clk Asselstine & Fischer, bds w s 2nd 2 s of Kennedy.
Hetland Jalmer, bds w s 2nd 2 s of Kennedy.
Hetland Louisa, dressmkr, bds w s 2nd 2 s of Kennedy.
Higgins Mary (wid Wm H), res Conie Ave n e cor 9th.
High School Bldg, Barlow s e cor 8th.
Hill Charles B, sheriff Clay Co, res Garfield bet 9th and 10th.
Hodges George W. lab, res w s 1st 3 s of Kennedy.
Hodges Wray J, clk, bds w s 1st 3 s of Kennedy.
Hodgkinson James, tinner John Holmgren, bds Jay Cooke House.
Hoff Agnethe, domestic J H Sharp.
Hogan John E, switchman N P R R, bds 10th se cor Bernard.
Hogen Bent, carp, res w s Marion Ave 1 s of Sharp.
Holbeck Christian, propr Farmer’s Home, James n w cor Broadway.
Holbeck Herman, clk Farmer’s Home.
Holbeck Nels, turnkey County Jail, bds same.
Holes Andrew, Real Estate n s James opposite 7th, res same.
Holm Iver, hostler Grand Pacific Hotel.
Holm Peter A, tmstr, res w s Western Ave 3 n of Garland.
Holmes Charles, mach, res Douglas s w cor 9th.
Holmes Charles R, clk J F Holmes & Co, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Holmes C A E, teacher Hope Academy, bds same.
Holmes James F (J F Holmes & Co), res Fargo.
Holmes J F & Co (James F and Samuel A Holmes), Clothing, Boots and Shoes Mason blk.
Holmes Samuel A (J F Holmes & Co), bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Holmes Miss Tillie, teacher High School, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Holmgren Axel, bartndr John Swanson, bds same.
Holmgren John, hardware n s Front 4 w of 6th, rms same.
Hope Academy, Prof S A Challman Prin, Rev Svante Udden Financial Mngr, Pearl n w cor Broadway.
Hopkins Julia (wid James), res n s Howard 1 e of Grove.
Houck Elijah, gardner, res river bank nr Adams.
Houck Elmer, lab, bds Farmer’s Home.
Hunt Wm A, trav agt, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Hyde Zachary, meat market, res Garroway n e cor Broadway.
Hysjulien Evan I, student Normal School.
Ingebrigtson Ole, tailor C W Freeman, res Fargo.
Ingersoll Lewis C, bartndr Jacob Kiefer, rms Kiefer blk.
Irish Emma (wid John S), res 2nd s e cor Kennedy.
Irish Fred A, clk, bds 2nd s e cor Kennedy.
Irish Frank E, messenger, bds 2nd s e cor Kennedy.
Irish Percy, stenogr, bds 2nd s e cor Kennedy.
Israelson Henry, farmer, bds Erickson House.
Iverson John, tailor C W Freeman, bds Erickson House.
Ingebrigtson Ole, tailor C W Freeman, res Fargo.
Ingersoll Lewis C, bartndr Jacob Kiefer, rms Kiefer blk.
Irish Emma (wid John S), res 2nd s e cor Kennedy.
Irish Fred A, clk, bds 2nd s e cor Kennedy.
Irish Frank E, messenger, bds 2nd s e cor Kennedy.
Irish Percy, stenogr, bds 2nd s e cor Kennedy.
Israelson Henry, farmer, bds Erickson House.
Iverson John, tailor C W Freeman, bds Erickson House.
Johnson Erick, yardman Grand Pacific Hotel.
Johnson Frank, car repr G N Ry, bds n s Kennedy 1 w of 9th.
Johnson Frank, lab, res Conie Ave n e cor 10th.
Johnson Miss Huldah S, bds Barlow n w cor 6th.
Johnson Johan C H, bkpr, res James s e cor 3d.
Johnson John, res Barlow n w cor 6th.
Johnson John, painter e s 6th 2 n of Front, res w s Ridge Ave 1 s of Douglas.
Johnson John E, wagonmkr n s Main 2 w of 4th, bds Barlow n w cor 6th.
Johnson John M, lab, res 15th n e cor Bernard.
Johnson John S (Johnson & Larson), bds Jay Cooke House.
Johnson Lars, bds N M Newquist.
Johnson Lizzie, washer W B Auxer, bds Fargo.
Johnson Louis, creamery e s 8th 1 n of Main and grocer n s Front 4 w of 7th, res 9th opp Conie Ave.
Johnson Louis, lamplighter, res Douglas n e cor Grove.
Johnson Louisa (wid Andrew), res w s 4th 5 s of Kennedy.
Johnson Miss Mary, matron Hope Academy.
Johnson Nels, blksmith Anderson Bros, res e s 3d 2 n James.
Johnson Oscar, farmer, res 10th s e cor Pearl.
Johnson Peter, cooper D V Dudrey, bds s s Main 2 w of 4th.
Johnson Peter, lab, bds Moorhead House.
Johnson Samuel, bartndr Peter Nelson, res Fargo.
Johnson Swan, lab, bds Erickson House.
Johnson Swen A, lab, res e s 9th 1 n of Barlow.
Johnson Syvert, lab, res w s 9th 2 n of Barlow.
Johnson Tilda, domestic W B Douglas.
Johnson Tillie, laundress Grand Pacific Hotel.
Johnson Zadock, gardener, res 6th s w cor South Ave.
Johnson & Larson (John S Johnson, Nels Larson), saloon w s 4th 3 n of Front.
Johnston David, lab, bds e s 5th 2 s of James.
Jorgenson Andrew, porter Grand Pacific Hotel.
Johnson Erick, yardman Grand Pacific Hotel.
Johnson Frank, car repr G N Ry, bds n s Kennedy 1 w of 9th.
Johnson Frank, lab, res Conie Ave n e cor 10th.
Johnson Miss Huldah S, bds Barlow n w cor 6th.
Johnson Johan C H, bkpr, res James s e cor 3d.
Johnson John, res Barlow n w cor 6th.
Johnson John, painter e s 6th 2 n of Front, res w s Ridge Ave 1 s of Douglas.
Johnson John E, wagonmkr n s Main 2 w of 4th, bds Barlow n w cor 6th.
Johnson John M, lab, res 15th n e cor Bernard.
Johnson John S (Johnson & Larson), bds Jay Cooke House.
Johnson Lars, bds N M Newquist.
Johnson Lizzie, washer W B Auxer, bds Fargo.
Johnson Louis, creamery e s 8th 1 n of Main and grocer n s Front 4 w of 7th, res 9th opp Conie Ave.
Johnson Louis, lamplighter, res Douglas n e cor Grove.
Johnson Louisa (wid Andrew), res w s 4th 5 s of Kennedy.
Johnson Miss Mary, matron Hope Academy.
Johnson Nels, blksmith Anderson Bros, res e s 3d 2 n James.
Johnson Oscar, farmer, res 10th s e cor Pearl.
Johnson Peter, cooper D V Dudrey, bds s s Main 2 w of 4th.
Johnson Peter, lab, bds Moorhead House.
Johnson Samuel, bartndr Peter Nelson, res Fargo.
Johnson Swan, lab, bds Erickson House.
Johnson Swen A, lab, res e s 9th 1 n of Barlow.
Johnson Syvert, lab, res w s 9th 2 n of Barlow.
Johnson Tilda, domestic W B Douglas.
Johnson Tillie, laundress Grand Pacific Hotel.
Johnson Zadock, gardener, res 6th s w cor South Ave.
Johnson & Larson (John S Johnson, Nels Larson), saloon w s 4th 3 n of Front.
Johnston David, lab, bds e s 5th 2 s of James.
Jorgenson Andrew, porter Grand Pacific Hotel.
Karlander Nels M, mason, res e s Broadway 1 n of Bernard.
Kassenberg Miss Mary, clk P M Sharp, rms Hansen blk.
Kavanagh Owen, bartndr A E Daubner, rms James nw cor 8th.
Kell Peter J, driver Louis Johnson, res e s 9th 1 n of Kennedy.
Kertson Louis A, agt Minneapolis Brewing and Malting Co, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Kethman Frank H, oiler R R Milling Co, bds Cleveland House.
Key City Hotel, K M Kopperness propr, Front n e cor 4th.
Kiefer Block, n s Front 2 e of 4th.
Kiefer Jacob, saloon Kiefer block, res 6th s e cor James.
Kilbury Frank L, foreman W H Davy & Co, res Fargo.
Kinney Homer E, agt M & N Elevator Co, res Fargo.
Kippels Bruno H, farmer, bds Kennedy n e cor 8th.
Kirkhorn Rasmus P, clk John Drady, bds same.
Kjos Christopher, cook Grand Pacific Hotel.
Kjos Christopher O, saloon 4th n e cor Main, res same.
Kopperness Karl M, propr Key City Hotel.
Kowalski Eva (wid Andrew), bds w s Josephine 1 n of William.
Kowalski John, car repairer N P R R, res w s Josephine 1 n of William.
Kowalski Lorenz, car cleaner N P R R, res w s Grove 1 s of William.
Knutson Amund, painter, res w s Overbie 1 n of Howard.
Knutson John, lab, res w s 3d 3 n of James.
Knutson Mary C (wid Charles), res w s 4th 4 n of James.
Knutson Ole, painter, bds Moorhead House.
Kratz Ellen, domestic G E Perlev.
Kreher Gustaf H, porter A E Daubner, res Grove s w cor William.
Kruegel Caroline (wid Wm), bds Barlow s e cor 4th.
Kurtz John, physician Mackall blk, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Kurtz Thomas C, vice president Merchants Bank, res 8th n w cor South Ave.
Karlander Nels M, mason, res e s Broadway 1 n of Bernard.
Kassenberg Miss Mary, clk P M Sharp, rms Hansen blk.
Kavanagh Owen, bartndr A E Daubner, rms James nw cor 8th.
Kell Peter J, driver Louis Johnson, res e s 9th 1 n of Kennedy.
Kertson Louis A, agt Minneapolis Brewing and Malting Co, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Kethman Frank H, oiler R R Milling Co, bds Cleveland House.
Key City Hotel, K M Kopperness propr, Front n e cor 4th.
Kiefer Block, n s Front 2 e of 4th.
Kiefer Jacob, saloon Kiefer block, res 6th s e cor James.
Kilbury Frank L, foreman W H Davy & Co, res Fargo.
Kinney Homer E, agt M & N Elevator Co, res Fargo.
Kippels Bruno H, farmer, bds Kennedy n e cor 8th.
Kirkhorn Rasmus P, clk John Drady, bds same.
Kjos Christopher, cook Grand Pacific Hotel.
Kjos Christopher O, saloon 4th n e cor Main, res same.
Kopperness Karl M, propr Key City Hotel.
Kowalski Eva (wid Andrew), bds w s Josephine 1 n of William.
Kowalski John, car repairer N P R R, res w s Josephine 1 n of William.
Kowalski Lorenz, car cleaner N P R R, res w s Grove 1 s of William.
Knutson Amund, painter, res w s Overbie 1 n of Howard.
Knutson John, lab, res w s 3d 3 n of James.
Knutson Mary C (wid Charles), res w s 4th 4 n of James.
Knutson Ole, painter, bds Moorhead House.
Kratz Ellen, domestic G E Perlev.
Kreher Gustaf H, porter A E Daubner, res Grove s w cor William.
Kruegel Caroline (wid Wm), bds Barlow s e cor 4th.
Kurtz John, physician Mackall blk, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Kurtz Thomas C, vice president Merchants Bank, res 8th n w cor South Ave.
Lamb Bros (John and Patrick H), brick mnfrs, 5th n e cor Main.
Lamb John (Lamb Bros), res 10th cor William.
Lamb Patrick H (Lamb Bros), res 6th cor Main.
Lamphere George N (Bodkin & Co), editor and publisher Moorhead News, e s 5th 2 s of Main, res e s 7th 2 s of William.
Lancaster Charles F, clk Grand Pacific Hotel.
Landa Gustava, dressmkr, bds n s Kennedy 1 w of 4th.
Langseth Andrew O, lab, bds Ole Langseth.
Langseth Louis O, bartndr Ole Langseth, bds same.
Langseth Ole, saloon n s Front 5 e of 5th, res same.
Lapetina Nicholas, lab, res n s Main 3 e of 4th.
Larson Alfred, lab, res s s Conie Ave 1 e of 10th.
Larson Anders, farmer, res e s 15th 1 s of Conie Ave.
Larson Andrew, farmer, res e s 15th 3 s of Conie Ave.
Larson Miss Blanda, dressmkr, bds w s Bismarck 1 n of Pearl.
Larson Charles, driver Lockwood & Wensel, bds Erickson House.
Larson Christine (wid Hans), bds 3d s w cor Garland.
Larson Miss Garda M, teacher, bds w s Bismarck 1 n of Pearl.
Larson Hannah (wid Andrew), res w s Bismarck 1 n of Pearl.
Larson Hans, lab, res s s Barlow 1 e of White.
Larson Kate, polisher W B Auxer, bds F H Dahl.
Larson Knute, painter, bds e s Overbie 1 n of Howard.
Larson Louis, bartndr Fred Ambs, res e s 3d 2 n of Kennedy.
Larson Mary (wid Louis), bds 3d s e cor Garland.
Larson Nels (Johnson & Larson), res 3d s w cor Garland.
Laskey John W, lab, res 10th s e cor Bernard.
La Valley Joseph L, stock, res e s 5th 2 s of James.
Lee Christine, cook Whipple Hall.
Lee John P, farmer, res e s 1st 1 s of Kennedy.
Lee Knute, lab, bds Erickson House.
Lemar Blanche, bds Front s e Broadway.
Leslie Christine, domestic T E Dickey.
Levitre Louis, butcher Hansen Bros, bds Jay Cooke House.
Lewis Arthur G, county auditor, res s s Garroway opp 5th.
Lewis Thomas I, jeweler n s Front 5 w of 7th, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Ligaarden Nettie O, domestic Erich Hansen.
Lincoln John A, lab, res County Road 1 w of 15th.
Lindberg Leonard, shoemkr A G Anderson, bds same.
Linder Charles, driver Louis Johnson, res e s Broadway 1 n of Kennedy.
Lindholm Swen A, pastor Swedish Luthern Church, res William s w cor 6th.
Lindstrom Ella, domestic Whipple Hall.
Linner Carrie, domestic S F Crockett.
Lloyd Anthony, lab, res n s Garroway 2 e of 6th.
Lloyd Miss Hattie, bds n s Garroway 2 e of 6th.
Lochen Segvert A, clothing Kiefer blk, res w s Ridge Ave 1 n of Garroway.
Lockwood Frank (Lockwood & Wensel), res n s William 1 e of 5th.
Lockwood & Wensel (Frank Lockwood, Joseph Wensel), meatmkt n s Front 2 w of 4th.
Loden Miss Sina, dressmkr, res e s 4th 3 s of James.
Longley Alva L, bkpr J A Shellabarger, res n s Main 2 w of 5th.
Lord Livingston C, pres Moorhead State Normal School, res e s of 4th 2 s of Barlow.
Lund Hans, bricklayer, res Main s e cor 5th.
Lundin Ole, farmer, res South Ave s e cor 10th.
Lundin O M, lab, res w s 10th 1 n of Douglas.
Lundwall Peter A blksmith s s Main 2 w of 4th, res same.
Lyman Ida M (wid Henry), teacher Central School, bds w s 6th 2 n of Barlow.
Lyman Jonathan C, farmer, res e s 13th 3 n of James.
Lysaker Andrew P, bartndr Simonson Bros, bds Hans Simonson.
Lamb Bros (John and Patrick H), brick mnfrs, 5th n e cor Main.
Lamb John (Lamb Bros), res 10th cor William.
Lamb Patrick H (Lamb Bros), res 6th cor Main.
Lamphere George N (Bodkin & Co), editor and publisher Moorhead News, e s 5th 2 s of Main, res e s 7th 2 s of William.
Lancaster Charles F, clk Grand Pacific Hotel.
Landa Gustava, dressmkr, bds n s Kennedy 1 w of 4th.
Langseth Andrew O, lab, bds Ole Langseth.
Langseth Louis O, bartndr Ole Langseth, bds same.
Langseth Ole, saloon n s Front 5 e of 5th, res same.
Lapetina Nicholas, lab, res n s Main 3 e of 4th.
Larson Alfred, lab, res s s Conie Ave 1 e of 10th.
Larson Anders, farmer, res e s 15th 1 s of Conie Ave.
Larson Andrew, farmer, res e s 15th 3 s of Conie Ave.
Larson Miss Blanda, dressmkr, bds w s Bismarck 1 n of Pearl.
Larson Charles, driver Lockwood & Wensel, bds Erickson House.
Larson Christine (wid Hans), bds 3d s w cor Garland.
Larson Miss Garda M, teacher, bds w s Bismarck 1 n of Pearl.
Larson Hannah (wid Andrew), res w s Bismarck 1 n of Pearl.
Larson Hans, lab, res s s Barlow 1 e of White.
Larson Kate, polisher W B Auxer, bds F H Dahl.
Larson Knute, painter, bds e s Overbie 1 n of Howard.
Larson Louis, bartndr Fred Ambs, res e s 3d 2 n of Kennedy.
Larson Mary (wid Louis), bds 3d s e cor Garland.
Larson Nels (Johnson & Larson), res 3d s w cor Garland.
Laskey John W, lab, res 10th s e cor Bernard.
La Valley Joseph L, stock, res e s 5th 2 s of James.
Lee Christine, cook Whipple Hall.
Lee John P, farmer, res e s 1st 1 s of Kennedy.
Lee Knute, lab, bds Erickson House.
Lemar Blanche, bds Front s e Broadway.
Leslie Christine, domestic T E Dickey.
Levitre Louis, butcher Hansen Bros, bds Jay Cooke House.
Lewis Arthur G, county auditor, res s s Garroway opp 5th.
Lewis Thomas I, jeweler n s Front 5 w of 7th, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Ligaarden Nettie O, domestic Erich Hansen.
Lincoln John A, lab, res County Road 1 w of 15th.
Lindberg Leonard, shoemkr A G Anderson, bds same.
Linder Charles, driver Louis Johnson, res e s Broadway 1 n of Kennedy.
Lindholm Swen A, pastor Swedish Luthern Church, res William s w cor 6th.
Lindstrom Ella, domestic Whipple Hall.
Linner Carrie, domestic S F Crockett.
Lloyd Anthony, lab, res n s Garroway 2 e of 6th.
Lloyd Miss Hattie, bds n s Garroway 2 e of 6th.
Lochen Segvert A, clothing Kiefer blk, res w s Ridge Ave 1 n of Garroway.
Lockwood Frank (Lockwood & Wensel), res n s William 1 e of 5th.
Lockwood & Wensel (Frank Lockwood, Joseph Wensel), meatmkt n s Front 2 w of 4th.
Loden Miss Sina, dressmkr, res e s 4th 3 s of James.
Longley Alva L, bkpr J A Shellabarger, res n s Main 2 w of 5th.
Lord Livingston C, pres Moorhead State Normal School, res e s of 4th 2 s of Barlow.
Lund Hans, bricklayer, res Main s e cor 5th.
Lundin Ole, farmer, res South Ave s e cor 10th.
Lundin O M, lab, res w s 10th 1 n of Douglas.
Lundwall Peter A blksmith s s Main 2 w of 4th, res same.
Lyman Ida M (wid Henry), teacher Central School, bds w s 6th 2 n of Barlow.
Lyman Jonathan C, farmer, res e s 13th 3 n of James.
Lysaker Andrew P, bartndr Simonson Bros, bds Hans Simonson.
Mabee Charles E, clk Asselstine & Fischer, bds Exchange Hotel.
Mackall Benjamin F, Drugs and Stationery Mackall blk, res Kennedy n w cor 2nd.
Mackall Block, n s Front 5 e of 5th.
Macnab Duncan F, Druggist First Natl Bank blk, res 5th s e cor Barlow.
Macnab George F, clk Burnham & Tillotson, bds 5th s e cor Barlow.
Madock John W, painter Anderson Bros, bds Erickson House.
Malloy John, shoemkr, res n s James 2 w of 5th.
Manthei John, lab, res Garroway s w cor Grove.
Manthei Margaret (wid Michael), bds John Manthei.
Mark John F, dairyman, res w s 4th nr river bank.
Marlette Mary G (wid Newell), bds Elijah Houck.
Martin Edward, cooper D V Dudrey, res Fargo.
Martinson Mary. domestic W H Barclay.
Martinson Ole, grocer 4th s w cor Front, res w s Ridge Ave 1 n of Howard.
Mason Block, Front n w cor 5th.
Mason John H, liquors, res Main s w cor 5th.
Masonic Hall, First Natl Bank blk.
Mason’s Hall, Front n w cor 5th.
Matteson Bertha, washer W B Auxer.
Maxwell Wm A, harnessmkr B C Sherman, bds Jay Cooke House.
Mayhew Louis L, clk Grand Pacific Hotel.
McElligott Miss Margaret C, teacher Central School, bds Whipple Hall.
McGonigle Alma A (wid Joseph), dressmkr, res s s Kennedy 2 w of 4th.
McGrane Wm H, lab, bds Farmers Home.
McGuire Michael, carp, rms James n w cor 8th.
McLaughlin Asa, bds w s 8th 1 n of William.
McLean John, physician First Natl Bank blk, res 8th n w cor Barlow.
McManus James A, bartndr A E Daubner, res w s 1st opp Kennedy.
McMillan Miss Grace E, teacher Hope Academy, bds same.
McMillan Miss Maggie, milliner Mrs A V Oliver, bds same.
Melby John H, driver Beck & Wright, bds William s e cor 6th.
Melbye Andrew H, bartndr Blegen & Anderson, bds Key City Hotel.
Melroe Diderick G, carp, res n s Kennedy 3 w of 4th.
Merchants Bank, H A Bruns Pres, T C Kurtz V-Pres, Robert Energren Teller, Front n e cor 6th.
Merchants Bank Block, Front n e cor 6th.
Merritt George R, Ticket and Freight Agent N P R R Agent N P Express Co w s 8th 1 s of Front, bds w s 6th 2 n of Garroway.
Merritt Joseph D, comp Moorhead News, res w s 6th 2 n of Garroway.
Merritt Miss Julia E, bds w s 6th 2 n of Garroway.
Merritt Miss Louise, teacher, bds w s 6th 2 n of Garroway.
Messer Ansel P, pressman Moorhead News, bds e s 8th 3 n of Kennedy.
Messer Ernest L, comp Moorhead News, bds e s 8th 3 n of Kennedy.
Metherall Wm, driver Minneapolis Brewing & Malting Co, bds Exchange Hotel.
Miller Miss Annie C, dressmkr w s 5th 2 s of James, bds e s 3d 3 s of Kennedy.
Miller Helen (wid Evan), dressmkr, res e s 3d 3 s of Kennedy.
Miller John H, collector, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Miller Miss Nora J, bds e s 3d 3 s of Kennedy.
Mills Hon Ira B, judge of District Court First National Bank blk, res 7th s w cor Garroway.
Mills Miss Susan E, bds 7th s w cor Barlow.
Minneapolis and Northern Elevator Co, H E Kinney agt, James s e cor Broadway.
Minneapolis Brewing and Malting Co, L A Kertson agt, Broadway n e cor Front.
Moe Lindor, driver O Martinson, bds same.
Moe Ole, lab, res n s James 1 e of 3d.
Mohr Fritz, cook, Grand Pacific Hotel.
Moll Louisa P, domestic Exchange Hotel.
Monroe Robert, lab N U Blackmore, bds same.
Monson Andrew, lab, res e s Overbie 2 n of Howard.
Monson Jacob, lab. res 15th s e cor Bernard.
Moorhead Harness Co, D C Boyd mngr Front s w cor 6th.
Moorhead House, Overboe Bros proprs s s Main 2 e of 5th.
Moorhead News, G N Lamphere editor and publr e s 5th 2 s of Main.
Moorhead Opera House, Front n e cor 6th..
Moorhead State Normal School, Livingston C Lord president, Douglas s e cor Broadway.
Moran Thomas E, res n s Ridge Ave 2 w of 2nd.
Morgan Guy C, student, bds Garroway s w cor White.
Morgan Lavina A (wid Samuel H), res Garroway s w cor White.
Morrison George A, cooper D V Dudrey, res s s Barlow 1 e of 9th.
Muller Emma G (wid Henry), res Kennedy n e cor 1st.
Murphy Thomas, bartndr Jacob Kiefer, res Fargo.
Murray Patrick, lab C B Hill, bds same.
Mury John, bds w s Overbie 1 n of Howard.
Myller John, farmer, res w s 10th 1 s of Howard.
Mabee Charles E, clk Asselstine & Fischer, bds Exchange Hotel.
Mackall Benjamin F, Drugs and Stationery Mackall blk, res Kennedy n w cor 2nd.
Mackall Block, n s Front 5 e of 5th.
Macnab Duncan F, Druggist First Natl Bank blk, res 5th s e cor Barlow.
Macnab George F, clk Burnham & Tillotson, bds 5th s e cor Barlow.
Madock John W, painter Anderson Bros, bds Erickson House.
Malloy John, shoemkr, res n s James 2 w of 5th.
Manthei John, lab, res Garroway s w cor Grove.
Manthei Margaret (wid Michael), bds John Manthei.
Mark John F, dairyman, res w s 4th nr river bank.
Marlette Mary G (wid Newell), bds Elijah Houck.
Martin Edward, cooper D V Dudrey, res Fargo.
Martinson Mary. domestic W H Barclay.
Martinson Ole, grocer 4th s w cor Front, res w s Ridge Ave 1 n of Howard.
Mason Block, Front n w cor 5th.
Mason John H, liquors, res Main s w cor 5th.
Masonic Hall, First Natl Bank blk.
Mason’s Hall, Front n w cor 5th.
Matteson Bertha, washer W B Auxer.
Maxwell Wm A, harnessmkr B C Sherman, bds Jay Cooke House.
Mayhew Louis L, clk Grand Pacific Hotel.
McElligott Miss Margaret C, teacher Central School, bds Whipple Hall.
McGonigle Alma A (wid Joseph), dressmkr, res s s Kennedy 2 w of 4th.
McGrane Wm H, lab, bds Farmers Home.
McGuire Michael, carp, rms James n w cor 8th.
McLaughlin Asa, bds w s 8th 1 n of William.
McLean John, physician First Natl Bank blk, res 8th n w cor Barlow.
McManus James A, bartndr A E Daubner, res w s 1st opp Kennedy.
McMillan Miss Grace E, teacher Hope Academy, bds same.
McMillan Miss Maggie, milliner Mrs A V Oliver, bds same.
Melby John H, driver Beck & Wright, bds William s e cor 6th.
Melbye Andrew H, bartndr Blegen & Anderson, bds Key City Hotel.
Melroe Diderick G, carp, res n s Kennedy 3 w of 4th.
Merchants Bank, H A Bruns Pres, T C Kurtz V-Pres, Robert Energren Teller, Front n e cor 6th.
Merchants Bank Block, Front n e cor 6th.
Merritt George R, Ticket and Freight Agent N P R R Agent N P Express Co w s 8th 1 s of Front, bds w s 6th 2 n of Garroway.
Merritt Joseph D, comp Moorhead News, res w s 6th 2 n of Garroway.
Merritt Miss Julia E, bds w s 6th 2 n of Garroway.
Merritt Miss Louise, teacher, bds w s 6th 2 n of Garroway.
Messer Ansel P, pressman Moorhead News, bds e s 8th 3 n of Kennedy.
Messer Ernest L, comp Moorhead News, bds e s 8th 3 n of Kennedy.
Metherall Wm, driver Minneapolis Brewing & Malting Co, bds Exchange Hotel.
Miller Miss Annie C, dressmkr w s 5th 2 s of James, bds e s 3d 3 s of Kennedy.
Miller Helen (wid Evan), dressmkr, res e s 3d 3 s of Kennedy.
Miller John H, collector, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Miller Miss Nora J, bds e s 3d 3 s of Kennedy.
Mills Hon Ira B, judge of District Court First National Bank blk, res 7th s w cor Garroway.
Mills Miss Susan E, bds 7th s w cor Barlow.
Minneapolis and Northern Elevator Co, H E Kinney agt, James s e cor Broadway.
Minneapolis Brewing and Malting Co, L A Kertson agt, Broadway n e cor Front.
Moe Lindor, driver O Martinson, bds same.
Moe Ole, lab, res n s James 1 e of 3d.
Mohr Fritz, cook, Grand Pacific Hotel.
Moll Louisa P, domestic Exchange Hotel.
Monroe Robert, lab N U Blackmore, bds same.
Monson Andrew, lab, res e s Overbie 2 n of Howard.
Monson Jacob, lab. res 15th s e cor Bernard.
Moorhead Harness Co, D C Boyd mngr Front s w cor 6th.
Moorhead House, Overboe Bros proprs s s Main 2 e of 5th.
Moorhead News, G N Lamphere editor and publr e s 5th 2 s of Main.
Moorhead Opera House, Front n e cor 6th..
Moorhead State Normal School, Livingston C Lord president, Douglas s e cor Broadway.
Moran Thomas E, res n s Ridge Ave 2 w of 2nd.
Morgan Guy C, student, bds Garroway s w cor White.
Morgan Lavina A (wid Samuel H), res Garroway s w cor White.
Morrison George A, cooper D V Dudrey, res s s Barlow 1 e of 9th.
Muller Emma G (wid Henry), res Kennedy n e cor 1st.
Murphy Thomas, bartndr Jacob Kiefer, res Fargo.
Murray Patrick, lab C B Hill, bds same.
Mury John, bds w s Overbie 1 n of Howard.
Myller John, farmer, res w s 10th 1 s of Howard.